Chapter 51

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No one's POV

"Ne, I need your help. Remember that ring you wanted back? I found out where it was but this stupid guy won't return it," (Y/n) exclaimed into the phone.

Adam narrowed his eyes as he listened. He could control the situation however he wished yet he found that it would be beneficial to help the girl. After all, he did have a beef with her and it would be interesting for her to owe him.

"Of course. Pass the phone to him," he replied.

She mentally breathed in relief before handing the phone over to Azuto's father.

"Hello, Hanayu Junbei speaking," the millionaire said.
"This is Shindo Ainosuke. I heard that you weren't being very kind to my niece," Adam stated.
"Eh?! S-Shindo...Ainosuke...and that damn annoying girl is your niece?!"
"Watch what you say. I'll have the media exposing your every sin if you insult her any further."
"O-of course, forgive me..."
"She said you had my ring. I'd like you to return it."
"Don't be absurd. I got this from the yakuza."
"Yes and those yakuza stole it from me. I had my niece track it down for me."
"Why can she fight so well? She could very well be a part of the yakuza for all I know."

Adam stayed quiet for a few moments. His grip on the phone was tight and his patience was running thin. This man was indeed infuriating. He wondered how (Y/n) had gotten herself involved with such a foolish man.

"I had her learn martial arts. Her parents passed away when she was just a child and her relatives didn't care much for her. She needed to be able to defend herself."
"I see..."
"So? You will return the ring, yes?"
"Of course, Shindo-sama."
"Also, this incident never happened. One word out of you and I'm afraid you'll never see the light of day again."
"*gulp* Yes, of course."

He handed the phone back to (Y/n), who answered with a nonchalant hello.

"You owe me for this, Rose. Don't forget that," Adam exclaimed.
"I know. Thank you."

She took the ring, a hand also gripping Joe's sleeve. Azuto was staring at the girl, wondering how she'd known a person like Shindo Ainosuke. He offered the faintest of smiles, which she returned with one of her before the two disappeared from sight.

~Some time later~

Reki sighed in relief at seeing his friend unharmed. Langa wasn't so certain. His eyes scanned (Y/n)'s body before they landed on her face, bright with laughter with whatever Reki had said.

She eventually turned towards Langa but was startled when his hands came to cup her face like she was fragile chinaware. A blush immediately heated her cheeks to which he noticed and hurriedly let go.

"I-I'm glad you're safe," was all he said.
"Reki, is Langa in love with (Y/n)?" asked Miya.
"Eh? Is he?" Reki questioned.
"No one is in love with anyone!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

She rolled her eyes at Miya's annoying smirk before catching Cherry's gaze on her as Joe explained what happened in a low voice. The girl offered an innocent smile as Cherry heaved a great sigh.

Smells of creams and spices filled the air. Joe was beginning to prepare food for their large group. (Y/n) took a seat near the window, noticing a familiar figure hurrying towards the restaurant.

Jun entered and offered a few words of greeting before plunking himself down beside his friend. She handed the ring over and watched him with a raised eyebrow as he shoved it into his pocket.

"Don't worry, it'll be safe," he exclaimed.
"Hmm, well, if it gets lost again, ask someone else to help," she replied.
"You staying for food?" asked Joe.
"Nah, I gotta hurry back," said Jun.
"You seem awfully content on staying."
"My dad's still annoyed. I'm trying to prolong the time before my inevitable doom, and besides, (Y/n)'s here so all the more reason to linger."

To prove the point, he put an arm around her shoulder. She immediately elbowed him, making him let go almost as soon as he had touched her. Langa stole secretive glances at the two, which only Reki noticed but he chose to stay silent.

In truth, Langa was jealous. He couldn't casually find a reason to touch her, like an arm around the shoulder or a carefree hair rustle, without making it an embarrassing mess. He clenched his fist, hating how frustrating it was.

"Oi, what's wrong?" Reki asked quietly.
"Nothing," replied Langa.
"Do you...actually like her?"

Reki didn't receive a reply. He soon retrieved back into his safe bubble, unable to diminish the lingering feelings of worthlessness. Langa immediately noticed his friend's silence but found that he didn't know what to say at that moment.

Jun soon left, leaving (Y/n) alone. Neither the boys moved to fill up the space around her. Neither knew what to do. (Y/n) noticed her friends' silence and hurried over, offering a nonchalant smile to try lightening the mood.

"What do you guys wanna do after?" she asked.
"I'm gonna go home-"
"No, you're not. I'm not letting you go until the day's over," she exclaimed, cutting Reki off.
"It's actually night," Langa pointed out.
"Whatever, same thing."
"I'd be worrying if I thought day and night were the same," commented Miya.

The girl rolled her eyes. She felt warmth spread from her fingertips, head swerving back to see that Reki had accidentally nudged Langa's arm and made his hand fall onto hers.

"(Y/n), rather than play around with boys all day, we have some preparation to do," stated Cherry.
"Preparation?" she asked, choosing to completely ignore his comment.
"Ruka invited you to that prom event. You're not going to go there without any knowledge of how elite families behave, right?"
"You really think I'd back out after getting a few polite insults hurled at me?"
"No, I'm confident you can just as easily insult them back without batting an eye. What I'm talking about is your knowledge of 'elitist culture and gossip'."

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