Chapter 92

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(Y/n)'s POV

"This doesn't concern you. Stay out of our business," scowled the boy with dirty blond hair.
"I'm afraid it very much does. You're insulting my friend's brother," Ryota replied.
"He deserves it. I bet his sister finds him repulsive."
"Oi, I'm right here. Don't speak as if you know me. And for the record, my brother means the world to me. In fact, you're the one who repulses me."

At my harsh words, the boy glanced away, his cheeks reddening in shame. His friend with the emerald eyes stalked up to me, both Ryota and Reki immediately tensing, their gazes wary and bodies cautious.

"Apologise to him right now," he seethed.
"Oh, so you do have a sense of loyalty."
"If Haru wasn't here, I'd-"
"Aki, just drop it," muttered the blond named Haru.
"Haru," hissed their third friend, with dark blue hair.

Yuu's eyes shot between the three boys, understanding dawning on him. I stared at him quizzically. Ryota noticed my brother's reaction, seeming to come to the same conclusion while Reki and I remained clueless.

"Don't look away when I'm talking to you," growled Aki.

Reki moved before I could react, twisting the boy's arm to prevent him from grabbing me.

"Don't touch her," he exclaimed.
"I see how it is now," Yuu commented.
"W-what do you mean?" asked Haru.
"You have a crush on my sister and the only way you thought to approach her was by bullying me."
"*blush* W-what? That's not true! I..."
"You thought I'd talk to you normally after you went ahead and talked down to Yuu?" I said, dangerously calm.
"Now that you know her feelings, can you please get lost? You're ruining our time," Yuu exclaimed.

A menacing glare from Ryota was all that was needed to send them running. Reki ruffled Yuu's hair, earning a good slap on the hand. Ryota let out a bemused smile as the two continued on ahead.

We trailed after them in silence, watching as they started to bicker playfully like idiotic children. I was suddenly reminded of the time when Luke was still here, when he'd take both Reki and I out to absurd challenges with his friends.

"If I were to say I'm starting to fall in love with you, what would you do?" Ryota asked abruptly.
"Is that supposed to be a joke?"
"I don't know, is it?"
"*sigh* Then I'd tell you not to kidnap my brother just to get me to date you for real."

He started laughing, amusement dancing in his eyes. I offered a small smile though the only thought that came to mind was Langa. It was impossible yet my mind couldn't help but yearn for a miracle.

"You really did love him, didn't you?" he asked quietly.
"None of that matters now."

Reki and Yuu had disappeared into a store though it was not that that had stopped me in my tracks. Ruka halted her conversation with her friend, meeting my gaze from two blocks away. A frown immediately marred my face.

She nodded subtly at Ryota who slipped an arm around my waist. I elbowed him though he was quick to play it off as nothing more than a loving tease. Irritation poked at my mind. Ruka waltzed closer, her friend at her heels.

"Just when I thought I'd spend the rest of my school life without seeing your vulgar face," she 'greeted'.
"Don't worry, the feeling's mutual."
"Still going around sleeping with guys and killing family members?"
"What about you? Still an insufferable brat who can't do anything without daddy's power?"
"Keeping up your end of the bargain, I presume?"
"Not like I have a choice."
"Make sure she stays on task. I wouldn't mind if you decide to have some fun with her. Think of her as your plaything. She can't do anything about it anyway," she told Ryota.
"Get a life. Do you really have so much free time that you'd willingly chase (Y/n) around? Seems to me like you're jealous," Reki commented as he stood beside me.

She rolled her eyes, pushing past me with her friend clueless as to what was going on. I pulled out of Ryota's hold, sending the male a furious glare. He opened his mouth as if to say something but winced when Yuu pettily stomped on his foot.

A laugh escaped my mouth. Reki took my hand before we rounded a corner to see Joe making out with a random girl. Yuu pointedly cleared his throat, managing to catch Joe's attention. The girl quickly excused herself and took her leave.

"Come on, did you have to scare her off like that?" he asked, disappointed that he was no longer in the presence of a pretty girl he could swoon.
"I should get some gratitude for helping you set your priorities straight," Yuu retorted.
"Yeah yeah, little man. You guys down for going to the skate park?"
"Hell yeah," Reki replied.

I immediately hopped on my skateboard and headed off, though Reki and Joe were quick to follow. Ryota offered a small wave when I looked back, accompanying Yuu into a nearby tech store.

The occasional pedestrian yelled at us though it wasn't difficult to ignore them when the wind rushed at your face and pulled at your clothes. I kicked my board up, jumping over a little boy who began clapping and laughing.

A flash of blue hair caught my eye. Langa was with Ayaka and they were kissing. Rather, it appeared more like she had leaned up to place her lips upon his whilst he stood shock still. Anger and sorrow took control of my broken heart.

"(Y/n), (Y/n)!"

I shook my head, coming back to my senses. Joe was staring worriedly into my eyes, a hand on my shoulder. A reassuring smile graced my face yet the concerned expression remained plastered on his.

Refusing to let this moment linger, I accelerated. I wished to outrun the emotions plaguing my mind, poisoning me within my tainted thoughts. I performed various tricks, hoping with desperation that I could forget. It was futile.

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