Chapter 97

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(Y/n)'s POV

I was running before my mind even registered what was happening. A broken yell caught in my throat, knowing there were only mere seconds before the light reached my best friend.

Ryota was closer and he managed to pull Reki away, though his leg couldn't avoid the light entirely. I was by his side, pushing the heavy metal away. A small beam had scraped his calf. The wound was deep though not life-threatening.

Tears gathered and dispersed within seconds. Both Ryota and Reki were panting, still reeling in the after effects of shock and relief. The medical staff were rushing over, checking the two for any signs of other injuries.

"(Y/n), I'm fine," Reki managed, wincing whilst they were treating his wound.

He reached over to squeeze my hand. I immediately pulled him into a hug, immense relief coursing through my veins when his warm arms hugged me back. Although he hid it well, he was shaking. He hadn't been sure what would've happened had Ryota not saved him.

"Thank you," I said to my boyfriend.
"Don't mention it," he replied, offering a warm grin.
"Are you alright? You didn't get hurt?"
"I'm alright. I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough," he apologised to Reki.
"No, I'm just grateful you were there," Reki answered.

That was when a flurried, annoyed whirlwind of elegance caught our attention. Sumiko was busily questioning staff, asking who was responsible for setting up the lights and who had come for their maintenance work.

"Get them here right now. My friend was almost sent to the hospital in whatever heartbreaking condition he would've been in had he not moved!" fumed Sumiko.
"Miss, they can't make it but they've reassured us that everything was perfect-"
"If everything was perfect, then explain how this happened."
"Sumiko, it's all good. I'm fine," Reki exclaimed.

She turned towards him and bowed deeply.

"I'm terribly sorry for what happened. As compensation, I'll pay you double. Please forgive me," she apologised.
"No, there's really no need for that. I didn't even know we were getting paid in the first place. I thought this was a favour?" Reki said.
"It is, but that doesn't mean I won't pay my employees."
"I really don't need the money. We're doing this because you're our friend. And don't blame yourself, accidents happen every day."

Though she still appeared stricken with guilt and worry, her arms wrapped around his body in a thankful embrace. Reki let out a chuckle, somewhat embarrassed though he made no move to pull away.

"I'm still paying you guys. I won't accept any refusals," she exclaimed.
"There's really no need-"
"I insist. Don't feel bad."

She smiled cheerfully before rising to her feet. Though the air was a little tense, work progressed smoothly after Sumiko's bright yet contagious personality filled the space with comfort and warmth.

~After finishing~

We walked in peaceful silence, or at least most of us did. Reki had been given crutches as it was still painful when he applied pressure to his injured leg. A small smile graced my face, enjoying this moment of peace.

Stars shone brightly, the moon a reflection of the gentle mood encompassing our group. People passed by, the city's iridescent lights creating a kaleidoscope of colour and liveliness.

"Shall we get some dinner?" Sumiko asked.
"Sure thing, I'm starving," replied Reki.
"Where do you want to go?"
"Then let's go."

Sumiko led us to a popular ramen shop, where tons of people were lining up to try the trending ramen flavours that had blown up on social media. Reki's eyes lit up as he looked at the restaurant, almost drooling when catching a rift of the delicious aroma.

We lined up behind the throng of people though Ryota and I appeared less than eager at the prospect of having to wait an hour or so to eat. That was when Ayaka walked out of the restaurant with Langa.

I gripped Ryota's sleeve, hiding behind his lean, muscular build. Although it was cowardly, I did not feel like facing them tonight. Both my mind and heart had had enough of seeing her slowly steal the boy I loved. The anger was enough to last for weeks, maybe months.

"Oh, that's your 'I'm-really-hoping-you'll-get-together' friend, isn't it? Why are you hiding, darling?" asked Sumiko.
"He's...I broke our friendship. We're not really talking anymore."
"I'm here if you ever need to talk to someone."
"You're not gonna ask any questions?"
"Do you feel like talking about it now?"
"Then I won't ask."

She squeezed my hand, offering a reassuring smile. I returned the gesture, my heart warming at her kindness. That was when hands covered my eyes from behind, earning a small yelp from me.

"Jun, I know it's you."
"Come on, at least pretend for a little while you had trouble guessing," he exclaimed.
"*clears throat* Ah, who's this? Let me go, you pervert!"
"*sigh* Nevermind, I'll just be glad you know who I am every single time."
"Another friend?" asked Sumiko.
"Name's Jun," he greeted.
"I'm Sumiko. (Y/n), why are you always surrounded by hot guys?" she replied, whispering the second bit to me.
"That's a question I would like to know the answer to myself."
"Heh, can't help that I'm so good looking," Reki said whilst striking a pose.

Ryota rolled his eyes. I couldn't stop the laughter from leaving my mouth as Reki continued his streak of poses. Jun mimed a gag, stopping to avoid Reki's half-hearted punch.

Jun then swiped his leg; however, my red-haired friend surprised us all by using his crutches to counterattack. He offered a small, embarrassed smile before I shot him a huge grin.

"Not too bad for my dad's 'apprentice'," commented Jun.
"His training's hard but it's great," answered Reki.
"I'm glad to hear it. Your friend's doing good too."

I pulled both Reki and Jun in for a side hug, wanting to keep the warmth of our friendship alight. There wasn't a single thing I wouldn't sacrifice to keep my friends and family safe, no matter who did the threatening.

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