Chapter 38

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(Y/n)'s POV

In the end, we never made it to the hot springs. Strange, masked people had jumped out from the bushes and began chasing us around the island, emitting a foul smell. Just remembering their stench was enough to make me cringe.

The bell rang, signifying the end of the school day. A content sigh left my lips before I hurriedly packed my things and made to go the door. Reki and Langa followed but we were stopped by a rather attractive student.

"(Y/n)-san, can I talk to you now? Do you have time?" asked a black-haired boy with striking blue eyes.

I went with him to the gardens whilst Reki and Langa stood at the doors, allowing us some privacy. The boy scratched the back of his neck and subconsciously tousled his hair as I tilted my head to the side with a confused look on my face.

"Will you go on a date with me?" he asked with blushing cheeks.

His gaze slid from me to something that had appeared behind me. Reki let out a nervous smile while Langa had a serious gaze levelled on my 'secret admirer'. I internally sighed.

"No," Langa said.
"No?" asked the boy.
"Her answer is no."
"Why? Are you two dating?"
"Oi, guys. Calm down. I'm not dating anyone. Also, I'm sorry but I can't accept. I don't..."
"Just one date?"

Langa's hand gripped my own. I almost winced from the force in which he used to grab me as the boy took a step closer. His sharp gaze followed my arm until they reached my hand engulfed in Langa's own.

I shook his arm but it seemed he wasn't himself. Reki tried to dispel the tense atmosphere yet Langa seemed oblivious to all his attempts. I tried loosening his grip, only he tightened it more than ever.

"Langa, what's wrong?"

Ruka suddenly stalked on scene, wrapping her hands around the boy's arm and pressing her chest flush against him. Chuuya was his name. I had just remembered. He was a popular 'jock' who was also kind and smart.

"Ne, why don't you come with me? I'll show you a much better time," she purred.
"Excuse me? I'm not interested," he replied bluntly despite her flirtatious attitude.
"Hmm? Why not?"
"Keep clinging to me and I'll rough you up. I may be nice but if you get on my nerves, I won't hesitate to use violence."

He shook off her hands and shoved past her, giving me a farewell smile that said I understand, I give up. Ruka glared at me, her mouth thinning into an angry frown. I shrugged, cocking an arrogant smirk just to irritate her.

"Damn it, why is it always you?" she seethed.
"Stop trying to steal people away from her," exclaimed Reki.
"Reki, Langa, let's go."
"You two'd be better off ditching her. She killed her own brother. What's to say she won't do the same to you?" Ruka threatened.
"You think we'd actually believe that nonsense? We're leaving," Reki said.

Reki pulled the two of us away before Ruka could utter another word. I let them lead me as my mind blocked the memories from that night. Damn it! I hated how weak I was. Someone...please teach me how to be strong...

I was brought back to the present as a dull pain registered in my hand. Langa still hadn't let go, I'm not even sure he realised. Reki turned around, immediately noticing the fact that my hand was still trapped in Langa's grip.

"Dude," he exclaimed.
"Hmm?" Langa questioned.

He followed Reki's gaze then hurriedly released me. His face mirrored that of someone suddenly overcome with guilt and concern. My hand was red but no serious damage was done.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." he apologised.
"Don't worry about it...but did something happen? You weren't being yourself."
"I don't know."
"You're not making sense," said Reki.
"I don't's odd. I don't know how...or what's going on..." Langa muttered while trying to piece together his thoughts.
"*sigh* We'll be late, let's go."

No one's POV

~At their part-time job~

(Y/n) was practicing her tricks out the front, with Reki and Langa inside doing their work. The manager listened to Reki's quiet ramblings to him regarding Langa's strange behaviour, humming in response to his occasionally loud exclamations.

"Wasn't he just jealous?" Oka asked.
"Him? Jealous? Why?" Reki questioned.
"Maybe he likes her? Do you, Langa?"

The blue-haired male stood up, turned his head to look at them before moving his gaze to stare at (Y/n) perfecting all her moves. All was silent. They waited eagerly for his answer, holding their breath when he finally returned his attention to them.

"Yeah, I do," he stated matter-of-factly.
"Eh?! Really?!" asked both Oka and Reki.
"She's a cool skater. I wanna learn her tricks...I think I might have a hard time talking to her if I didn't like her."
"*sigh* So that's what you meant."
"But if she started dating him, she'll hang out less with us," Langa whispered to himself.

(Y/n) pulled off a difficult street move and stopped to regain her breath. She was caught off-guard when hands covered her eyes from behind and a low voice tickled her ear.

"Omg Jun, you scared me!" she exclaimed.
"What was that? The (Y/n) with her guard down?" he teased.
"Oh pfft, excuse me for thinking it's relatively safe."
"*laughs* Anyway, what are you doing here?"
"Reki and Langa are working. I'm just hanging around like a bum because I have nothing better to do."
"Wanna go to the base (for her uncle's gang)?"
"Why? I'm not even a member."
"Come on, don't use that excuse. You're basically family."

The girl thought for a while before silently nodding her head in agreement. She headed into the skate shop, notifying her friends of her plans. Reki smiled and happily told her to 'have a good time'.

"Are we still going skating after?" Langa asked hopefully.
"Sure, just come find me later. Reki knows where," she replied.
"Oi, you better tell the leader. I don't wanna get beaten up," Reki joked though he was somewhat serious.
"Don't worry, I'll tell him he'll have some visitors. Besides, if they touch a single hair on your body, they're all dead."

Gratitude blossomed in Reki's chest. The smile on his face expressed his joy, for he'd never give her up for any other friend. She returned a cheeky grin and left, leaving Langa's longing for such a relationship unnoticed and shadowed.

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