Chapter 125

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(Y/n)'s POV

Andre and I lined up by the starting line. He flashed a large grin, as if trying to dispel the tension that had risen in the time the pirate was making the phone call. His eyes suddenly landed on my board.

"You're still using it," he commented.
"Of course."
"(Y/n), you got this! Don't let that rando beat you," Reki called.
"What did he say?"
"Wished me luck. You're gonna lose against me today, Andre."
"Pfft it doesn't matter how good you've gotten. My skills are superior."
"Don't beat her too bad," Langa exclaimed.
"Ugh come on, show me some support."
"Don't worry, Mr Boyfriend. Your girlfriend is in safe hands. But dude, you're Canadian? Never would've guessed," said Andre.
"Guys, save the conversation for later!"

I rolled my eyes at Andre's salute and Langa's surreptitious wink but a large smile graced my face as we readied ourselves. The lights flashed green. I ran and flipped before landing on my skateboard, accelerating as we rode further down the path.

Andre suddenly cut in front of me, utilising a low tree branch to fling himself round a corner. His moves were bold and powerful, similar to that of a hunting cheetah. I leaned low, accelerating past the corner and effortlessly catching up to him.

He mimicked my move as I utilised the wall at an incoming corner to flip in the air and land on the path one lower than the one we were on. His grin was triumphant as he sped past me. I easily understood his excitement - he needed me to win; however, the thrill of the ride was not something he could fight back.

No one's POV

"That dude's skills are unmatched. He could even put Cherry in his place," Miya commented.
"Excuse me? My skating abilities aren't so bad that they'd easily get defeated by Luke's friend," Cherry retorted.
"I can see why though. (Y/n)'s having a little trouble getting in front," said Joe.

She was effortless in her skating as she skated off the edge and performed a grab while flipping and landing without so much as a slight wobble. Andre was fast and cat-like as he executed a freestyle move not many could do.

Joe let out a low whistle as he watched Andre skate with his seemingly endless number of skills. It reminded him of Luke's flawlessness though while Luke's performance was like that of a great eagle, Andre's were bold and predatory.

"His skating's so good," breathed Langa.
"Dude, whose side are you on right now?" Reki joked.
"You'll probably be able to skate like that one day," Cherry said to Langa.
"Huh?" Langa questioned.
"You've been trained well. You have the body of a professional athlete."
"Do you guys know if Andre has a hobby other than skateboarding? You know how (Y/n) can do gymnastics and Langa snowboarding..." asked Reki.
"Judging from the combination of moves and his body build, it is likely he is well-versed in hiphop dancing and boxing," Carla answered.

The boys turned back to the race, even more impressed by this Andre. He had utilised his hands to flip onto a large boulder, spinning himself before landing directly on the path that led to the abandoned factory.

(Y/n) gracefully performed a kickflip over the edge and flipped in the air before landing slightly behind the male. He looked back to grin at her as they entered. Reki gripped his board, anxious for the finale of this intense match.

Andre accelerated down the straight path, not even slowing to accomodate to the many flights of stairs in his way. It was a lie to say he hadn't caught the attention of the top skaters at S. He was seemingly better than the Rose.

"She's not gonna make it..." Miya said worriedly.
"She is. She definitely will," replied Reki.

Everything went quiet as (Y/n) tilted off the edge, pushing past the loose railing and falling from the platform. Langa clenched his jaw, afraid for his girlfriend. The vigorous pumping of his heart was due to worry yet also intense excitement.

(Y/n) grabbed onto a thick rope, using the momentum to swing forward only for it to snap. She grabbed her skateboard, spinning as she dropped. Her landing was smooth despite the unexpected incident.

Both (Y/n) and Andre were head-to-head as they raced towards the finish line. The two accelerated even further, neither wishing to lose. Reki held his breath, waiting until the both of them had gone past.

A large grin plastered itself onto (Y/n)'s face as she ran over to Reki, who immediately wrapped his arms around her when she crashed into him. The momentum sent the both of them spinning though she couldn't care less, and Reki upon seeing the happiness on her face, couldn't help but smile.

"I can't believe I won..." she whispered.
"Never doubted you for a second," Reki replied.
"Damn, I had no idea you had gotten so good. Care to share your secrets?" Andre teased.
"Dude, I only barely just won. A second later and it would've been over," said (Y/n).
"Still, an achievement nonetheless. Before, you even had trouble catching up to me."

The pirate stalked up to them, the anger and irritation clear in his loud footsteps.

"I don't know how you lost to a damn girl but a deal is a deal. Cause any more trouble with us and you'll be paying us back for the rest of your life," he exclaimed in restrained anger.

They watched as he and his gang left, hopefully for good. (Y/n) felt Langa take her hand before she turned around and pulled him in for a kiss. He easily gave in. It wasn't a lie to say that he would always give in to this girl who held his entire world.

She pulled away, reserving a gentle smile for him before heading towards Andre. He flashed her a teasing grin, earning a punch in return. Laughter escaped his mouth as she friendly-threatened him if he were to tease her again.

"So what are you gonna do now that it's over?" (Y/n) asked.
"I don't know, I'll need to go back to mum soon. Probably explain everything. But for now, a little rest would be nice," Andre replied.
"Well, aren't you glad you have me then?"

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