Chapter 130

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(Y/n)'s POV

It had been a few days since Andre was kidnapped. Things had gone back to normal with no more incidents. A yawn left my lips as sunlight filtered through the curtains. The smell of good breakfast drifted up to my room, making my stomach growl.

With a groan, I pushed off the blanket and went downstairs after quickly combing through my bed hair. Yuu was already at the table, drinking his miso soup. He greeted me with a simple 'morning' as I sat down.

"Kids, I have an important announcement," dad exclaimed as he pulled a chair out.
"What? Have you decided to take up a new hobby?" asked Yuu.
"No, something even more exciting. We're gonna go on a holiday."

Both Yuu and I looked up from our breakfasts, suddenly interested in what dad was saying. He shot us a knowing smile, glad to have finally caught our attention. Yuu pushed his empty bowl to the side and leaned forward.

"Where are we going?"
"I thought we'd go to Europe for a couple of weeks since you guys are on holidays now. So what do we think?" dad said.
"Like hell we're gonna say no to that! When are we going?"
"Soon. You guys better start packing."

Both Yuu and I smiled at each other. It had been a very long time since we last travelled somewhere. The both of us continued to smile like goofy idiots before dad walked away, shaking his head.

~Some time later~

I had met up with Reki and Langa at the skate park, explaining to them what dad had told me. The two stared at me like I had just muttered some alien language. I stared back, unsure of what to make of this situation.

"We know," was Langa's simple response.
"Your dad asked our parents if it would be okay for us to go on a trip with you guys. I thought you would've known but makes sense seeing how you never mentioned it. He came to us like a week ago," Reki added.
"Ugh I swear he only tells me stuff when he feels like it."
"He asked us if there's a specific place we wanna go. Said he'd take us there."
"For real? Why does this father of mine never tell his daughter this stuff?"

Langa pointed towards the ramp, telling us that he wished to skate. I hopped onto my skateboard before they followed. The movements flowed like the waves of an ocean as I performed small tricks, flipping over Reki as he passed.

My feet stumbled slightly as someone rushed past and executed a quick grab. Miya flashed a smirk as I whirled around. Langa was heading towards the younger male before Miya hurriedly rushed out of the way.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" Miya exclaimed.
"Sorry," was Langa's swift reply.

I laughed though was quickly knocked over by Reki, who had been unable to stop in time. The two of us crashed to the ground, cursing in pain. I sat up, pushing my friend back before he yelled in protest.

"You guys okay?" Miya called.
"No, I think I'm dying. I may need to go to the hospital."
"Stop being dramatic. It's just a scratch," said Reki.
"Guys, my attacker is trying to hurt me."

Reki nudged me over before I fell, laughing. He eventually started laughing too. I couldn't stop the laughter from escaping my mouth. Langa took my hand, aiming to pull me up though I unintentionally collapsed against him, making the both of us fall down.

He gave up, opting to lie on the ground as I calmed down from my fit of giggles. That was when a shadow fell over us but it wasn't Miya. It was a kid slightly younger, with light brown waves and sharp, chocolate eyes.

"Are you Snow?" the kid asked.
"Yeah," Langa replied.
"I challenge you to a beef. Right here, right now."
"Oi, he's gonna beat you real bad. Are you sure you wanna challenge him?" Reki asked, slightly concerned.
"You don't know that! I'm gonna show the world that I can beat one of the top skaters at S!"
"I accept," exclaimed Langa.
"Dude," Reki argued.
"Why don't you let him see for himself? Just how much of a gap there is between their abilities," Miya piped in.
"You guys, just let them race and see for themselves. No point belittling the kid's skills before he's even started."
"I don't need your help, Rose. I'll beat him and show you all," said the kid.

I shrugged and gestured for them to go to the top of the ramp. This beef would be more a matter of skill than speed as it wasn't a course. Reki, Miya and I watched from the sidelines. Both Langa and the boy waited as the coin flipped up in the air. The two were off as soon as it hit the ground.

There was no denying Langa's skill, his ease with performing airs that others would struggle to reach. However, the small boy's abilities were good for his age. Although it was a stretch to say he was on par with Langa, he would most likely become a professional if he continued to practice skateboarding.

Langa executed a stalefish grab, flipping twice in the air before using the momentum to increase his speed. The boy also performed a grab though it was one of an easier difficulty and not as high as Langa's.

The match ended when the boy fell off his board, frowning at his loss. We headed over as Langa skidded to a stop beside his opponent. The boy stood up, wiping the dirt from his jeans.

"You did good. Can't believe you know such difficult tricks at your age," commented Reki.
"...I trained a lot. My dad was a skateboarder before he passed away," replied the boy.
"Ne, come find us anytime you get stuck. We'll help you. Or if you want someone closer to your age, I'm sure Miya wouldn't mind," I said.
"Don't go making decisions for me...but I suppose I can teach you a few things," Miya murmured.

The boy thanked us before running off. I held Langa's hand, giving it a squeeze. He tilted my head to place a kiss upon my lips as a smile stretched my mouth.

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