Chapter 36

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(Y/n)'s POV

Reki managed to cut between them, standing defensively in front of Langa. He seemed irritated by her sudden appearance but she, however, was not bothered by his attitude. The ache deepened in my chest, wondering if it was attraction that drew her to our blue-haired friend.

Cherry nudged me with his foot, gesturing to the distance where they stood. I headed towards them, dreading the heated tension that would arise with my barging into their conversation.

"(Y/n)," Reki started.
"What a surprise to see you here. I was just trying to play with your friend," announced the girl.
"Well, did my friend consent to you dragging him into the ocean? How do I know you're not here to cause trouble like last time?"
"I'm sorry you think of it that way. I did not mean to cause offence."
"You and I seem to have very different definitions of causing offence."
"Anyway, Langa-san, may I have your company?"
"I want to stay with (Y/n)," he replied.
"That's a shame," she commented.
"What's a shame is leaving a pretty girl by herself. What'd you say? Wanna come with me?" Joe asked while sliding an arm around her shoulders after making his way over.

Reki and I hurriedly pulled Langa away from the Ruka lookalike, who continued to stare after us even as Joe ushered her away. Langa tugged at my hand, peering into my face as if I was going to disappear if no anchor remained.

"Man, she really does look like Ruka," commented Reki.
"Other than her straight hair, they look like twins," added Miya.
"Why is your relationship with Ruka so bad?" Langa asked innocently.

As we migrated to the shade beside Cherry, I pondered his question. It wasn't a difficult one. If our places were switched, I would hate me too. Even so, I hid the truth.

"People can be enemies simply because they hate each other."
"Why does that sound so overly simplified?" Miya muttered.
"Miya, you don't know either?" Langa asked.
"I only met her after all that stuff happened."

It wasn't until we noticed that the girl had escaped Joe's seducing clutches that we turned to see him flirting with other women. The Ruka lookalike tentatively approached us with the grace of a ruling lady.

One warning look from Cherry was all she needed to understand she was not welcome. She inclined her head in farewell before taking her leave. A yelp escaped my lips as Langa suddenly collapsed in my lap.

"Did he faint from the heat? Man, must be hard adjusting," Reki exclaimed.
"Pass me the fan."

I took the fan from his hand and turned it towards Langa. He was awake, blinking at the blades as they swept wind against his body. Shadow was staring at the girls whom Joe had latched onto his arms once I glanced to see his figure.

"What'd you think? Should I go-"
"Don't even bother. They'll just be scared of you," I replied.
"*clears throat* No, don't come closer! I'm scared!" Reki exclaimed in a high-pitched voice.

Noticing how Langa was unresponsive, he tried again.

"Don't worry, bae. I'll protect you," Langa returned.

Miya, hearing our conversation, stood up and approached Joe. He flung himself at the larger man, his face mirroring that of a sorrowful child about to lose his 'loved one'. A snicker left my lips.

"Don't take my papa away!" he exclaimed.
"Eh? Papa?" the girls questioned.
"No, wait-"
"Papa, mama is gonna get mad. Don't leave us!" Miya whined.
"That's just Kaoru- no! This is a misunderstanding!"

The girls paid no further attention to him, hurriedly leaving Joe to his misery. Miya sported a cheeky grin, still clinging to Joe's body. Reki and I burst into laughter, high-fiving Miya once he came back.

~After playing at the beach~

We stared at the luxurious, traditional inn Shadow had apparently booked for a surprisingly cheap price. That was, until he gestured towards a small rundown building.

"Guys, we're over here," he said.

Cherry grabbed my arm, preventing me from following my friends over. A question clouded in my eyes before he nodded towards the beautiful inn we first laid our eyes upon.

"Your father asked me for a favour. He said to book you a room and to make sure you were okay," explained Cherry.
"What? Really?"
"Yes, really. Now hurry up. I have an important business meeting."
"Thanks Kaoru."
"*smiles* Don't thank me. Thank your father."
"But still."

He took my bag from my hand and walked inside before I could protest. Suppressing a smile, I followed him to what I assumed to be my room until he revealed a large traditional apartment-like suite.

He slid open a door and set my bag on the ground before gesturing for me to go inside. It was a lot more spacious than I expected, with doors leading to a veranda and an expensive oak table in the corner.

"This is your room. Don't come out until my meeting's finished, got it?" he said.
"Alright, Mr Fussy Pants."

I giggled as he rolled his eyes and left. Rolling out the futon, I settled myself onto the soft blanket before a sudden ding startled me from my resting. Without realising, a small smile slid onto my face as I opened the message from Langa.

Langa: Why did you leave with Cherry?

Me: My dad asked him for a favour and got me a room

Langa: Are there toilets there?

Me: Yeah?? Why? Does your inn not have one?

Langa: No, there's only hell

Before I could ask what he meant, he video-called me. Only, it was Reki who I saw on the other side of the call. His mouth was stretched into a wide grin, his eyes warming upon my answering.

"Yo (Y/n)."
"Hey, how is it in that inn of yours?"
"Not funny, dude. I think I'm gonna die from heatstroke."
"*laughs* Where's Langa?"

His striking blue eyes were the first thing I saw when Reki turned the phone towards him. His lips tilted up in a small smile. My heart beat harder upon witnessing the secretive 'hello' he sent with that gesture.

"Can we come over?" asked Reki.
"I don't know. Kaoru's in a meeting right now."
"Oh, it doesn't matter."
"Are you sure about that?" Miya called out.
"Leave me out of your evil plans," said Shadow.

Cherry suddenly opened the door as if he sensed that I was on a call with my friends.

"They are not permitted to come over. There'll be serious consequences if they do," he exclaimed all the while sporting a threatening smile.

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