Chapter 107

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(Y/n)'s POV

I struggled to breathe. I didn't know what to think. Logic commanded me to push him away like he was little more than a speck of dust; however, my emotions refused to listen no matter how hard I screamed.

Langa, seeing my panicked state, schooled his expression into one of indifference. He remembered that I 'wasn't' afraid of guns. He thought that this was a joke to try to gain back his trust. My mouth went dry.

Reki's yell pulled me out of my spiralling thoughts. Adrenaline kept my thoughts from wondering. I immediately jumped onto his opponent's back and choked the man, pulling him to the ground as I did so. A wince graced my face as his elbow caught the area where I had been punched in the stomach.

He soon grew unconscious as I continued to squeeze his neck. Reki helped push him off my body before helping me up. I fought the urge to bend over and let my body rest. The pain in my stomach worsened.

"(Y/n), watch out!" Miya yelled.

I turned and hurriedly grabbed the knife that was about to be plunged into my back. My hand oozed out thick, warm blood as Shizuo's guard attempted to twist the blade. I let out a curse before shoving my knee up to hit his jaw.

He stumbled back, letting go of the knife in the process. I flipped it in my hand to hold the handle before stabbing into areas that would cause him the most pain. Another attacked me from behind; however, I flipped over him and dodged his punch before it could land.

It wasn't long before he was down. A muffled yell caught my attention. I noticed Miya being dragged away from the scene into a hidden room. Without a second thought, I sprinted after them, dodging the odd swing and stumbling body.

"Let him go unless you want your throats ripped out."
"Ah, the warrior princess finally makes her appearance," commented a short man with full body tattoos.

They had guns trained on me and one pressed against Miya's temple. He looked worriedly between us, still clutching his skateboard to his chest. I glared at his captors, trying to concoct a decent plan to free him.

Someone suddenly pushed a pistol towards me, hitting my foot as it came to a stop. My mind blanked. I put on an expression of boredom despite the panic rising in my chest. Nothing good would come of this.

"Pick up the gun, girl. Take a shot at the boy and we'll let you both go," said the short man.

He was toying with me. He knew. Shizuo had done her research and knew my fears. Miya's face overlapped with Luke's, the situation eerily similar. My hands picked up the gun as if I were a robot following a set of commands.

"Good girl. Now shoot."
"(Y/n)," Miya said worriedly.
"I-it'll be fine. Everything'll be fine."
"It's okay. I can take it. Just don't shoot me in a place that'll prevent me from skating."
"Hell no, I'm not-"
"Time's ticking, girl. Shoot him."

Disdain and hatred plastered themselves onto my face as I glared down at the arrogant man. His subordinates shifted though their guns still remained steady. My mind was in a whirlwind of panic; however, the expression on my face spoke of my insatiable anger.

"You don't know who you're messing with."

He fired a shot at my feet. It took a lot of effort to control my breathing, to pretend as if nothing affected me. Suddenly, their bodies tensed and some aimed their guns away from where I stood.

"I'm not here to fight," said a familiar voice.

His familiar body pressed against my back as his hands came up to hold the gun over my own. My heart pounded as his breath tickled my ear when he whispered quiet words that were indecipherable to the others.

"Close your eyes. I'll aim and you shoot," Langa said softly.
"Trust me."

I hesitantly closed my eyes, relying on the warm feeling of his close proximity to calm my mind. He squeezed my hand and I pulled the trigger. He kept his grasp tight. I didn't stop shooting. Without warning, I was twirled around and pressed against his chest whilst the gun was snatched from my hands.

My breathing was hard as I covered my ears to block out the sound of the gunshots. Miya's hands grasped my side and that was when I knew that he was safe. Soon, the gunshots stopped. Langa gently pried my hands away.

"It's safe now," he reassured.
"W-what happened? Where-"

Everyone was down. Whether they were simply unconscious or dead, I could not tell. I looked back at Langa, who wiped something away from my cheeks. Tears. I was crying.

"I'm fine. Langa shot everyone but me. They weren't expecting a rookie to be able to shoot so well so they couldn't retaliate in time," replied the young skater.

He squeezed my hand before heading back out.

"Why did you lie?" was Langa's first question.
"About what?"
"You're afraid of guns. I thought you weren't. Did you lie about anything else?"
"That wasn't a lie. I was just playing along so I could catch them off-guard. I could've saved Miya even if you didn't come."
"'re lying."

Though my heart was once more ripped to shreds, I flashed this innocent, loyal boy a dangerously lethal smile.

"Honey, I'm not the girl you once thought you knew. You didn't think I pretended to act weak so I could have you act as my knight in shining armour?"
"You really should stop trying to find that cheeky, loving girl. She's not real, she never was...but I guess I'll thank you for coming to help."
"...did they hurt you? When they..."
"...I've already been hurt far worse than what that vulgar man was going to do."

Without waiting for a reply, I headed back into the heat of the chaos. I blocked various attacks, taking down a few enemies in the process. My instincts kicked in as I bent my body and flipped to avoid the blades thrown at me by a skilled knife thrower.

Jun kicked the man from behind before I swung on a low pipe and kicked his face. Shizuo suddenly shot up into the air, making everyone stop. Cherry was in front of her with his hands up and a gun aimed at his head.

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