Chapter 26

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(Y/n)'s POV

A low whistle left my lips before I smiled cheekily. Langa had avoided it, Adam's Love Hug. The crowds roared with excitement and awe. My eyes trailed his every movement, catching a glimpse of the talent I had so wanted to possess.

He landed effortlessly after that smooth air, making the cheering explode around us. Would Reki and I be left behind? He had already achieved such a feat in such a short amount of time.

My nerves were tingling. I itched to feel the rush of skating against the wind. Despite the overwhelming realisation that I may never surpass my uncle, watching Langa's fluid moves unlocked that part of me that wanted to skate to the end of the world.

The two were neck to neck as they skated past corners and over obstacles. I almost couldn't breathe. The challenging grin on Adam's face, the determination in Langa's eyes. The two were both vying for first place, sliding up hills and executing elaborate tricks.

"Guys, it's the police!"

People panicked, all rushing to escape the clutches of the government. I turned to rush with Reki to help Langa, only to be pulled back by Joe's iron grip.

"(Y/n), we need to leave. Now. Reki's got him," he exclaimed.

I hopped on my skateboard, following him past the front gate towards Cherry. He hurriedly hoisted me behind Cherry on his motorbike before the two of us were speeding away from the scene.

My arms immediately came to wrap around Cherry's waist with my skateboard tucked in between us. He didn't complain nor did I make a move to apologise for this little inconvenience.

"Thanks Cherry."

I doubted he could hear me but I still said it anyway, grateful that there was no mindless chatter to keep my preoccupied mind on. There were no roaring crowds or disastrous events to keep me from worrying about Reki and Langa.

~The next day~

My two friends waved from the entrance at school. I rushed over on my skateboard, skidding to a stop before grabbing Langa's face in my hands. He simply stared as I turned his head this way and that whilst Reki looked at me as if I had lost my mind.

"Langa, you're not hurt, are you? Adam didn't hurt you after, right?"
"(Y/n), he's fine. I was there myself," said Reki.

Langa gently took my hands from his face, nodding to confirm Reki's statement. A relieved smile pulled at my lips, disintegrating the images of Adam's reckless behaviour.

The warmth from his hands seeped into my skin as a faint blush coated my cheeks. Langa offered a small smile before I softly pulled away from his grasp. My heart was starting to pound and I had not even realised.

"(L/n) (Y/n), you're needed in the staff room," said a student.
"Ah okay."

Reki and Langa turned to stare at me but I could only shrug in response. The two sighed before following me inside, hoping that I hadn't gotten myself into trouble.

Only a few teachers sat by their desks, organising the day's lessons and the sort. We found our homeroom teacher near the corner, where he was staring intently at a piece of paper in front of him, his brows furrowed and his eyes narrow.

"You needed me, sir?"
"Ah yes, can you explain to me why on earth you would assault Yamada Ruka?" he questioned.
"Excuse me?"
"Ruka reported to her school that a female student from our school assaulted her because she was jealous. Witness reports state that it was you, (Y/n)."
"That's not true! (Y/n) was with us the whole time!" Reki argued.
"Reki, I wasn't asking you."
"Nor you, Langa. I was warned that you two would try to defend her because you're her good friends but there is clear evidence."

I took a deep breath. With Adam's direct support, she had opted to try less conspicuous means to bring me down.

"Sir, these witness reports, who were they from?"
"Ruka's guards. Her friends were there as well."
"Just like how Reki and Langa would try to defend me, don't you think they would listen to Ruka's every whim?"
"(Y/n), I don't really want to get you in any major trouble but just admit that you hurt her. Pay the fine and then we can leave it in the past."
"Did she bribe you?"
"That's uh- why would you even suggest such a thing?"

My eyes caught a dangerous glint, my smile turned innocently cold. His throat bobbed nervously once catching the cool aura emitted from my stature. I leant against the desk, moving closer to his face.

I could hear Reki sigh; feel Langa's hot gaze searing into my side. With a simple turn of my body, a small change in expression and a nonchalant action, I had managed to make our teacher sweat like melting ice-cream on a hot summer's day.

"Ruka bribed you. Ne sensei, what makes you think I'll let this go?"
"There is no reasoning here."

A subtle shift moved my skirt upwards to reveal the small knife strapped to my thigh. Reki immediately started whistling and knocked over a few books, elbowing Langa in order to get him to help cause a distraction.

"Sensei, I thought we were best friends. What did Ruka do to make you turn against me?"
"(Y-(Y/n), I'm sorry. Don't do this."

The door suddenly opened as Cherry stepped inside and headed towards us. Upon reaching us, he covered my knife and pushed me behind him, where both Reki and Langa caught me as I stumbled backwards.

"I'm her guardian. Here's the settlement money. I trust that this incident won't appear in her student record," Cherry stated calmly.
"Y-yes- I mean no. Everything will be sorted out."
"Thank you."

Cherry grabbed my arm and pulled me outside but not before I grasped Langa's hand, who grabbed Reki's sleeve. We were in the school courtyard before my pink-haired 'guardian' opened his mouth to speak.

"You're damn lucky I arrived in time to settle it before you began waving your knife around like an idiotic gangster," he scolded.
"Hehe thanks Kaoru. I thought the school would've called my parents though."
"Both your parents were busy with work so your father called me to come sort it out."
"Why do you have a knife?" Langa asked.
"I won't even begin scolding you about that. That's a part of the reason why the teacher let you off despite Ruka's bribe," said Cherry.
"She's a part of the yakuza," Reki whispered to our blue-haired friend.
"I am not 'a part' of them. We're just friends."

Cherry rolled his eyes at my statement but soon a small smile tugged at his lips. The three of us were laughing in no time while Langa stared at our still intertwined hands. A light blush crept to my cheeks as I set aside the memory of his lingering gaze.

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