Chapter 112

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(Y/n)'s POV

After finishing up, Joe had taken us to Cherry's place, much to the latter's irritation. Miya explained the situation, making a similar albeit slightly lighter threat to the pink-haired male in case he decided to act against my wishes.

I tugged Miya in for a tight embrace, hating that I'd put him in such a position yet loving him for his overwhelming concern. He didn't return the hug as enthusiastically as I did though he didn't pull away until I let go.

"I'm glad Yuu has you."
"Stop being so sappy," he replied, embarrassed.
"Anyway (Y/n), do you have a plan?" Cherry asked.
"Can't we just threaten her?" suggested Ryota.
"With what? She has powerful parents," said Joe.
"And we have dangerous people. (Y/n) has her uncle's gang and I have my men. Not to mention the allies we could gather."
"If she calls the police?" Miya questioned.
"Then we just make sure she has no choice."
"Easier said than done," Cherry muttered.

A sigh passed my lips. If there was a method to render her 'position' useless, a way to prevent her parents' power from influencing this game any further... My mouth drew into a thin line once a solution came to mind, albeit its distastefulness.

"Looks like you have an idea," commented Joe.
"Yeah but I don't like it."
"Take your shot, princess," encouraged Ryota.
"Tch, of course it'd be him," Cherry exclaimed.
"If he asks for an unreasonable favour, don't accept. We'll think of something else," Joe said.
"No, if I have to sacrifice something, then so be it. I can't come out of this completely unscathed."
"Ruka's already punished you enough, don't you think?" Miya asked.
"And I hurt Langa in a way I never would have. I'll make up for it for the rest of my life if I have to."
"Your hand was forced. You had no choice. She threatened you with your family," Cherry reasoned.
"Because I hurt her family first. As much as I hate her and want her gone, her hatred is justified."
"Her actions aren't," Joe said seriously.

A small smile graced my face.

"You all care so much for me. I'm sorry all I do is cause trouble."

Without waiting for a reply, I pulled out my phone and after a moment's hesitation, called the man that could help turn the tables. He picked up on the fifth ring, answering with a 'Little Rose'. I took a deep breath.

"I need your help."
"Oh? What a surprise. What with?" he asked.
"Would it be hard for you to make up a scandal with Ruka's parents? Something that they can't sweep under the rug so easily."
"I've had enough of playing nice. I know her parents don't give a damn about me, it's all Ruka's doing. But if this is what it takes to bring her down a notch, I'm willing to take the brunt of her worst behaviour. She already thinks I'm a monster."
"(Y/n), you're only acting how she wants you to act. You don't have to involve her parents into this mess," Cherry exclaimed.
"She had no problem threatening mine so it's time someone shows her how it feels to receive such terrifying treatment. So name your price."
"Little Rose, you're a lot more dangerous than I thought. But all the more reason why I'm so fascinated by you. I'll do this if you agree to another beef, after my one with Aoi. I want to see how this next dish you prepare will taste," said Adam.

I took a deep breath. Miya tugged at my hand, pleading with his eyes. I hardened my heart, unwilling to let that witch have her ways any further. Langa deserved freedom from her and her twin's clutches and I would trap myself inside a cage to free the boy I still loved.

"Okay, it's a deal."
"I look forward to our date, Rose."

A feeling of relief and worry gnawed at my heart. I would save Langa no matter what. I was prepared to jump into the depths of the fiery pit to do so...yet why did my heart feel so heavy? Did I still desire a happy ending with him despite what I put him through?

"I hate how this turned out," Joe grumbled angrily.
"It's okay, Kojiro. My uncle taught me to be strong."
"I doubt Luke would like to see you like this. He was always trying to put a smile on that cheeky face of yours."

And I repaid him with murder. I deserved this, for every sin I've committed. Ryota cleared his throat, steering the conversation back to our plan. I took a deep breath, clearing my mind of these thoughts.

"So do we kidnap Ruka or what?" Miya asked.
"I'd be down to do the honours," replied Ryota.
"Oi, we're not ruffians," Joe exclaimed.

Miya, Ryota and I turned to stare at the green-haired male. He crossed his arms, taking a defiant stance. Ryota mimicked his pose before the two entered a staring contest for the world's most stubborn men.

"After this kidnapping comes the threats I presume?" Cherry questioned.
"Bingo. At least someone gets it. No wonder you're always getting called a brainless gorilla," Ryota said.
"What was that, you gold digging maggot?" Joe retorted.
"Children, stop fighting. We have things to discuss," Cherry said sternly.

I quietly excused myself from the arguing when I felt my phone vibrate. It was a text from Reki. There were five other texts from him before this. However, before I had the chance to open them, he called me.

"Hey Reki, what's up with the messages?"
"(Y/n), finally! There are these two weird guys who showed up to Dope Sketch and-"
"Is this Rose I'm talking to?" asked an unfamiliar voice.
"Who are you?"
"I want to challenge you to a beef."
"And the terms?"
"Winner gets to keep Ryota and his cute little sister as their pets or friends or whatever you wanna use them for. Loser will lose the right to skate for a year."

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