Chapter 63

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(Y/n)'s POV

A week had passed. Langa had been hanging out with Ayaka more and more though I suspected it was more her inserting herself into his outings. Ruka, seemingly working with her sister, had threatened to hurt Yuu if I got in the way of their relationship so reluctantly, I had left them alone for now.

It felt natural to be standing on my skateboard, feeling the wind against my skin as I rode along the streets. Yuu had said he needed to show me a new project he was working on and so, I was heading home.

I leaned this way and that to ease the flow of the ride though the thrill had disappeared. Without Luke, without Reki, without Langa...there was nothing. Performing difficult tricks helped, the adrenaline rushing to my brain though it wasn't quite the same.

My phone vibrated in my pocket before I pulled it out and answered the call. Reki's voice filtered through the speaker, making a small smile appear on my face.

"We're meeting at Langa's later. You're coming, right?" he asked.
"Of course I am...and Ayaka?"
"Don't worry, she won't be bothering us for the rest of the day. Langa said she had something on."
"Okay, cool. See ya later then."
"See ya."

I arrived home just as he ended the call, the loud crash of a glass breaking startling me. I stumbled off my skateboard, hurrying inside to see what the problem was. Mum's yelling almost bursted my eardrums.

She had knocked over a glass of water in her rage whilst Yuu was backing away on the floor. A small cut on his cheek oozed out hot blood, his face a mirror of fear and worry. I rushed to shield my brother as her fingers found their way into my hair. She pulled hard.

"(Y/n), what are you doing?!" mum yelled.
"P-please calm down. What happened? Why-"
"Your brother was doing something dangerous on his bike. What am I supposed to do if you hurt yourself, Yuri?!"
"And you! Don't think I forgot how you got Luke killed."

I let out a small scream as she pulled my hair and let my head crash against the kitchen bench. Yuu was crying now, unable to hide his tears any longer as he begged our mother to stop; as he apologised over and over again.

Without wasting another second, I covered Yuu with my body as she began kicking me. Despite her meagre strength, small gasps escaped me every time her foot came into contact with my body though I didn't let go of Yuu.

This was getting too serious. She had never hurt Yuu like this before. Her anger was usually directed at me. It wasn't until she threw a cup at my arm, its shattered pieces cutting into my skin that she stopped and sank to her knees.

"W-what have I done?..." she whispered.
"Mum...everything's fine. W-we'll clean up-"
"How can you forgive me?"

She sobbed into her hands. Yuu, being the great person he was, wiped away his tears and grabbed the mop to clean away the broken glass. I staggered to my feet, helping mum to her room and into her bed.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry," she said quietly.
"It's okay, mum. Get some rest."
"(Y/n), I'm sorry."
"Don't worry about it, mum. Just try to go to sleep. I'll let dad know."
"I'm sorry..."

I pulled the blanket over her and quietly shut the door after making sure she had completely calmed down. Yuu was waiting for me in the hallway. It seemed that he had finished cleaning up though some of his fingers had cuts from the glass.

"Come on, let's get those cuts treated."
"I'll be fine. You're meeting up with Langa, right?" he replied.
"How did you know?"
"Reki called me because you didn't answer your phone. He said to just hang out without him. The manager needs him to run some errands."
"Oh okay."
"Now leave, you're gonna be late."
"Fine, if you don't want to get treated here, come with me."

He groaned but complied nonetheless. Along the way, I had sent a message to our dad explaining what had happened. Yuu quietly dabbed at the cut on his cheek, quickly stopping once he noticed me looking.

A frown marred my face. I hurriedly ushered him along, hoping I'd be able to use the first aid stuff at Langa's place to treat his cuts. We made it there in record time, where I pressed the doorbell before the door swung open as if he had been waiting this entire time.

Langa's eyes fell upon our injuries as he let us inside. What happened? The question lingered on his lips but I simply shook my head and offered a smile. I didn't want to get into the details. He understood.

We followed him to his room. His mum stood at the doorway, gasping when we turned around to greet her. She took in the injuries like her son had done, looking from Yuu to me and back to Yuu again.

"What happened? We need to treat those right away," she exclaimed.

She took a few steps forward, reaching for my arm to inspect the cuts. Her appearance merged with my mother's as I saw her raise her hand, her face twisted in anger. Her hand came down. I flinched so hard that I stumbled until my back hit Langa's chest.

His hands were immediately on my waist to steady me. There was a look of shock on his mother's face though she quickly masked it behind a kind smile. My heart constricted in guilt.

"(Y/n), it's okay," Langa said softly, his hot breath blowing against my skin.

A shiver went down my spine, a blush forming on my cheeks once I realised just how close he was. I looked again at Langa's mum after taking a deep breath. Her eyes narrowed, taking in everything. Langa's hands on my waist helped ground me as I pulled on a semi-genuine smile.

"I'm fine, ma'am. Just some minor scratches."
"(Y/n)," she said sternly.
"Don't worry, ma'am. You can help me first. I don't want this cut to scar my precious face," Yuu piped in.

I stifled a giggle before he sent a cheeky grin my way.

"Alright then. Langa, you better help your girlfriend with those injuries," she said.

She left the room with Yuu before either of us could reply. Langa didn't pull away so I did first. The silence was slightly awkward. I went to sit on the floor and leaned against his bed.

"Do you have a first aid kit? I can treat these wounds by myself."

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