Chapter 116

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No one's POV

Kanato stared at the blue-haired male, wondering why (Y/n) had no energy to talk to him. Langa continued to stare at the girl in his arms, ignoring Ayaka's subtle attempts at pulling him away.

"She needs to get her injuries treated. No time to talk," was Kanato's brief reply.
"Ruka did this to her," Reki whispered as he walked past.

Langa clenched his fists, knowing that he should not care for her, knowing that she had brought this upon herself. Yet he felt a painful tug in his heart, hating himself for feeling an ounce of sorrow for her.

"It's what she deserves," Ayaka exclaimed, though she had meant her words for only Langa to hear.

Kanato stopped in his tracks, turning a sharply ferocious gaze on this Ruka lookalike. She flashed an innocent smile, choosing to maintain an ignorant attitude towards his conspicuously hostile expression.

Though he wanted nothing more than to teach her a lesson, Reki grabbed both the twins by their shirts and dragged them away. There was little point in causing a fight, knowing that Ruka and Ayaka would simply utilise their power to threaten them.

(Y/n)'s POV

~Some time later~

I stared at my bandaged wrist, sighing to myself. How much longer would I have to get hurt for Ruka to be satisfied? Reki offered a small smile, easing some of the worry in my heart. I took his hand with my uninjured one, swinging them as we walked.

"You're supposed to be injured," he exclaimed.
"And you're my emotional support."
"I think you might be drunk from the pain. Do I need to take you to the hospital again?"
"Very funny."
"Anyway, where did Joe wanna meet us again?"
"His restaurant. Wish the twins could've joined."
"It can't be helped I guess. They also have plans."

My phone rang, interrupting our conversation. It was a call from Joe. I answered with a simple 'hey'.

"(Y/n), you haven't heard from your brother, have you? He was supposed to meet me half an hour ago. Your parents can't seem to reach him either," Joe exclaimed urgently.
"What? Where was he the last time you spoke to him?"
"Your dad's cafe-"
"Okay, I'll call you later."
"Wait, (Y/n)-"

Reki followed me without question as I hopped on my skateboard and began skating towards my dad's cafe. He glanced at me worriedly, sensing that something was wrong though knew it was too urgent for us to stop and chat.

My body accelerated as the only thought in my mind was to reach the cafe. Yuu couldn't be hurt. He had to be safe. I swerved to avoid pedestrians who yelled at our delinquency. I drowned out their voices, focusing only on skating.

I flipped over railings, swerved past obstacles and kicked up over ledges. It wasn't long before we reached the cafe's doors, where Yuu was nowhere to be seen through the large windows. Someone's sturdy hands suddenly grabbed my shaking body. I flipped them over, acting on instinct.

"Whoa, it's just me," grunted Jun.
"Sorry. Have you seen Yuu?"
"No, why? Did something happen to him?"
"I don't know. I hope not but no one can reach him."
"I'll call the guys. I'm sure he's fine. It could be that his phone's just out of charge."

It wasn't long before I received another call. This time, it was from an unknown number. I answered, a sick feeling gathering in my stomach. An all too familiar voice greeted me on the other end.

"Do you like my little surprise?" Ruka asked innocently.
"Where's my brother? What did you do to him?"
"He's safe...for now."
"I didn't break any promises. I kept our deal-"
"Isn't it strange how some of your friends know about it? Didn't I tell you not to do anything?" she questioned.
"Ruka, he's just a kid! Let him go!"
"Yes, but aren't we all kids? My brother didn't even turn twenty before you killed him."
"Find him if you can. If not, I'm not sure what state he'll be in."

The line went dead. I squeezed my eyes shut, forcing the tears back. Someone gently squeezed my arm before I opened my eyes again. Reki looked at me worriedly though offered a reassuring smile.

"(Y/n), the guys found a lead. They checked security cameras around his friend's place and found that Yuu was taken by some young adults in a black ferrari," exclaimed Jun.
"What? A ferrari?"
"I'm not really sure what's going on either but we should get going. One of the guys is coming over to pick us up."

Soon enough, we were on our way. Reki slid his hand into mine, squeezing tightly. I squeezed back, just as tight, trying to drown out the worries threatening to take over my mind. Jun took my other hand, careful not to jostle my sprain. I knew that I had his support, support from the whole gang if it turned out Ruka had hired dangerous people.

We arrived at a tall skyscraper, much to my surprise. This particular building boasted one of the most beautiful apartments in the area. I stepped out, heading towards the entrance. The security guard did nothing as Reki, Jun and I entered.

"Whoever they are, they're expecting us," commented Jun.
"What floor?"

There was another guard in the elevator, who pulled out a keycard for the forty-sixth floor without us needing to say so. A few tense moments passed before the doors opened and we stepped out into an apartment suite that was the entire floor.

The furniture appeared expensive and modern, matched with the room's black and grey colour scheme. The floor-to-ceiling windows showcased a decent view of the city below, silky curtains pulled to the side.

"You finally made it."

We turned towards the sound of the voice. A boy around our age with vibrant blue hair and dark eyes gazed back at us. He was tall and striking, dressed in luxury clothing.

"Where's my brother?"
"Give me a kiss, pretty girl, and I'll consider telling you," he teased.
"Tell me where he is or I'll rip your throat out."
"No need to get violent."

He disappeared into a room to the right. We immediately followed him inside. My blood boiled. Yuu was strapped to a chair, a cloth stuffed into his mouth, blood dripping from a cut on his cheek. Around him were three other guys, excluding the one we saw earlier. I gritted my teeth.

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