Chapter 1

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(Y/n)'s POV

My eyes trailed the blue-haired boy that entered the class, catching first the ice-coloured gaze he nonchalantly slid over the room. A glance around was all one needed to know everyone was fascinated with his lineage.

"This is a new student who will be joining your class. Introduce yourself," said the teacher.
"Hello, my name's Hasegawa Langa," the transfer student said.

A light grin graced my face as the rest of the class blinked, waiting for more but it seemed he didn't intend to continue speaking. What an intriguing person.

"Is that all?" asked the teacher.
"I moved here from Canada."
" that all?"

My eyes slid to make contact with Reki sitting two seats away, who simply offered a nonchalant smile. Our small exchange was cut off once Langa took the empty seat in between.

My fingers toyed with the pencil on my desk as the tedious lesson began, my mind itching to grab the skateboard tucked away in my bag, yearning the thrill of wind caressing my body.

~After class~

Nobody had seen me leave. I was always the first to leave. I was always rushing. The skateboard hit the ground as I jumped on and skidded along the sidewalk. My heart no longer beat as fast when I skated. That was why I was always search for the fun once again.

My body already knew what to do, having these smooth movements engrained into their memory. I evaded people, lamps and the occasional pieces of missing items.

Once my eyes spotted a railing, I grinned. My skateboard slid effortlessly along the rim before I slowed to a heart melting pace. My younger brother's school came into view.

My sharp eyes found his mop of dirty blond hair, his amethyst eyes shining with the excitement of a 12-year-old. I waved as he spotted me and exchanged our personal handshake.

"Bye guys, see you tomorrow!" he called.
"Hey Yuu, school alright?"
"Sis, school's boring. There's not much to say about it. Can we go to the library? I wanna borrow a book."
"Sure thing, Yuri."
"I told you not to call me that! Mum and dad clearly don't know the difference between a girl's and boy's name."
"*laughs* It can be a boy's name too, you know but I'm only teasing you. Now let's go."

I cruised along on my skateboard as he hopped on his bike and began peddling towards the public library.

"Race ya there, (Y/n)!"
"You're so on!"

~Timeskip to evening~

The loud bustling of the crowd filled the area, with bets being placed and people cheering, desiring an intoxicating battle. I pulled my black hoodie on, not here as Rose but as a mere observer.

I spotted Reki in the crowd, reasoning with his client along with Langa. Using my gymnast skills, my arms flung my body over the rock and onto a nearby hill as my eyes carefully assessed the situation.

"Langa, what are you doing?!" Reki asked, exasperated.
"Sticking my feet down. It's not stable if I don't," replied the blue-haired boy.
"You can't skate though! What are you-"
"Oi, I don't want no rookie!" exclaimed Shadow.

Before I knew it, my legs were moving of their own accord. A hand on my shoulder stopped me in my tracks, pulling me out of my dazed yet desperate trance. Cherry shook his head, and headed towards them instead.

I almost lost myself. I had wanted a challenge. I remembered the need to feel adrenaline and place of the fun I experienced with my fists clenched so tight my nails dug into my skin.

"Why don't we let him skate?" he suggested.
"Omg, it's Cherry!"
"I'm a big fan!"
"I love you, Cherry!"

Before long, Langa was standing in front of the starting line with Shadow. I remained hidden behind the crowd, brimming with curiosity. A mere rookie against an experienced skater...there was no doubt everyone had already guessed the outcome.

However, the transfer student's stature boasted only a nonchalant confidence. Not fear nor anxiety...only a simmering determination. How odd. He had caught my interest with a simple presentation of attitude.

The lights flashed green as Shadow wasted not a second and skidded away. An amused smile touched my mouth, my gaze watching Langa push off with his hands.

"Want to come along?" Cherry asked Reki, already on his motorbike.

A skateboard suddenly knocked into my feet. A confused look plastered itself on my face. I had left my skateboard at home, thinking there would be nothing interesting going on tonight. Isn't this Cherry's...

"Please hop on, Miss (Y/n)," said Carla.
"Cherry insists."

I didn't need another word of encouragement. I needed to see how this turned out. My feet already knew the movements, my body following through with small manoeuvres as I raced along the sidelines to watch Langa.

"That skating..."
"Analysis complete. Judging from his posture, he most likely has experience with snowboarding," Carla informed.
"Snowboarding? He must've been very skilled then."

My heart thudded and pounded, much to my surprise. I...hadn't known I could still feel such excitement. I thought I had lost it all. Intrigue sparkled in my eyes. What move was that? How had he jumped so high so effortlessly?

"Backside rodeo, a trick used in snowboarding," Carla said.
"He's...we're going to the abandoned factory now. I want to see this."

I raced along the paths, paying no mind to the people who might've recognised my skating style.

"Wasn't that Rose just then?"
"Nah, that couldn't have been her."
"Carla, faster," I said quietly.
"Activating long mode."

My body immediately changed posture to adjust to the 'new' board. Shadow and Langa entered just as I skidded to a halt. Cherry offered a knowing smile but our attention was soon snagged by the two skateboarders racing for the finish line.

"Langa, watch out!" yelled Reki.

Langa swiftly avoided Shadow's bombs. That was amazing. His victory was set in stone. Reki moved to catch his new friend as crowds roared and whistled.

His eyes caught my gaze but I held a finger to my lips. Cherry came to stand beside me, taking back his board.

"Seems like we have another competitor," he commented.
"I'm looking forward to it."

Frozen Rose (Langa x reader)Where stories live. Discover now