Chapter 115

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(Y/n)'s POV

Kanato scanned my face for other injuries whilst Ayato pushed to the front, staring down at the girl who was so determined to bring me down. He shoved her with his finger, smirking as he did so.

"Ne, is it fun to toy with people's lives? Ne, why aren't you saying anything?" Ayato questioned.
"Do you even know who I am? With a single call, I can have you ruined for good," fumed Ruka.
"Don't know and don't care. You tried to hurt Rose. Who's stopping me from doing the same to you?"

He shoved her harder this time, making the other girls whimper in fear. I hurriedly grabbed his arm, stopping him from going any further. He pouted, though didn't fight me nor shake me off.

"You're lucky that I'm such a generous person. I won't report you to the police. But there's a condition," exclaimed Ruka.

I rolled my eyes, knowing that she had asked to hang for a devious reason.

"And what's this 'condition'?"
"Perform. There's this charity event I'm supposed to be doing, you know because I'm a good person, unlike someone who murders siblings. But I don't have any performers. I need you to perform in front of kids from an orphanage," she said.
"As much as I'd like to entertain the kids, this is obviously a trap so no thank you. Report us if you'd like."
"So I take it that you won't care what happens to your brother?"
"You're no better than me. You would go as far as to harm my family when you accuse me of doing the same."
"Hmm but there's a difference. I'm doing this because I have no choice, because you should feel the same. But you did it out of selfishness and recklessness. You killed him."
"We'll perform," Ayato suddenly cut in.
"Guys, you can't just agree-" I started.
"Sounds like your brother's life depends on this. Anyone who doesn't value family is trash," spat Kanato.

The twins shot Ruka equally menacing glares. With their tall, lean yet built stature and beatific appearance, it was no exaggeration to say that Ruka's friends seemed to back off due to the misleading aristocratic aura the two emitted. She smirked before beckoning us to follow.

~At the orphanage~

Reki and I stood at the top of a giant ramp Ruka had somehow convinced the people to build beside this orphanage. The kids were eagerly watching in anticipation, happily eyeing the moment we'd begin.

Ayato and Kanato were standing in the crowd, waiting for the next performance to begin. They had volunteered to perform circus tricks for the kids due to their being unable to skateboard. Despite their seemingly bad history with Ryota, beneath their tough exterior was a gentle warmth.

"Reki, I don't like this. Something's definitely gonna happen and I don't want you to get hurt."
"I could say the same to you. We just have to get through this. She won't be able to do anything overly catastrophic because people are watching," he replied.
"I hope you're right."

We exchanged smiles before dropping in. I performed a grab as my skateboard left the ramp. The children cheered happily, their obvious excitement reaching my ears and dimming my worries.

Reki and I executed grabs and airs, trying for harder tricks each time. Time seemed to pass like trickling water, with no coordination and completely at its own pace as we skated. That was, until something threw us off rhythm.

A section of the ramp pushed upwards before I immediately swerved around it to avoid falling into the hole. Ruka's menacing laughter reverberated through the speakers as she spoke into the mic.

"You kids better prepare yourselves. Do you think our skaters will be able to brave these obstacles?" Ruka exclaimed.

I cursed under my breath, hating her even more for this unexpected twist. Reki stopped at the other end, hoping he'd be able to avoid the moving bits and pieces. This was done in vain however, as the platform tilted, making him slide.

The parts were beginning to display different movements. I was suddenly rising whilst my skateboard was still moving. I performed a few flips as I reached the end of the section and dropped.

"This is ridiculous! Do you want us to die?!" Reki yelled at Ruka.

She didn't reply, leaving us to manoeuvre between the parts, all the while instinctively executing tricks to try keep all our limbs attached to our bodies. I flipped to avoid an incoming block, flipping onto my hands, much to the children's excitement.

However, just as I flipped over another block, a third knocked me off the ramp. Reki screamed my name, though it was too late. I crashed against the ground, landing too hard on my arm and earning a myriad of bruises.

"Omg miss! Are you alright?!" shrieked a little girl with pigtails.
"That was a big fall! Are you okay?!" asked a boy with blonde hair.

Ruka had stopped the machinations of the ramp, allowing Reki to climb down. Ayato and Kanato immediately rushed over to help me up; however, when one of the two tried to grab my arm, I hissed in pain.

"She sprained her wrist, Kanato. It looks bad," exclaimed Ayato.
"You did this on purpose!" Kanato spat at Ruka.
"Did I? Where's your proof?" asked Ruka.
"Ne, we need to get this treated first. We can worry about that snake later."

Although I could most likely stand on my own, Kanato swept an arm underneath my legs and picked me up. Reki caught up to us, following Kanato though not before Ayato shoved Ruka as he walked past.

"I can walk on my own, you know."
"You're injured. No need to make it worse," was Kanato's reply.

That was when I spotted a familiar mop of blue hair. He was with Ayaka. Had Ruka invited them here? I turned my head to bury my face against Kanato's shirt, muttering a few words to him.

"I'm unconscious."
"Whatever you say," Kanato answered in amusement.

There was a beat of silence.

"(Y/n)? What happened?"

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