Chapter 62

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No one's POV

After a few rounds, it turned out (Y/n) was unnaturally good at poker. It had gotten to the point where she was noting all their cheats and lies, rendering them useless against her. The men begrudgingly handed over all their winnings to her and Miya, who was staring at her with an open mouth.

"It's a harsh world. You have to learn how to survive," she exclaimed when she noticed everyone staring.
"Alright, who told you about our secret ways?" Minato questioned.
"No one, I figured it out by myself."

The girl smiled enigmatically, happily shoving half their earnings into Miya's hands. He struggled to grab all of it, still dumbfounded by the amount of money in his hands.

"Keep it. I know you probably don't feel comfortable taking it but we earned it," (Y/n) said.
"You earned it," Miya replied.
"Take it. Who knows? Maybe you can buy a present for the person you like."
"As if I have someone I like."

She just smiled in lieu of replying. Despite answering like that, she knew that Miya had developed small feelings for her brother and vice versa. She simply wished for them to act on it though it was their choice whether they wanted to or not.

Meanwhile, Ayaka had joined up with Reki and Langa as they were heading to a cafe after work. Reki eyed the girl as she hesitantly attached herself to Langa's arm. He questioned why his friend was even allowing it.

"Why are you here? Do you suddenly have nothing better to do now that you've found a new guy to like?" Reki asked.
"I cancelled my lessons today so I could hang out with him. If you both hate my presence, I will leave but he has said nothing. I figured I couldn't give him to (Y/n) all the time," she replied.
"I don't belong to you...and (Y/n)'s tired," Langa exclaimed.
"He means that we're not gonna drag her along to everywhere we go. (Y/n) and I are very close but I don't need to have her around me 24/7," said Reki.

Ayaka tilted her head and accepted their reasoning. She knew that (Y/n)'s bond with her two friends ran deep, and she couldn't do anything to change that. Thus she was simply doing what she could: to further her relationship with Langa.

They entered the cafe Ayaka had followed them into last time. It was the incredibly chic styled cafe, its interior aimed at young and middle-aged people though she had heard that there was a new one targeted at older people.

"Do you two come here often?" she asked.
"Yeah, because we can get free food," Reki replied.
"What do you mean?"
"(Y/n)'s dad owns this place. He made this franchise. I thought you'd have known, what with all your connections," he exclaimed, frowning slightly.
"I'm afraid I didn't know."

They settled into a soft sofa booth in the corner before (Y/n)'s dad brought them the menus. He reached out to ruffle the boys' hair, laughing when Reki shooed his hands away.

"Who's this? A new friend?" asked (Y/n)'s dad.
"Yes sir, a pleasure to meet you. I'm Ayaka."
"Wow, polite too. If only my daughter were as well-behaved as you."
"I, for one, would much rather be with (Y/n) right now," Reki exclaimed.
"Did you guys have a fight? Where is (Y/n) anyway?"
"No, (Y/n) and I only tolerate Ayaka's presence. Ayaka's only here to hang around Langa."
"I feel like I'm missing a whole lot," said (F/n).

Reki stopped himself from saying any more. (Y/n) wouldn't want that. He then plastered a large grin on his face, laughing at the look of shock on (F/n)'s face. He explained how it was all clearly a prank; how Ayaka was actually a close friend.

"Well, I'll leave you guys to it. If you see (Y/n), tell her not to be home too late."
"We will. See ya later," Reki replied.

Langa frowned at his friend's obvious lie. In truth, his heart was torn. He knew Ayaka being here hurt both Reki and (Y/n). He knew and yet, he couldn't push her away, knowing that she wasn't like her sister.

Reki, oblivious to Langa's internal struggle, went to order their food. Ayaka insisted on paying despite (F/n)'s protests and eventually, accepted her money. It wasn't until the food had arrived and been set in front of them did any of them start talking.

"Is there...any way for you all to accept me?" Ayaka asked.
"Do you like (Y/n)?" Reki asked back.
"I don't despise her but I don't like her either."
"Then the answer to your question is no."
"And you, Langa?"
"I don't know (Y/n)'s past so I...I'll be willing to make an effort but if you harm her in any way-"
"I won't. You have my word. I can't say the same for my sister though," Ayaka said in sincerity.
"Langa! Are you sure about this?"

Without waiting for an answer, he turned towards the girl who reminded him of Ruka every time he looked at her. His eyes were sharp as she smiled elegantly and met his gaze.

"I don't trust you. Ruka's been blaming (Y/n) for something she didn't do and you're obviously on your family's side. I'm only staying here for Langa's sake, but if he's fine with you here, I'm gonna go find (Y/n)," Reki exclaimed.
"Reki..." Langa started.

Reki offered a small smile towards his friend before taking his leave with the food in a takeaway container. Langa stared after him, unsure of what to do now that it seemed their relationship was tearing apart. Ayaka put her hand on his, drawing his attention away from his worries.

She risked a glance at Reki as he skated away. He was heading towards the yakuza's hideout after texting (Y/n), hoping she'd be able to get their friend away from both Ruka and Ayaka.

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