Chapter 127

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(Y/n)'s POV

The beef had progressed fairly evenly until now. I didn't dare breathe, fearing that I would miss the slightest of moves and it would all be over. Andre was skating faster, harder, better than when he had raced against me.

Though it was irritating to admit, I was most likely just a little sister to him, someone he could protect yet still just a kid. He took on Cherry as if he were a true rival, an admirable opponent he had the pleasure to verse.

Cherry rounded a corner at an incredible speed before Andre used his hands to grab onto a boulder and flip over Cherry just as he passed. Reki and Langa were utterly amazed by their skating. I nudged their mouths closed.

The abandoned factory was approaching. Both Cherry and Andre immediately sped up, trying to get ahead of one another. I watched them like a hawk, my heart pounding. Cherry suddenly executed a quick kickflip to jump over the railings and onto the metal beams.

Andre smirked, accepting his 'challenge'. He kicked his board up and over the railings on the other side of the elevated path. Langa's grip tightened on my hand, his attention not leaving the beef even for a second.

Cherry was manoeuvring through the beams, carefully choosing the quickest path towards the finish line. Andre had used the larger beam to skate across before utilising his hands to grab other ropes and beams to perform flips and the like.

They were now vying for the finish line, each an embodiment of skill and experience. We watched in anticipation as they both passed the line. The two skidded to a stop, the both of them panting hard.

"Damn, that was a good beef! How'd you learn to skate like that?" Reki asked excitedly.
"Just practice and you'll be fine," Andre replied.
"Damn you got your ass handed to you by some rebellious teenage kid. Can't believe you lost that," Joe teased Cherry.
"Dude, I'm not a kid."
"Heh, the old man finally got his ego knocked down a notch," commented Yuu.
"Huh? What was that, you good-for-nothing brat?" Cherry retorted.
"You heard me, or maybe you didn't. Do you need hearing aids?"

I laughed at their senseless bickering. Though I would never understand why Cherry bothered to argue with a kid, I wasn't going to question his questionable choices. It wasn't long before Joe joined in on their childish arguments.

"Hey dude, is it true that you're kinda like a hiphop dancer?" Reki asked Andre.

Carla hadn't missed a beat and swiftly translated for him.

"Sure, I used to hang out with this group that taught me."
"Can we see?"

We were all looking at him now, seemingly all curious. Andre flashed me a 'save me' look though I simply smirked and put my hands up, indicating that he was on his own.

Langa pulled me onto a nearby boulder that was flat enough for us to sit on before lying on my shoulder. He muttered a soft 'I wanna rest' near my ear. I took his hand and gave it a squeeze before watching Andre as he sighed and told everyone to step back.

"It's okay, if you fail miserably, I'll make sure to laugh."
"Great, thanks. I'm so relieved," he replied sarcastically.

He began dancing, his moves much like his skating...bold and powerful. I was in awe. He had so much talent, his moves boasting of a carefree confidence that was simply a part of his personality.

I was suddenly pulled down to face him. He smirked though I quickly backed away, not wishing to embarrass myself as I was not a skilled dancer. He quickly grabbed my arm before I was lifted into the air, similar to a trick I had done in gymnastics.

"Ready to give them a performance, (y/n)?" Andre asked.
"No, I am not. If you drop me-"
"Trust me."

~Some time later~

Langa and I had headed back to Reki's place for the night, too tired to do anything but flop down on the bed. Reki had begrudgingly pulled out his futon but fell asleep not long after. I stared at the ceiling, listening to the clock's eternal tick-tock.

"Can't sleep?" Langa whispered sleepily.
"Yeah, I don't know. I'm tired but..."

He turned and snaked an arm around my stomach, his chest flush against my back.

"It's okay, (Y/n). If you sleep super late, we'll all be late to school. Then I'll be able to sleep some more because you take a while getting ready."

Though I meant to scold him, a smile crept onto my face. I turned around, leaning my head against his chest. His heartbeat was fast. Did I still make his heart race? The thought made me grin like an idiot.

It wasn't long before his breathing became steady and his heartbeat rhythmic. I eventually fell asleep listening to the beat of his heart, happy and safe in his strong arms.

~The next day~

Reki, Langa and I were skating towards the school gates, rushing until we were finally inside. We headed to our class, slumping down in our seats moments before the homeroom teacher entered.

"Why is the class so hyper today?" the teacher teased.
"You didn't see (Y/n), Langa and Reki zoom past the school gates on their skateboards! They looked like they were being chased by death," someone replied.
"It wasn't that dramatic," answered another.
"I wouldn't exactly call that a lie though..." someone added.
"Hey, it's all because (Y/n) and Langa slept in!" Reki exclaimed.
"You three had a sleepover?"
"Alright, class. No more talking," said the teacher.

I rolled my eyes as some of the boys shot me smirks though a small smile slipped onto my mouth.

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