War camp

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I watch from Skylars side as the soldiers of Rohan walk and ride out of the city. I mount Ivy and ride over to Legolas and Gimli as Gimli complains about the horses and summoning a legion of dwarves. I smile slightly at him and turn to Eomer as he yells "Now is the hour. Riders of Rohan, oaths you have taken. Now fulfill them all. To lord and land."

I follow Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn and Theoden at the front the rest following behind us. Leaving Rohan behind. Skylar flies over head her shadow falling over several riders. I smile slightly wondering if she will be as big as Smaug.

We reach a camp in no time at all to find large group of men all camped out and sharpening weapons and fixing armor. Many give greetings to Theoden and he calls out to a man called Grimbold who replies "500 men from the Westfold." another man calls "300 more from Fenmarch." he asks about another group of riders but they have not shown. We ride up onto a hill looking out over the lines of tents below. 

Dismounting I hear several yelps of surprise as Skylar lands beside me. I stroke her nose gently and smile "Try not to cause any trouble." she smiles and stretches "I'll try." I leave Ivy and wander around helping to pitch tents and sort through supplies. satisfied that the men can cope I walk back over to Legolas and Gimli and try to calm the surrounding horses who are skittish and jumpy. 

Eomer explains that it is because of the mountain in who's shadow we lay. Gimli stares at the small section of road visible "That road there, where does that lead?" Legolas frowns "It is the road to the Dimholt, the door under the mountain." I nod slightly "None who have ventured there have ever returned." 

Legolas takes my hand gently and squeezes it lightly, I smile at him and he wraps his arm around my waist "I do not like the way the other men look at you." I smile and lean my head on his shoulder "Well they're just going to have to deal with the fact I am yours." he grins and Gimli looks confused "You too need to stop speaking in elvish its annoying." I smile at him "I'm sorry Gimli." he mumbles something under his breath and I laugh slightly "No we do not mean to annoy you." 

Grumbling he walks of and Legolas smiles "It would seem we are sharing a tent." I shrug and blush slightly "I don't mind." the two of us walk towards our tent and Skylar walks over her wings and tail folded neatly so she doesn't damage any of the tents. "Hungry?" she nods and I smile "Well we shall have to see what we can find." I find her some chicken and some bread and apples for myself and Legolas. He smiles and the two of us sit side by side by one of the fires. 

Skylar lays on the floor next to us gnawing on the chicken bones before crunching them into pieces and swallowing. After eating I lean my head on Legolas's shoulder and close my eyes feeling comfortable and relaxed. "Do you think Frodo and Sam are alright?" I frown slightly "I do not know. But they are strong and if Frodo is anything like his uncle I have every faith that he will survive."

Legolas runs a hand through my hair and I lean into his touch sighing contently. I jump slightly when Skylar nudges me with her nose and turn to look at her "Lord Aragorn is packing his things." I look at her confused and then realization washes over me "He's going down the Dimholt road." 

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now