Chapter 111

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(Y/n)'s POV

It had been two days since I was discharged from the hospital. Two days of attempting to avoid Langa in fear of answering his difficult questions. Ryota had been with me the entire time, which helped in reminding Langa of our broken relationship yet my heart ached every time I noticed his closed expression.

"Princess, you okay? Do you need me to carry you?" Ryota teased.
"In your dreams. Why have you been with me these past few days anyway? Still spying for Ruka?"
"Can you not believe me when I say I love you and just want to make sure you're okay?"
"Yeah, right. Enough with the teasing."
"*laughs* Alright, sweetheart. Where are we going?"
"To Joe's restaurant. I'm hungry."
"Alright then, lunch is on me."
"You don't have to."
"Princess, I insist. Let me do something for you as your boyfriend."
"Fake boyfriend."
"Yeah yeah."
"Race you there?"

A large boyish grin stretched his lips. I offered a slight smile of my own though wasted no time hopping on my skateboard. The dull pain of a few minor bruises coating my skin was drowned out by the bumping of my heart.

I jumped up over a ledge before Ryota executed a perfect railslide beside me, having caught up within seconds. It was different. My heart did not beat as fast as when Langa had been with me...when our relationship was sweet and calming.

Without a second thought, I kicked up my board to flip over a young boy, who clapped and laughed upon seeing the trick. Ryota performed a similar move, which had the boy laughing and cheering harder.

We arrived not long after. I entered and found a table in the corner. Joe came over to greet us, taking a seat beside me. I pushed away the hand that came to ruffle my hair, leaving him chuckling and flashing a casual grin.

"What do you want to order?" he asked.
"Your most popular dish," replied Ryota.
"I'll just get my usual."
"Alright. Oh and (Y/n)? There's something I want to talk to you about," said Joe.
"What is it?"
"I'll tell you when I bring you your food."

I gave him a nod. He flashed a quick grin before walking away. Miya entered at that moment. His gaze met mine before landing on Ryota's as he took the seat Joe had just vacated. A small smile graced my face.

"You guys aren't on a date, right?" he questioned.
"Yes," replied Ryota.
"No, we're not. I'm just here for food."
"Princess, why do you always have to be such a party pooper?"
"Maybe if you stopped being Ruka's lackey, I'd consider playing nice with you."
"I'm nobody's lackey, sweetheart. Though I'd do anything for you."
"Geez, get a room," exclaimed Miya.
"You're not helping," I muttered.

He offered a cheeky smirk and continued to play on his switch after ordering. Ryota placed his chin on his hand, happily watching as we minded our own business. I raised an eyebrow, questioning what had caught his undying interest.

"You two are close," he commented.
"Hmm yeah, I guess," was Miya's reply.
"I envy you."
"Because I'm close with the girl you're 'dating'?"
"I don't like you. You do realise you ruined their relationship for money, right?"
"I'm a mercenary. I live for money, little boy."
"Then you wouldn't care if someone asked you to deal with your sister if they offered a juicy sum?"
"Watch your mouth, kid. I'm fairly easygoing but there's a line you shouldn't cross."
"Guys, did you come here to eat or fight? I'm gonna move to a different table if you continue," I exclaimed.
"Don't leave me here with him," Ryota said whilst immediately latching onto my wrist.

Miya rolled his eyes before starting his game again. I moved away from Ryota's grasp, though didn't miss the small sigh that left his lips. Joe arrived with our food, taking the seat in front of Miya.

I dug into the pasta, looking at him expectantly. He rubbed his temples as if the mere thought of me eating took all his energy to behold. I offered a cheeky grin before eventually, a smile stretched across his mouth.

"You sure do love eating," he commented.
"Only the best. So what did you want to talk to me about?"
"When are you going to tell Langa?"
"You're not serious, are you? You don't even know what happened."
"I don't have to to know that it's breaking you. I also know that it has something to do with this jerkass of a boyfriend you have here."
"Geez, don't hold back on the insults," Ryota muttered.
"You don't know-" I started.
"(Y/n), why don't you ever ask us for help? You're strong, I get that. Hell, you're one of the strongest people I know. But even strong fighters can get killed," Joe cut in.

Miya cleared his throat, gathering our attention for the first time since this argumentative talk began.

"Why don't you just tell him? If he threatens to do anything you don't want, I'll just ask someone to hack into his phone and post embarrassing photos of him on his social media accounts," Miya exclaimed.
"You're dangerous, kid," commented Joe.
"I simply know how to handle dumb adults."
"...Kojiro, the truth is simple. Ruka not only threatened to make Langa an orphan, she would also harm Reki and my family if I didn't end my friendship with him. She wanted her sister to have him."

Joe's expression darkened. I placed a hand on his arm, levelling a stern look at him least he did something rash.

"What can I do to help?" he eventually asked.
"Count me in too," Miya added.
"And you're going to help whether you like it or not. I suspect you had a major impact on this so you're gonna make up for it. I don't give a damn about something stupid like money so if you run your mouth, I'll make sure those hands can't touch that money you love so much ever again," Joe growled at Ryota.
"You do realise I'm one of the most dangerous people around, don't you?" Ryota replied, his tone lethal.
"Then all the better for threatening Ruka with. So are you in this?" questioned Joe.

The black-haired male turned his gaze towards me. He held me there with his golden eyes, seemingly searching for something I did not know. An arrogant grin stretched across his mouth before he answered with a definitive 'yes'.

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