Chapter 98

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(Y/n)'s POV

The bell rang, signalling the end of the school day. Reki hadn't come because he desperately needed to finish making the final touches to a board for a customer. Yet I suspected it was more that he couldn't be bothered slightly hobbling to school even though days had passed since he sustained the injury.

An awkward mood had descended for the length of the day, where I was attempting to ignore the conspicuous fact that Langa would forever hate me. Once again, I irresponsibly ignored the pain, knowing it'd amass into a ball of negativity if I let it be.

A phone call interrupted my thoughts just as I was about to head out the door. It was mum. Worry gnawed at my heart, its poison seeping into my veins. Apart from informing me of something important and the occasional episode, she rarely called.

"Hello? Mum, is everything okay?"
"Why hello sweetie. Your mother is a very lovely lady," greeted an unfamiliar, feminine voice.
"Who the hell are you and what do you want?"
"My, such harsh words. I simply wish to make a fair proposal."
"Considering how you kidnapped my mum to talk to me, I'd say this proposal is anything but fair."
"I'd like to call it insurance."
"What the hell do you want? If you hurt-"
"Why the rush, darling? I'll text you a meeting place. See you there in an hour. If you call the police, your mother is dead."

With that, the line went silent. Fear and worry clouded my mind, my hands slightly shaking as I opened the message. The location was a high-end restaurant in one of the top floors of a skyscraper.

"Oi, move."

A classmate pushed past me though I could barely register his eye roll and rude demeanour. Someone suddenly pulled me to the side so that my immobile body wasn't half blocking the doorway.

Langa let go of my arm, as if he did not wish to touch me any longer than he had to. He searched my eyes, though I didn't give him a chance to find what was he looking for. Shoving my phone into my pocket, I plastered a smile onto my face and began walking away.

"What happened?" he asked, stopping me.
"We ran out of my mum's favourite coffee. I need to head to the supermarket."

He continued to stare at me.

"I really need to go. You should stop bothering yourself with me. Please."

I turned, acting as if nothing was out of the ordinary. As soon as my feet left the school campus, I was running towards the road, hailing for a taxi. One sped past, the another, both unfortunately occupied.

The third stopped before I hopped inside, my heart thumping with worry. However, before I could close the door, a hand shot out to stop me. Langa climbed in, making me shuffle to the other seat.

"Where to, miss?" asked the driver.

As I answered with the skyscraper's name, my gaze slid questioningly to Langa.

"Something happened to your mum," he stated simply.
"And that requires you to be here because?"
"I'm worried."
"This is a family matter. You don't need to butt in."
"Is it really so difficult for you to accept that I'm worried about this situation?"
"Of course it is. That day, I willingly hurt you. I can't even begin to imagine why you'd still care."

He remained quiet, seemingly retreating into deep thought. My hands were shaking as images of my mum bruised and bloodied flooded my mind. Her body was replaced with Luke's before I quickly dispersed the thought.

The ride took painfully long, each second a second closer to the bomb about to go off. Sweat made my hands stick together. As soon as we arrived, I paid the driver and was out of the car in record time, leaving Langa to thank him.

He caught up as I entered the luxurious skyscraper, rushing to the elevator that would take us to the five-star restaurant. The walls were made of glass, allowing guests to view the glistening scenery of the city.

Langa took my hand, quelling the trembling in my arms almost immediately. His touch felt right, warm and safe. I took a deep breath, allowing a stoic expression to replace the worry. The elevator doors opened. Guards stood on either side, gesturing for us to go in.

We were shown to a middle-aged woman dressed in an expensive yet chic outfit. She stretched her red lips in a wide smile, waving a hand to dismiss her guards. Langa and I hesitantly took our seats.

"What would you like to eat? Steak? Seafood?" she asked.
"Where's my mum?"
"So impatient. What would you like to eat? Don't make me ask again."

Langa and I browsed the menu, ordering whatever random dish that caught our eye first. The woman, satisfied now that we've chosen our expensive meals, settled more comfortably into her seat.

"Don't give me that look. Your mother is safe...for now. She'll be fine as long as you don't provoke me," said the refined yet dangerous woman.
"What do you want from me?"
"Is this your friend?" she asked, ignoring my question and gesturing towards Langa.
"Don't even think about using him against me."
"He's a cute one. Anyway, you're well-acquainted with Adam, I've heard."
"I wouldn't exactly use the word well-acquainted."
"I want you to help me challenge him."
"And you can't do that yourself because?"
"He and I have a long history. The two of us were friends with your uncle."
"Did you do something to Adam?"
"I betrayed him."

There was more she wasn't saying. It was a complicated situation, if the look in her sea blue eyes told me anything. She waited patiently, taking a careful sip from her glass. Beneath the table, Langa squeezed my hand.

"You'll release my mum and won't harm any one of my friends and family again."
"Of course, sweetheart," she replied, a charming smile playing on her lips.
"I want proof that my mum's unharmed."

She pushed her phone towards me, where it was showing a feed from a live camera. Mum was unconscious, hands bound and lying on a leather sofa. She had no visible injuries.

"Okay, I'll help you."
"I knew you were a smart girl."

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