Chapter 52

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(Y/n)'s POV

It was late at night and the six of us were huddled around a few tables in Joe's restaurant. Reki and Langa had lost a round of scissors paper rock and had just finished washing the dishes before joining us.

I found Langa's hand under the table. His fingers tightened around my own almost naturally as if we had been doing this our entire lives. The secretive smile he flashed towards me did nothing to quell the beating of my heart.

"Do you know Ruka's circle of friends?" Cherry asked.
"Only a few."
"Carla, get me a list."
"I have searched through all information regarding Yamada Ruka. The list is quite long. Would you like me to read it out?" asked Carla.
"No, display it."

My eyes scanned the list of names, noting that many were simply connections made through her parents and were either tools or convenient access to certain privileges to her.

That was, until my gaze dropped onto a particular name. Ruka knew him. Of course she would. Frustration clenched my heart, squeezing with every pump. There was no doubt he'd most likely been hiding his true self.

"Right, let's get started," Cherry exclaimed.
"What will we learn by the end of this?" asked Langa.
"Political circles, names of hotshots and their personalities, proper etiquette and speech, the basics really."
"(Y/n) already knows some of this stuff due to her connection to the yakuza and her many dealings with Ruka. Will you two be able to keep up?"
"Kaoru, you're talking to my best friends. Of course they will."

I gave their hands a squeeze under the table, meeting Cherry's challenging gaze. I dared him to do his worst. Ruka would not win this round. If it came down to it, I'd throw away my humanity to keep Reki and Langa safe.

~Timeskip to the prom~

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach, creating a rising storm. My nerves were fighting inside my body, leaving no room for peace. Inside, I was a whirlwind of uneasiness.

Yuu opened the door to my room before I hurriedly pushed the nerves into a corner, where they'd hopefully be forgotten. He looked me up and down, donning an approving smile once he finished staring at me with a deadpan expression.

"You actually look good for once," he commented as I followed him downstairs.
"Wow really? Have you gotten your eyes checked lately? I always look good."
"Hmm, I'm afraid you'll have to get your ego checked."

I let out a laugh. Yuu started smiling, commenting that my makeup was the only thing concealing my ugliness. Reki, who was waiting in the lounge room, scolded my brother for the comment, glancing worriedly towards me.

A shake of the head relieved his concern. He then took the time to casually stare at my appearance whilst I did the same to him. His hair had been combed slightly. His suit was an elegant black with a deep crimson accent. I had a suspicion Cherry had bought both Reki and Langa tuxedos, seeing as how Reki's was incredibly stylish and expensive-looking.

"I'm surprised you don't have a boyfriend yet," he exclaimed.
"Oh shut up."
"Um here."

He handed me a band with a beautiful blue rose attached to it. An identical rose was clipped to his pocket. I let him tie the ribbon around my wrist, marvelling at the beauty of something so fragile.

"Langa picked it out. Said it reminded him of you," Reki said softly.
"I don't even know what to say to that..."

He simply offered a smile before leading me towards the luxurious car waiting outside. We heard a 'wait', turning around to see my dad rushing out with a large grin on his face.

"Let me take a picture," he exclaimed.

We smiled at the camera but he simply looked at us as if we were stupid and in desperate need of education.

"Are you two strangers or what? Why are you standing so stiffly?"

Reki slipped an arm around my waist before my dad finally took the photo. We donned funny expressions for the sake of annoying him the next few times and to our pleasure, he grunted in annoyance and muttered how he knew such childish teenagers.

"Have fun, don't stay out too late," dad said.
"We won't. Bye dad."

Reki and I hopped into the car. Yuu was standing beside dad when I turned my head to see them becoming smaller in the distance. A tremble went through my hand as butterflies once again gathered in my stomach.

I wouldn't let any harm come to Reki. I just hoped Langa wouldn't be put through something undesirable. He had not been informed at all who his mysterious partner was and it did not give me any good feelings.

It wasn't long before the car pulled to a stop in front of a long, deeply cushioned red carpet. The chauffeur opened the door, where Reki got off first and offered his hand to me. His fingers squeezed mine before I placed my hand on his arm.

"Damn, Ruka really made this into something big."
"Are those paparazzi?" Reki questioned.

I offered a charming smile towards the cameras for the fun of it. Reki simply ignored the reporters shoving questions at us, playing the part of a rich CEO's son. Cherry had suggested he do this in case he didn't know how to behave. I hugged his arm tighter.

Once inside, we marvelled at the venue. Large, dazzling chandeliers hung from the ceiling and the floor was gleaming tile. Tables had been set up around the room with refreshments almost too beautiful to eat. Above all, we were surrounded by the children of elite parents.

"(Y/n), what do we do?" Reki whispered.
"I'd think we'll need to strike up a conversation with someone."
"Should be easy enough."
"...don't worry, I'm not leaving your side."

I pulled him towards the drinks table, hoping having something refreshing would calm his nerves. We took our pick and sipped quietly on our drinks...until a girl with short, wavy brown hair sauntered over with a tall boy who had deep violet eyes.

"Hello, I'm Kiwa Sumiko," she greeted cheerfully.

The boy simply inclined his head in greeting. She was the daughter of Kiwa Reiji, a prolific news reporter. I shook her hand, putting on a large smile to please her outgoing demeanour.

"(L/n) (Y/n)."
"Oh! The girl Ruka personally invited! I heard she has a major grudge on you, but don't say I told you, ne?" she exclaimed.
"Of course."
"Ruka's here. Omg, isn't she just the prettiest?"

The four of us turned to look towards the entrance. I held in my surprise. Ruka waltzed in beside Azuto and behind them, Langa was with the Ruka lookalike. Reki gripped my hand.

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