Chapter 91

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(Y/n)'s POV

My eyes shot open. Large gasps escaped my mouth, my mind a whirlwind of confusion and fear. Warmth engulfed my hand, grounding me to reality and away from the world of nightmares.

Reki let out a relieved smile before I was pulled into a tight embrace. My vision cleared and it was only then that I realised I was in a hospital room. Yuu and Jun were the only others inside, seemingly in the middle of a game of cards, stopped by my sudden gasps.

"Langa's mum, is she okay? What happened?"
"Relax, you only just woke up," exclaimed Jun.

I shot him a look before he sighed and acquiesced.

"She's fine, only a small bump on her head. She was in the hospital room next to yours but left not long before you woke up. Langa did find out that she was here but as for the details, I'm not sure how much she'll reveal," he explained.
"Okay...what about your dad? The gang?"
"Only suffered small injuries. No casualties though I can't say the same for the enemy. My dad shot him through the head, warning them not to touch you again."
"(Y/n), I'm forbidding you from going out," Yuu added.
"Good luck with that," Reki replied before saying to me, "I'm glad you're alright. I barely just managed to stop Cherry and Joe from barging in here like overprotective parents."

He nudged my uninjured arm before I scooted over so he could lie down beside me. Jun and Yuu continued their game, filling the silence with nonchalance and normality. Soon, Reki fell asleep cuddling my arm.

No one's POV

Langa quietly followed his mum whilst she grocery shopped. He kept quiet, wanting to question why she had been admitted to the hospital though unwilling to bring it up when she showed no signs of wanting to talk now.

A quiet sigh left his lips as he half-heartedly pushed the trolley after his mum. He watched her pick out vegetables, meat, and various snacks. A loud, grumbling sound resonated from his stomach, making a young girl cry out in laughter.

Her mum tried shushing her daughter but it was done in vain. Langa stared at the girl, his own mum sighing in embarrassment. The girl ran up to him, holding out a lemon flavoured lollipop. He took it wordlessly before she happily skipped back.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat," his mum exclaimed.

~Some time later~

Langa finished his poutine before starting on the many cheeseburgers he had ordered. His mum slowly ate her meal, wondering how his son could eat so much yet retain a decent physique.

"Langa, you wanted to know why I was in hospital, right?"
"Yeah," was his short reply.
"I fainted when I was out with friends. Apparently I worked too hard."
"Are you okay now?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. But Langa, there's something I want to ask you."
"Are anyone?"

He stopped eating to give her a reluctant reply.

"And it's not (Y/n), is it?" she asked.
"It's a girl named Ayaka."
"Did something happen between you and (Y/n)?"
"Ehh, that's weird. I would've thought for sure that she would be your girlfriend."
"I've seen the way you look at her. I would've loved her as a daughter-in-law."

His mum laughed lightly. Her face took on a contemplative expression as she recalled the incident. (Y/n) had so eagerly sacrificed her own safety because she was afraid of Langa becoming hurt from seeing his mum put into such a situation.

It was clear that she cared deeply for why did her son start dating someone that he hadn't even invited over once? There was also the disturbing statement that that boy Jun had said. That witch's twin.

"Well, let me meet Ayaka sometime, okay?"

(Y/n)'s POV

Jun had headed back to his father while Yuu, Reki and I were traversing the city streets. I hadn't wanted to remain cooped up in a stale hospital room nor did I wish to return home and face my parent's disappointment.

"Hello princess."

A large sigh left my lips. Ryota smirked, casually striding to my side though he made no move to touch me. Yuu eyed the black-haired male with a judgemental look, clearly trying to ascertain my 'boyfriend's' loyalties.

"Do you really love my sister?" Yuu questioned.
"Of course I do," replied Ryota.
"Favourite food? Drink? Movie?"

Much to my surprise, he answered them correctly to which Yuu replied with a stoic hum. Reki stared at Ryota, still not entirely convinced regarding his intimacy with me.

"If she had to save either you or me and sacrifice the other, who'd she choose?" asked Yuu.
"She'd choose to save you," Ryota said.
"Hmm, I appreciate the sentiment but she'd choose to sacrifice herself."
"Guys, as much as I like the attention, can you please switch to a different topic?"
"Whatever you want, princess."

I rolled my eyes, making him laugh a hearty sound. His hand brushed against mine before his fingers tentatively reached for my own. Upon sensing my immediate tensing, he subtly pulled away.

Reki cut between the two of us, pointedly taking my hand within his own. A cheeky smile graced my face. He returned it with a pout. Ryota glanced at our gentle interactions, something like sadness crossing his face though it disappeared as quickly as a fleeting dream.

Yuu suddenly let out a small 'ow' as a pebble was thrown at his head. We turned around to see three boys, perhaps two years older than him smirking at my brother's pain. Anger immediately clouded my vision.

"Hey nerd head, does your sister have to babysit you because you're too much of a pussy to go anywhere yourself?" taunted the one with emerald green eyes.
"Or maybe you're just jealous that I'm so much smarter than you so you're trying to make yourself feel better by harassing me," Yuu said simply.
"What was that, you little-"

Ryota stepped forward before I could, gently brushing a hand against my arm to halt me.

"Oi, you wanna say that again? How about this? Every time you throw an insult, I throw a punch," he exclaimed in a nonchalant manner.

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