Chapter 9

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(Y/n)'s POV

My feet stopped of their own accord. I couldn't move...almost couldn't breathe. A cold sweat overtook my body, the warmth that once permeated my mind transforming into a chill that froze my broken heart.

My grips on Langa and Reki's hands clenched tight, alerting only them to my fear. The two simply squeezed my hands in return, as a gesture of reassurance...but nothing about this situation was reassuring.

Ruka donned a victorious smirk, a handgun swinging casually from her fingers. Yuu stood behind her with two of her guards. Bruises decorated his smooth skin, a look of anger mixed with fear marred his innocent face.

"Ne (Y/n), that expression on your face is so satisfying," she exclaimed.
"You hate me, don't you? Let him go, he's got nothing to do with this."
"But I want you to experience the pain that I felt when my brother died."
"My brother also passed away," I spat in a low tone.
"Yes, because you killed him."
"Hey, that's not true!" Reki said angrily.
"Oh but it is."

I let go of their hands and walked up to Ruka. A moment passed. I slapped her...hard. She stumbled backwards, holding a hand to her reddening cheek. The taller of her guards kicked Yuu to the ground.

"How would you feel if I killed him?" she teased in a threatening manner.

She fired a shot into the sky. My nails dug into my skin, drawing hot, vicious blood. On the inside, I was beginning to tremble. My voice wouldn't come, couldn't come. My eyes refused to see the bloody scene implanted deep in my memory.

Ruka strode towards Langa, trailing a finger along his jaw. His expression revealed no emotion, even when she utilised a gentleness I had not known she possessed to move his chin so that he was staring into her golden eyes.

"You're cute. Why are you staying with (Y/n)?" she questioned innocently.
"Hey, don't touch him!" Reki exclaimed.
"It's fine. If it keeps her away from (Y/n), it's fine," Langa whispered.

Keep fighting. Why the hell would you give up in the middle? uncle once said. I found strength in my legs, moving towards the guards keeping Yuu captive. Their stances became wary.

Ruka would toy with Langa. She would hurt my brother. She wanted to break me by breaking my friends. My fist connected with the taller guard's jaw before he stumbled back. I aimed a roundhouse kick at the shorter guard, flipping us around when he grasped my leg.

He began begging for breath but I only squeezed tighter. His fingers gripped my legs, trying desperately to pry them off. The other guard was heading towards Yuu, who had run over to clutch Reki's hand.

"Stop or I'll break his neck."
"P-please," begged the captive guard.

His fellow guard hesitated in his steps. I released his friend.

"Get lost."
"Hey!" Ruka yelled as they ran.
"Let go of him."

She simply smirked and pressed the gun against Langa's temple. I froze. Images tortured my mind. My brother's dying face. My bloodied hands. My uncle's look of anguish. The deadly fight around us.

"I'll be back later, (Y/n)."

Langa's POV

As Ruka took her leave after blowing a kiss my way, (Y/n) rushed to her brother's side. Her eyes were tearful and frantic, her movements jumpy and angry. Yuu had only minor bruises, nothing that wouldn't heal within a few days...yet she was still shaking.

"'re alright..." she whispered.
"Of course I am, sis," he replied, offering a small smile.
"(Y/n)..." Reki started.

His arms were around her without a second's delay. She appeared wildly spooked...almost traumatised as she became engulfed in his arms; however, Reki's words managed to soothe her as he reassured her 'everything's fine now' like a mantra, like a spell.

"You're fine, everything's fine. No one's hurt," he whispered.
"I-I'm fine...thanks," she replied once she calmed.
"No problem, (Y/n)."
"I- Langa!"

She was in front of me within seconds, her cool hands gently touching my face as she looked for injuries, her touch feather-light and wisp-like. I was suddenly reminded of her veteran fighting skills, the ease with which she moved to attack Ruka's guards.

Now her hands carried the gentleness of the wind. It was difficult to believe that she could wield them to disarm a grown man. She was still trembling despite her trying to hide it.

"I'm fine."
"Yeah sis, stop worrying," said Yuu.

A blush formed on my cheeks. Her hands were cupping my face yet she did not seem fazed at all, presumably still searching for wounds. When she found none, a whispered apology left her lips before she was walking away with Yuu beside her.

Reki and I trailed slightly behind. My skin was still tingling from where she had traced my face. I couldn't keep my eyes off her as she strode without a care in the world, her actions confident despite the worry plaguing her mind.

"How is she fine after all that?..."
"She's not 100% fine. She learnt how to move on," Reki replied.
"How- Is she..."
"...she's afraid of gun fights."
"Is that why you knew how to comfort her? Because you knew?"
"We're super close. There's nothing I don't know about her, and vice versa."

I simply stared at her figure as Yuu nonchalantly chatted about nothing, subtly lifting her mood. How was she so strong? Though she trembled, not once did I view her as weak.

"She didn't cry."
"Of course she didn't, even though she probably wants to," commented Reki.
"What'll cheer her up?"
"Hmm? I'm sure she's already glad that you and Yuu are okay."
"Guys, what are you doing? It's already late," (Y/n) called.
"Coming!" Reki replied.

I followed Reki to her side, tugging at her sleeve to catch her attention. A soft smile graced my face as I opened my mouth to speak, finding the simplest way I knew to help her forget.

"Do you wanna skate? I'll race you."

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