Chapter 120

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(Y/n)'s POV

Uncle and his gang charged in before an intense fight broke out all around. With my hands shaking and my vision blurred by tears, I pulled Luke onto my lap, hugging his face. A gaping hole in his heart oozed out thick, scarlet blood.

"Luke, wake up. Don't fall asleep. We're gonna go home, okay? Luke..."

My slight sobs turned into a loud scream. This was all my fault. Everything was my fault. I hated myself. Why did I insist on coming? I was the cause of everyone's pain.

~Some time later~

The police had arrived a while after the war. Uncle had not left my side once, not even when they arrived. I refused to talk when they took me in for questioning. Uncle handed me the warm blanket and tea they had brought for me though all that I could see was Luke's lifeless eyes.

"(Y/n), it's not your fault. Where did my strong, fearless fighter go?" he exclaimed.
"I'm not a fighter..." I whispered.

Eventually, Reki arrived and uncle left to give us some privacy. He didn't ask anything, simply pulled me in for a tight embrace despite the blood staining my clothes and the dirt on my body. I broke down.

Every worry, every struggle, every failure poured out of my mouth through the crying. I told him how I killed my brother, how even Ruka's brother was dead because of me. All because I wished to have in on the action.

"Reki, he's dead. He's not here anymore. He probably hates me now," I said, voice coarse and croaky.
"(Y/n), he protected you. Nothing's your fault. You didn't kill anyone," soothed Reki.
"If I didn't go, he'd still be alive. He'd be here laughing at how ugly I look crying..."

Reki soothed my hair as I cried, whispering gently into my ear as I slowly felt my eyes grow heavy.

~Flashback end~

"That's when we decided to permanently stay in Japan. Mum couldn't bare to part with her firstborn son's resting place."

A single tear slid down my cheek. I carelessly wiped it away.

"We went back to Australia to sort some things out. My brother's best friends called me out and gave me his birthday present. He passed away before they ever got the chance to give it to him."
"What was it?" Langa asked.
"A skateboard. They paid a lot of money to get it custom made."
"Is it..."
"Yeah, it's the skateboard I have now. They wanted me to have it."

More tears slid down my cheeks as memories of Luke replayed like a broken record player. A painful ache tore through my heart, knowing that I could never be free of the guilt of bringing him to his death.

"Langa, I have to apologise to you. I don't hate you. I never did and never could. I'm sorry for all the things I said. I never meant any of it. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Ruka threatened to hurt Reki and my family but most of all, she threatened to make you an orphan and I didn't know what to do. I'm so sorry-"

Words left my mouth like flowing wind. I didn't stop until I had gotten everything out, my silent tears transforming into loud sobs. Langa cupped my face, wiping away the myriad of tears every time I cried.

He gently rubbed his thumb against my bottom lip as if to get me to stop crying. What he did next, I would never have thought he, let alone anyone, would do. He kissed me. His lips were gentle against mine, almost like a wisp as if he was afraid I was going to reject him. My heart began pounding.

It was almost too cold when he pulled away. However, before he got a chance to say anything, I pulled him in by his shirt and met his lips again. This time, there was no hesitation. One hand was on my cheek and the other tangled in my hair as he backed me up against the wall.

I didn't think. All I knew was that he was here with me and I never wanted it to end. We eventually pulled apart though he didn't let me go. He pushed my hair behind my ear and opened his mouth to speak.

"(Y/n), I love you. I've loved you ever since I first met you, and...I don't think I could ever hate you. I don't think I ever did."

Tears sprung from my eyes. I didn't think I could cry anymore. Langa's gaze slid worriedly over my face, watching as I wiped the many, many tears sliding down my cheeks.

"Langa, you're such an idiot. How can you just say something like that out of the blue? And I treated you so badly-"

He cut me off with a soft kiss.

"I'll kiss you as many times as you want. You don't have to ask in such a roundabout way," he exclaimed.

I blinked. Laughter erupted from my mouth like an endless waterfall. He let out a small gasp when I wrapped my arms around him and made him fall backwards. I moved to his side and laid on his chest.

"I love you too."
"Are you planning on staying here the night?" he asked.
"We could go back to my place."
"Let me have you to myself a bit longer."

He traced patterns against my arm, not realising how soothing it was until I felt myself grow sleepy. I struggled to stay awake, knowing that we couldn't stay here all night though I couldn't fight the fatigue that had seeped into my bones.

"Langa, this isn't a dream, right?" I whispered.
"No," he replied.
"You'll be here when I wake up?"
"I promise."
"Are we a thing now?"
"(Y/n), I'm all yours."

That was the last thing I heard before sleep overtook me. My dream was pleasant and calming, almost as if no impurities and no crime existed. I was content for the first time in a while.

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