Chapter 41

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(Y/n)'s POV

Something was wrong. A stormy cloud hung over us, emitting an aura so dark I found it hard to smile. My eyes wandered over to Reki, who had his gaze upon the window. He didn't seem to be paying attention to the teacher.

I bit my lip, trying to catch his eyes but it was no use. His attention was snagged by his thoughts, only released when the bell's ringing reverberated across the school. I packed my stuff, hopping over to his desk to peer at his face.

"Kyan Reki, what's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong," he replied.
"I don't believe you but I'll humour your denial for now. Are we just going to the usual course?"
"Is Reki upset?" Langa asked.
"No," I answered.
"I'm just playing along to his denial. Come on, let's go."
"I'm telling the truth!" Reki exclaimed.

A smile broke out on my face. He hadn't managed to escape and he knew it. I had been his friend for over ten years. There wasn't a chance I would ever miss his changes in mood no matter how subtle...just like he hadn't with me.

We jumped on our skateboards, gliding down the street and avoiding the occasional obstacle. The wind rushed at our bodies, ruffling our clothes with its gentle fingers. However, the thrill wasn't as prominent. I...worried for Reki.

It wasn't until we arrived that I received a call from Miya. His voice was rough, like he had been running for the past hour, his words coming out in tense clumps and phrases.

"(Y/n), your brother's in trouble. We're near your dad's cafe. Ruka has us cornered. I'm sorry, I tried to- I tried to help him. Damn it."
"Alright, try to stall her. I'm on the way."

Reki and Langa met my gaze, their concern and determination visible on their faces. I didn't need to wait for them to follow, they always would. My heart pounded ferociously, both with excessive worry for Yuu and a deep gratitude for my friends.

I skated along the streets, paying no mind to the pedestrians blocking my path. I didn't care for their irritation, not when my brother was most likely being used as a bargaining chip of some sort.

Spotting boxes piled on the ground, I hurriedly jumped and executed an air before high-fiving the kids that had 'oohed' and 'ahhed'. Reki shouted in warning. A man swinging a bat appeared from a narrow alleyway, missing my head by a hair.

"Ruka, a surprise attack. Your tricks are just getting worse and worse."
"Do you have any right to nitpick at my methods right now? Your brother and his little friend are in my hands," she exclaimed.
"What do you want?"
"Quit skating. Then I'll release them."
"You fat, ugly slime! Let us go! This is cheating!" Miya yelled.

Langa tugged at my hand but I couldn't make myself look at him. He could tell my hands were shaking. When Luke passed away, I had almost given up gymnastics...until Reki demanded I mix it with my skateboarding to keep it alive.

Reki nudged my arm, a silent support...a reminder. I took a deep breath. It wasn't like me to give in so easily. I would take both Yuu and Miya with me without having to give up the one hobby I couldn't abandon.

"My brother has a black eye. Miya has bruises on his arms. They're just kids. Do you really think I'd let you have your way?"
"I don't think you understand the situation you're in. With a single command, they could be dead."
"Shall I say this using your language then? The exchange of goods is a contract between two parties. If the goods are damaged, who would be reckless enough to do business with you again?"
"I'm not here to do business."

I rushed towards her, holding a small knife to her throat. Her guards immediately did the same to Yuu and Miya. Ruka didn't flinch nor did she give any orders to let them go.

Before I could even begin sprouting threats like some crazy cat lady about to lose a kitten, Joe appeared and punched both guards, rendering them unconscious. He raised an eyebrow at Ruka, who angrily left the scene.

"We need to get those treated. Let's hurry."
"Come on, sweetheart. No thank you for my glorious rescue?" asked Joe.
"Thank you."
"*sigh* That was so insincere."
"Dad has first aid stuff in his cafe," Yuu said.

I hurriedly ushered the two back the way we came, with Langa, Reki and Joe trailing behind. The staff greeted us as we entered, neither bothering nor calling anyone upon seeing the state of our ragtag team.

Dad was on the top level. I swerved around just as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I settled my face into a pleasant smile and turned back to return his questioning look.

"Are you- Yuu? What happened?"

He went back to the counter to fetch the first aid supplies before gesturing for Miya and Yuu to sit down. I clenched my fists behind my back to keep everything under control, to make sure this stayed hidden.

"Tell me what happened," dad exclaimed.
"Nothing much, it was kinda my fault. I told Yuu to wait with Miya but I didn't know a bunch of other kids had made that space their hangout."
"Is that true?" he asked Joe.
"Yeah, seemed like that's what's happened," Joe replied.

He simply flashed a quick wink towards me. I smiled, quietly letting it fade as I turned back to father. Langa suddenly unwound my hands, staring at my palms.

"You're gonna make yourself bleed," he said.
"Who's bleeding?" dad questioned.
"No one," I replied at the same time Reki said, "(Y/n)."
"*sigh* Why are my kids always getting hurt? Is there something wrong in those brains of yours that you can't comprehend that pain is bad?" he joked.
"Alright alright, stop nagging."

He erupted into laughter as I levelled a playful glare towards him. It wasn't until his eyes reached my hand engulfed in Langa's, which I had failed to notice, that his gaze became thoughtful.

"Are you making a move on my daughter?"

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