Chapter 103

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(Y/n)'s POV

Dread coated my stomach with acidic poison. Ryota and I shared a helpless smile, angering the woman with our nonchalant attitude. Cherry looked worriedly between us, trying to urge us to leave before we were peppered with a myriad of bullets.

Ryota's sister, Ria, suddenly slammed through the door with a dozen of his men, surprising even me. Ryota flashed a flirtatious wink my way though I couldn't help the cheeky grin that had slipped onto my face.

"You didn't think I'd make you fight these bogans alone, did you?" he leaned down to whisper.
"Considering where you stand, I most certainly did."
"Such faith you have, princess."

The woman held up her hand, halting her men as Ryota's surrounded us, preparing to defend us with their lives. She narrowed her eyes before stepping forward, peering down through her long lashes.

"I remember you. Your uncle had a fearsome reputation," she exclaimed.
"Yes, he did."
"Though he was also one of the kindest yakuza leaders I have ever known."
"His kindness was a great asset, though not many survived his wrath, particularly if you hurt his family."
"But he's no longer around, is he?"
"I think you're forgetting something important, old hag. (Y/n) doesn't need any protecting and she has us by her side," said Ryota.
"You are...oh yes, the merciless mercenaries up for hire. I don't think you've ever let an enemy live, if my sources are correct. Should I be scared?"
"They are correct and you definitely should be."

She remained silent, as if daring us to make the first move. I stepped forward, flicking a blade between my fingers before settling its sharp edge against her throat. Her guards immediately aimed their guns at me, though they were quickly targeted by Ryota's men.

"Ne, my uncle was a frightening man. Why do you not think the same of me?"
"You're just a mere girl. I have years of experience. I know you don't have the damn nerve to harm anyone," she retorted.

A smile graced my face as the knife pressed against her pale skin, drawing minuscule drops of blood. She smirked, thinking I had 'no nerve to harm'. The knife pressed harder, harder still until a look of slight panic crossed her face.

A gun was aimed at me, its bullet barely grazing my face before hitting the wall. A disgruntled groan could be heard behind me. Ryota's men were efficient though the tension would soon snap and Cherry's shop would become a materialisation of chaos.

I quickly quelled the panic rising in my chest. The bullet didn't hit me, it couldn't hurt me. My mind immediately sought Reki's comfort though I knew he wasn't here. I mentally took a moment to calm my thoughts.

"Tell your men to back down if you value your life."
"Come on, dad! Sakurayashiki-sensei said he had something important to tell you! I think he's finished the present!" I heard Reki say loudly, as if he was trying to warn us that someone was coming.

Ryota cursed, telling his men to back down and leave out the back door. The woman did the same, albeit in an annoyed and murderous manner. She, herself, stayed where she was however, though she was smart enough to cover her wound.

I immediately backed down, rushing to Cherry's side to cut off the ropes and pull the cloth away from his mouth. Reki and Miya came in at that moment with my father. Shock had my body frozen though I was quick to ease myself into a relaxed position beside Cherry.

"(Y/n), what are you doing here? Sorry, are we interrupting a meeting?" dad asked Cherry.
"No, I was just about finished with this lady," Cherry replied, his tone perfectly calm.
"Yes, I shall be back another time to discuss the finer details," she said, offering a stiff nod before taking her leave.

Ryota nodded towards me, following after the woman with Ria. Dad eased himself onto a cushion whilst Reki, Miya and I let out sighs of relief. Cherry rubbed his wrists, where large red rings had formed from how tightly the ropes were bounded.

"I'm so glad we made it in time," exclaimed Reki.
"We could've arrived earlier if you didn't make that huge fall," Miya bantered lightly.
"What's going on?" dad asked.
"Dad, everything's fine."
"(Y/n), don't try to hide things from me."
"*sigh* That woman you saw earlier was after Kaoru. She seemed to know uncle's gang. If Reki and Miya hadn't brought you here, who knows what could've happened?"
"Is that why there's a bullet hole there?"
"How long have you been involved in such dangerous business?"
"A...long while..."
"(Y/n) (L/n), what on earth were you thinking?! If you hurt yourself going up against some thug, what are we supposed to do? I know very well that you're a capable young woman but that does not mean I'll happily allow my daughter to walk straight into trouble!"
"I'm sorry, dad-"
"An apology won't cut it-"

Cherry cleared his throat.

"If you don't mind me interrupting, I'd like to say that none of this is your daughter's fault. I'm sure you're aware that she spent a lot of time with your brother-in-law and that he was the head of a yakuza group," Cherry began.
"Yes, I am aware of that," dad answered.
"Then you should know that (Y/n) knows how to handle herself. She has been involved in the yakuza world far longer and far deeper than you think. She knows what to do and how to fight. As for this circumstance, it was entirely my fault. That woman was threatening me and (Y/n) couldn't leave me alone. So I apologise for causing you and your family such concern."

I found Cherry's hand under the table, gratitude and guilt radiating from my aura. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before bowing towards my father. Both Reki and Miya had gone completely silent, unwilling to break the tension.

"It's alright. I'm not blaming you. I was just worried about my daughter," dad finally replied.
"Dad, I'm sorry-"
"*sigh* Come here, kiddo. I can never stay mad at you for long."

Without hesitation, I jumped into his arms, feeling slight tears gather in my eyes. I had forgotten the comfort and safety of a parent's hold, never realising how much my body was yearning for it.

"Uhh not to interrupt the mood or anything, but why was that woman after you?" Reki asked.

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