Chapter 72

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(Y/n)'s POV

Langa had my hand in his, afraid that I'd disappear if he let go. His grip was tight yet reassuring. I subconsciously rubbed circles on the back of his hand, eventually stopping the trembling.

Sumiko turned around, briefly stopping her conversation with Reki before dropping a delicate napkin in my free hand. I thanked her, though confusion tickled my mind. I lifted Langa's hand, wiping the blood away from his knuckles only to have Sumiko giggle cutely like I had just told a silly joke.

"No darling, your lip. The ointment the nurse applied is flaking and we cannot have you looking like you just came out of a war. Though it's cute how you're caring for your boyfriend," she exclaimed.
"I did come out of a war and he's not my boyfriend..."
"Sshhh, I know you love each other. Oh, did you know-"
"Sumiko, why did you take us out of school?" Reki cut in, lest she started a whole story of drama again.
"Ah that. (Y/n), I'm sorry for not helping with Ruka and Ayaka these past few weeks. My mother was terribly ill so I had no time. She's recovering now so I decided to pay a visit and what do you know? A bunch of morons are harassing you. Don't worry, we're going to take legal action."
"I'm sorry about your mum, but there's really no need to take any action-"

She sent me a disbelieving look, coming forward to take my hand in hers. Her eyes displayed a strong conviction so rarely seen in people our age that I couldn't help but admire her strength and confidence.

"Honey, we do need to take action. My parents are powerful and that means I am too, and this powerful person is your friend. Use me. You cannot let Ruka win all the time. And besides, your boyfriend looks like he's about to explode with anger. If the teachers hadn't made it in time, those jerks would've done bad things to you."
"...we're not even that close. Why are you helping me so much?"
"Isn't it obvious? You're an interesting girl...and you're one of the few people who's treated me like a real person."

I grabbed her hand, giving it a tight squeeze. She immediately pulled me into a hug, making me let out a gasp from the force of her arms. It was a while before she let go. Langa hurriedly dragged me back to his side, intertwining our fingers.

"Wow, protective much?" Reki commented teasingly.
"I'm not gonna hurt her, sweetie," Sumiko said to Langa, though a bright smile rested on her face.
"Sumiko, we don't need to take this to the officials or anything. I think releasing the video will be enough."
"Really? Are you sure?"
"Yeah, really."
"Okay, if you say so..." replied the girl.
"What's even in that video anyway?" asked Reki.
"Abduction and rape."

The three of us almost stumbled in shock. She flashed an apologetic look for how suddenly she had said it before continuing on her way. We looked at each other, the relief written on our faces and behind it, a horror upon realising that terrible things would have occurred had the teachers not arrived.

"Where are we going?"
"To see my father. I'll ask if he can do something with the video," Sumiko answered.
"Sumiko, thank you."
"No need to thank me, darl."

She offered the brightest of smiles before leaving me alone with Langa. His gaze lingered on my lips, his expression hard. I pulled a cheeky grin, managing to catch his attention. He allowed his concern to show, his horror and anger so intense I worried he would faint from the force of his feelings.

I gave a soft squeeze of his hand as his expression softened. He was angry at the group who had harmed Reki and I, but more importantly, he was angry at himself for having left us alone.

"If he really did do something to you..." Langa began.
"I'm gonna stop you right there because he didn't. Everything's fine."

He didn't get a chance to reply. A basketball was flying towards us. I managed to catch it before it crashed into my face, having only just accepted that had I not been paying attention, it would have bruised my cheek.

We turned to see Jun running towards us, chasing after a guy who was around our age dressed in a stylish hoodie and sweatpants. Langa pulled me back as the two crashed to the ground, wrestling.

"Damn you, Jun. Get the hell off me!" yelled the teenager.
"Not a damn chance," replied my friend.

Two other guys were running towards us, their hands aiming for Jun's arms. Sumiko let out a surprised scream as they pushed her, leaving Reki to hurriedly steady the girl. We stared between the four guys before I realised that they were ganging up on Jun.

A large bruise coated his jawline, multiple cuts scarring his face. Though he acted as if he wasn't affected, I caught onto the slightest shake as they glanced his bruises, the smallest wince he couldn't hide fast enough.

"Oi girlie, give us the ball," said the guy wearing the hoodie.

He held out his hand, waiting. I smiled and threw it at his face, making his head snap back. The other two guys let go of Jun's arms, ready to take me on but I was faster. My fist connected with the guy on the left first before I aimed a kick at the second teenager.

Langa held out his skateboard, which I took and slammed into their stomachs as they doubled over in pain. The hoodie boy growled angrily but before he could take a step towards me, Jun tripped him and winked.

"Do you want another beating? Scram before I call the police."

They immediately ran off without another word. I turned towards Jun, raising an eyebrow as my eyes glanced over his dishevelled state. He smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. I took his chin and turned his head to inspect the injuries.

"What happened?"
"I was mad at my dad. Those guys...sometimes I play basketball with them but they're total jerks. If not for their skill, I wouldn't associate with them but...I started a fight...I wanted to- you know what? It doesn't matter," he muttered.
"Jun, you're such a big idiot sometimes."
"Only an idiot for you," he replied whilst winking.
"Should I swoon or vomit?"

He let out a laugh. Someone suddenly cleared their throat.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. Jun, this is Sumiko. And Sumiko, this is Jun."
"Pleasure to meet you," Sumiko exclaimed.
"Wow, real formal, aren't ya? I'm (Y/n)'s friend, Jun."
"I wasn't aware that you could fight," Sumiko said to me.
"Her uncle taught her. He was the leader of a yakuza clan," replied Jun.
"Yakuza? As in real life gangs?" she asked excitedly.
"Oh no, here she goes again..." sighed Reki.
"*laughs* Do you wanna see?" said Jun.

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