Chapter 28

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Hey Langa, what are you thinking?! You can't just accept his challenge!"
"But..." he started.
"No buts! Listen, you don't know Kyle. He's crazy good and even better when he gets obsessive like that."
"He won't stop unless I do this."
"I don't want to drag you into my problem."

A frown marred both my face and his. A weight had been placed upon my heart, locking it in a bottomless pit. There was nothing preventing its inevitable demise yet I couldn't help but feel warmed by his sincerity.

Kyle was popular at school. A hot badass with both brawn and brains if one ignored his stupid obsession over me. His reputation far exceeded his worth, yet his skating was no joke.

There was an underground skating tournament in the city we used to live in back in Australia, similar to S. Created by a group of genius teenage skaters, my brother and his friends kept the top position for as long as anyone could remember. That was why Luke decided to leave S to me...he had already had his fair share of the spotlight.

"(Y/n), I want to help," said Langa.
"Oi, all your brooding has scared off my customers. Can't you have this conversation somewhere else?" Joe asked after placing our pasta in front of us.
"Reki was hungry. Blame him."
"Oi! I-I can't help when I get hungry," Reki muttered.
"Anyway, so who's this guy that's chasing after you?"
"He was a friend of Luke's."
"A good-for-nothing jerkass," said Miya.
"An arrogant playboy," added Reki.
"A good skater," exclaimed Langa.

The boys continued to eat after offering their opinions. A sigh left my lips as Joe raised an eyebrow. There was nothing more to say. Despite their biased answers, they had more or less summed up Kyle's personality.

Langa's POV

~Night time~

After seeing Reki off, he had asked me to take (Y/n) home despite her saying she would be fine. My eyes swiftly moved to glance at her stature as the soft moonlight shone down on our figures.

No expression was visible on her face. She suddenly hopped on her skateboard, making me follow. I simply glided across the street, watching her skate. My heart began to beat faster and faster as she performed tricks as easily as if she were just breathing.

I moved to her side as she slowed to check her phone. She hurriedly shoved it back into her pocket afterwards. My hand gently took a hold of her sleeve before she offered a casual grin.

"Can we wait a bit before going?" she asked.

All I could do was offer a nod. She hopped off and went to sit on the swing in the park. I sat on the one beside her, my eyes watching her face. She looked at nothing but her hands in her lap, deep in thought.

"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied.

Her fingers were gripped tightly and her brows were furrowed. She didn't make a very convincing job...or perhaps she no longer felt the need to hide. I stood up and moved behind her. She let out a small gasp of surprise as I gently began pushing.

"You look better when you're smiling."
"'re not going to ask?" she questioned bluntly.
"Do you want me to?"
"Then I won't."

She remained silent. I realised I knew almost nothing about her. I knew her seemingly unbeatable skateboarding skills. I knew her fun yet cool personality. I knew she was pretty...she was beautiful... A blush immediately coated my cheeks.

Her ringtone cut through the silence, shattering my thoughts. She reached for her phone and stared at the screen. A picture of her and her mum was displayed. She waited and waited, picking up only at the last minute.

"Hi mum," she said softly.

Standing this close behind her, I could hear her mother screaming into the phone. My body shivered upon hearing her shrill voice but dread and worry had me in its tight grasp as I comprehended the words she was saying.

"Where are you?! What are you doing?! Luke is going to die! You're a terrible daughter! How could you leave your brother like that?! He cared about you so much! You killed him! Y-you killed him..."

The line was cut. I reached for her shoulder, stopping myself midway. I was at a loss for words. I wasn't Reki. I couldn't...I didn't know what to do. Anxiety and concern fought in my mind.

"Langa, thanks for keeping me company. I can head home by myself. I know how to fight so I'll be fine if some drunko assaults me," she exclaimed stoically.
"(Y/n), I-"

I stopped short upon seeing the empty expression on her face. A smile rested on her lips, genuine yet polite. Her hand moved up to wave goodbye before she began to walk away, her steps burdened and dull.

Was it okay to just leave her like that? A message from Reki popped up, asking whether (Y/n) was home yet. My finger pressed the call button with him picking up only a second later.

"Hey Langa, is (Y/n) home?" he asked.
"Not yet."
"It's already so late though..."
"I have a question."
"Oh? What is it?"
"(Y/n)'s going home by herself now. Her mum called and she um..."
"Her mum? Oh... Langa, was she screaming?" he questioned seriously.
"Langa, you have to stop (Y/n) from going home. Yuu and (F/n) know how to calm her mum down. If she sees (Y/n), she'll lose control and- damn it! Anyway, she can't go home now!"
"I'll stop her."
"Hurry, please."

I hurriedly hopped on my skateboard and chased after (Y/n). My eyes frantically searched the area, my heart pounding rapidly when she was nowhere in sight. I continued to search, giving myself no time to rest.

Not long after, I found her walking up a flight of stairs along the street. My feet began running up the long path, aching with every step as I urged them to go faster. Once I reached her, I grabbed her arm. She immediately flipped me around, holding my arm behind my back.

"I-it's me."
"Oh! Sorry."

She let go before I turned to face her, still with that empty look in her eyes.

"You can't go home."
"Why not?" she questioned.
"I-ice-cream. I want ice-cream."
"Then get it yourself."

I quickly pulled on her arm as she started to walk away, holding her to my chest. A tremble shook her body, which then stood shock still. She was so strong...even in this situation, she showed no weakness.

"It has to be with you."
"...don't be a kid. You can eat it by yourself," she whispered, her emotions slowly shining through the cracks.

A small giggle escaped as she buried her face against my chest. My calming heart began beating vigorously again. What was happening to me?...

"Alright, I suppose I can keep you company for a little longer," she acquiesced.
"No. I also want to eat ramen and watch a movie."
"I'm pretty sure the movies are closed now. You can watch one at home."

A frown marred my face.

"Is it...that hard to ask you to stay?"

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