Chapter 73

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(Y/n)'s POV

The members of the gang eyed Sumiko, who was eagerly staring at everything and everyone in sight. She noticed their wariness but decided to ignore the danger lurking behind their gazes and defensive stances.

"This is so cool. Do you train here?" she asked.
"I sometimes come here to hang and train, so yeah I guess you could say I do."
"Oi Jun, (Y/n). Are you guys planning on bringing people here every time you get a new friend? This isn't a spot to hang out," said his dad, Kenta.
"Come on, this place is already so dreary. A bunch of teenagers will liven it up in no time," Jun replied.
"Jun," he said in warning.
"Sir, please don't scold him. I asked to come. If we're bothering you, we'll leave," Sumiko exclaimed.

Kenta then let out a sigh before waving his hand, as if saying we were allowed to stay. I smiled, pulling him in for a quick hug mainly to irritate him. The members started laughing at Kenta's stiff posture before he walked away.

Someone suddenly came charging towards me. Sumiko let out a small yell as she hurriedly stepped out of the way. I twirled to avoid the man's fist, grabbing his arm and twisting myself to flip onto his back.

"Oi, stop playing dirty!" he exclaimed, though it was said in humour.
"Too bad you're just not as flexible."

An easy smile graced my face as we exchanged blows, dodging punches and throwing kicks. My breaths came out in pants as our energy depleted but I eventually had my legs around his neck as he tapped my foot, giving in to his defeat.

A loud thud took our attention as we sat up, seeing Langa lying on the ground. Jun and Reki began laughing at the blue-haired male, who blinked as if he was in a daze. I sent a questioning look towards them.

"I asked if he wanted to try having an easy duel with me. Didn't even last two seconds," Jun replied.
"*blush* Well, I've never done martial arts before so it's only natural that I couldn't have lasted that long..." Langa muttered.
"Want me to teach you?" asked Jun.
"Take him up on the offer. You want to be able to protect your girlfriend, right?" Sumiko exclaimed, her mouth twisted into a subtle smirk.

Cheers and cat calls erupted from the gang, only getting more rowdy when Langa accepted. I rolled my eyes at their comments, allowing a small smile to grace my face when Langa met my gaze.

"Oi redhead, how about I teach you too?" asked Kenta.
"My name's not redhead, it's Reki. And I guess I don't mind but-" Reki began.
"Then it's settled. You'll train with me and your friend with my son and whoever turns out to have trained the better fighter gets to set a ground rule for the loser," Kenta said while looking his son in the eye.
"It's a deal," Jun replied.
"Oi, what about us? You can't just drag us into your fight for dominance," argued Reki.
"Already have. Too late to back out now."

Ruka's POV

~Some time later~

I was on a stroll in the park, walking my golden retriever, Lexi. A simmering anger bubbled in my mind. Despite Lexi being by my side, the single thought of (Y/n) made my blood boil. How could she steal Langa away from my sister?

My eyes suddenly caught onto a group of friends in the distance. It was (Y/n) with Langa and Reki. She moved to sit down under a tree before Langa sat beside her whilst Reki hurried off somewhere. I stopped to watch as she leaned her head against his shoulder.

The smile he reserved for her was so gentle and sweet that an ache pounded at my heart. Someone loved her in a way that I had never experienced before. Irritation and jealousy clouded my vision.

"I hope you don't try to do anything to them."

I turned my head to see Reki standing beside me. His gaze was wary as he looked my way. I offered a pretentiously sweet smile, making him scowl in return. A mocking laugh escaped my mouth.

"You really think I'll let him stay with (Y/n)?"
"No, knowing that you're a selfish brat who has her priorities all mixed up," he replied.
"Don't talk back to me like that unless you want a beating."
"Go ahead and beat me then."

I clicked my fingers the moment he pulled a face. Five guards appeared, stepping out from behind bushes or simply from posing as random pedestrians. I didn't bother watching them restrain the boy as my feet slowly made their way towards (Y/n).

A hand suddenly grabbed my arm before I could walk any further. (Y/n)'s friend from the yakuza smirked at my dumbfounded face. My eyes trailed behind him to see all five guards knocked out with Reki standing to the side.

"Now what are you gonna do, miss? Your guards are unconscious and you know that as soon as you show even the slightest hint of hurting (Y/n), I'll crush your bones," he threatened.
"Oh my, how violent."

Lexi immediately started barking at him. He paid her no mind, simply tightening his grip when I attempted to shake him off. An irritated frown marred my face. My skin was starting to bruise from how tightly he was grabbing my arm.

"Let go, I'll have you reported to the police for assault."
"Can't do anything on your own?" he mocked.
"Jun, that's enough. Ruka, go home. He'll hurt you before the police arrive even if it means he'll go to juvie," Cherry exclaimed whilst heading over.

The boy let go and sighed angrily. I sent an innocent smirk towards Cherry as he raised an eyebrow. He continued to stare at me, impatiently crossing his arms. I decided to humour him this time and quietly led Lexi away.

My gaze drifted back to (Y/n), who had fallen asleep. Langa pulled her closer so that she was lying on his chest. He played with her hair as she slept, and that was when I saw it. He was utterly and deeply in love with the girl.

A determined expression overtook my features. I would need to separate them. (Y/n) didn't deserve anyone. Langa belonged to my sister.

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