Chapter 81

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(Y/n)'s POV

Irritation clouded my mind as he placed a finger under my chin. Cherry and Joe immediately took a step forward though I was quick to slap his hand away. He didn't seem fazed and continued as if nothing had happened.

"How unusual. I don't see Langa-kun with you," he commented.
"Is there a rule that says he must stick to me 24/7?"
"Something happened between you two."
"My business is none of yours. Is the legendary skater so bored with his life that he has the time to monitor mine? I'm so honoured."
"Don't provoke me with your sarcasm, little Rose. As much as I love you, I do have my limits."
"Going after minors is illegal," Reki said innocently.

This earned a few laughs and snickers. I couldn't help but grin as Adam's smile gave a slight twitch. He once again asked about our beef before the two of us settled on a date, his excitement showing through his extravagant actions.

Bang. The sound of a gunshot rang out as a rubber bullet grazed my arm. I let out a curse before Reki hurriedly pulled me to the ground, more bullets flying overhead. My mind went blank.

"(Y/n), you're okay. Look at me," Reki exclaimed in a calming tone.
"I'm here."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Reki's hand grasped mine before I was standing up like nothing had fazed me. He alone could feel the trembling in my arm, the fear I masked behind a cold anger.

Ruka stepped out from the throng of chaos that had descended with her twisted idea of a prank. A cruel smirk played upon her lips as she tasted the satisfaction of seeing my fear, of knowing my trauma.

"Oops, my little surprise must've scared you. Did it remind you of your sin?" she asked casually.
"My sin? You'll end up in prison with the amount of 'sins' you've committed against me."
"All worth it, considering how you stole my family from me."

I dug my nails into my palm, drawing blood. Miya immediately noticed and squeezed his little hand into my own to prevent me from hurting myself even more. Joe had taken out some of her guards and it was then that I noticed that Ryota was nowhere to be seen.

"Do you really have to keep up with this stupid display? One would think you're jealous of Rose," Cherry commented.
"Me? Jealous of a murderer like her?" questioned Ruka.
"Artemis, what is the meaning of this? I was having a nice conversation with my little Rose," Adam said in a dangerously calm voice.
"My bad. I-"
"If you harm her in any way before my beef against her, I won't hesitate to dispose of you. I want her in top condition so I can experience-"
"Alright, enough with the threats, everyone," Joe exclaimed.
"Adam's right about one thing. You hurt Rose and we'll pay it back tenfold," Reki told Ruka.

She smirked and clicked her fingers. One of her guards shot up into the air. My body froze. A laugh erupted from her cherry red lips. I took a deep breath and let go of both Reki and Miya's hands, and walked up to Ruka.

My mouth neared her ear as I whispered, using my body to hide the knife I had slid out from a hidden strap. She stilled as I pressed the blade against her stomach.

"Ne, who do you think will be faster? This knife or your guard's 'fake' gun?"
"You wouldn't dare," she seethed.
"Listen, Ruka. I don't give a damn about you. You've threatened to make my friend an orphan so what makes you think I'll hesitate to give you a little stab?"

She appeared shaken by my words. I drunk in the satisfaction of seeing her fear despite how well she tried to conceal it. A cheeky grin played on my lips before I stepped back and walked away.

Reki hurriedly caught up to me. The others sensed my deteriorating mood and decided to leave me alone. Reki and I walked in silence, allowing the buzzing of insects to fill our ears. Eventually, his fingers reached for my own.

From the direction we were walking, he knew where we were headed. I squeezed his hand, grateful that he was still here. It wasn't long before we spotted two familiar figures, standing under a large oak tree. Ayaka leaned up to kiss Langa's cheek. My jaw tightened.

Reki waved, acting as if everything was normal. Langa managed a small nod as we stopped. Ayaka smiled in greeting, only further inciting my anger. She knew about her sister's 'assault' yet such a feat didn't seem to bother her.

"You look like you've just been to war," she commented.
"No thanks to your sister."
"So that's what she's been doing. I just asked Langa to meet up."
"You're bleeding," Langa exclaimed.

He took my arm, ripping off the sleeve that clung to the wound from the bullet. I hadn't even noticed. An awkward tension filled the space around us as he realised what he had just done. To his credit, he continued as if we didn't have a broken relationship.

A bittersweet ache coated my heart. His actions were as gentle as the wind that blew against our skin as he ripped off a little of his shirt to tie around my arm. My breath caught once noticing how close his face was. He tensed, his eyes giving nothing away.

I remembered that Ayaka was here and how she had kissed his cheek. I wasn't supposed to be his friend. He was supposed to hate me. My movements were hollow as I half-heartedly moved away and stretched. Ayaka hid her annoyance beneath an innocent smile.

"Thanks, I didn't notice."
"Langa, are you dating Ayaka?" Reki asked.
"I keep asking him but he hasn't given me a straight answer," replied Ayaka.
"Don't force him into it. If it weren't for you and your sister, he and (Y/n) would be together. Langa, if you end up with Ayaka, I won't support it."

Reki walked off. I offered a malevolent smirk towards the two and turned my gaze towards Langa.

"Don't forget, you're supposed to hate me. Don't let my charms seduce you again, sweetheart."

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