Chapter 56

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(Y/n)'s POV

Couples surrounded us, twirling and moving to the music. I pressed my body against Reki's before he turned away with a slight blush on his cheeks. His gaze swept to our feet, where he kept careful watch to avoid stepping on my toes.

"Don't worry, I'll lead you. I'm not a pro but I can dance to a degree."
"Damn, I can't-"
"First off, stop looking at our feet and look at me instead."

He hesitantly did as I asked, the worry dissipating once seeing the encouraging smile on my face. My wrists began to ache but I hid it behind the smile, relief flooding my body as Reki calmed down and even started to grin.

His hold tightened as he grew more comfortable with each passing second. Despite the others all having dance skills far above our own, I found that I didn't care because Reki was here and he seemed to enjoy this little respite.

I felt him tighten his grip when it was time to change partners, though I hadn't known this dance would have this. When he could no longer delay it, he let go to dance with Ayaka, who smiled elegantly and began to lead him like I had done before.

It wasn't until arms wrapped around my waist that I turned to see who I was to be dancing with. Langa smiled at me. I hesitantly placed my hands on his shoulders, seeing as how he'd chosen to dismiss the proper position.

"What are you-"
"Your wrists are hurt," he exclaimed.
"Why'd you stop me?"
"He bruised your wrists. He was trying to force himself onto you."
"Langa, I'm fine. It's over."
"So you'd throw away your pride to avoid a scandal?"
"Yes, I would if it meant keeping my friends out of any unwarranted attention."
"...even if you're fine, I'm not. I was so angry. If you hadn't stopped me..."

We had moved to the corner of the dance floor, slowly turning and completely ignoring the beat of the music. I bit my lip, thinking up a proper response. His gaze was intense as he stared at me, as if preparing himself for an argument he didn't know how to handle.

"Langa, thank you for wanting to stand up for me. I mean it...but at this event, you're Ayaka's date. Please don't forget that..."
"Why should I care about her?" he asked in English to avoid having people overhear our conversation.
"At least pretend to care, okay? I won't see you and Reki get hurt."

His hand moved up as if wanting to touch my face though he stopped short of making contact. I stilled, unsure of what to do. His fingers glided across my cheek, so faint I doubted he even touched me. He tucked loose hair behind my ear.

My heart was pounding. I could feel his heartbeat from how I had my arms on his chest. He was equally nervous. Seconds ticked by, neither of us moved. It was a strange feeling to be lost in the moment with nothing but him standing in front of me.

"At least let me care for you too," he whispered so softly that I was straining to hear his words.

Reki's POV

Ayaka's gaze smoothly alternated between Langa and I. She was leading me in the dance effortlessly whilst having her thoughts elsewhere. Despite her connection with Ruka, I couldn't help but be impressed.

"Do you like him? Langa, I mean."
"He's attractive...and I feel comfortable around him. Why is it that he behaves like that with (Y/n)? I'm having trouble understanding. Is there something I lack in comparison to her?" she exclaimed, tilting her head in confusion.

I stole a glance towards (Y/n) and Langa. From this angle, it looked as if he was cupping her face with his hand, wanting nothing but to kiss her. She appeared completely at ease in his arms, her body pressed against his.

A moment ago, they seemed to be having a serious conversation. Now they had stopped dancing, where Langa was holding her hand and leading her towards the food table.

"(Y/n) and Langa are super close. I hope you don't try to break up their friendship."
"Break up their friendship? What am I? A monster? Langa will come to me of his own free will," Ayaka replied.
"I plan to hang out with him. You mentioned him and (Y/n) being close."
"He won't want to. You'd have to kill him to get him to choose you over her."
"Even if I threaten him? Threaten (Y/n)?"

The dance finished. I didn't bother offering a bow. She didn't seem to mind however, flashing an elegant smile before making her way towards Langa. I followed her, seeing as how (Y/n) was with him.

(Y/n) noticed us first, hesitantly putting some distance between herself and Langa. He didn't yield and grabbed her arm, his gaze searching her own, almost pleading her not to leave.

"Hello Langa, you two finished your dance early," commented Ayaka.
"I was feeling a little hungry. You can take him for another dance," (Y/n) said simply.
"(Y/n), please?" Langa asked.
"Please what?" Ayaka questioned.

Though I didn't understand their words, I knew Langa was frowning because he hadn't counted on Ayaka knowing English, even if accented. (Y/n) offered him a charming smile though her gaze hid a promise. Ayaka's eyes narrowed as she realised the closeness with which they interacted.

"We'll meet you at the usual place after this?" (Y/n) exclaimed though it sounded more like a question.
"Okay," Langa said.
"Langa, you're not sending me home?"

He turned towards Ayaka, fumbling for words. My fists clenched. Ruka's twin was trying so hard to rid him of his relationship with (Y/n), it was making my blood boil. (Y/n) surreptitiously took my hand in hers, gently unwinding my fingers to intertwine ours together.

"It's okay, Langa. You wouldn't want to leave a girl alone outside at night. Besides, Ruka will chew me out for taking away the boy her sister has grown fond of," (Y/n) exclaimed.
"...sure," he answered quietly.
"We'll see you later."

His gaze had returned to their emotionless state, betraying nothing as to what he was feeling as Ayaka took his arm and led him away. (Y/n) flashed a grin towards me but I could see past her nonchalant lies. She was hurting.

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