Chapter 87

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(Y/n)'s POV

It had been three weeks since the girl's attack. Three weeks of silence from Langa; each day a constant reminder of the wedge that had only pushed us further apart. I stole a glance at the blue-haired male sitting beside me.

He had had no trouble ignoring me unless directly confronted, particularly by my fiery childhood friend. The bell distracted me from my thoughts before I was hurriedly packing my bag and moving towards the door.

"Hey (Y/n), wait up!" Reki called.

I waited before we both rushed to the school gates and hopped on our skateboards. He sported a challenging grin. I immediately accelerated, performing a railslide over a handrail just as Reki executed a kickflip over a few steps.

The wind caressed our bodies like the gentle warmth of summer wisps. Our clothing flapped and swirled to its fluid dance, causing me to ride faster and faster. However, despite the speed, my heart no longer pounded as strongly, the vigour growing weaker every day.

"Last one to touch the door has to buy the winner's lunch for a week!" Reki challenged.
"You're so on!"

We raced against each other towards my dad's cafe, reaching out our hands in an attempt to best one another. That was when dad exited the shop, his eyes going wide upon seeing two competitive skaters racing towards him.

"Dad, watch out!"

I hurriedly turned my skateboard to the side, skidding to a sudden stop and stumbling against my dad. He steadied me with his hands though we were both knocked to the ground when Reki crashed into us.

"Geez, Reki. Tryna kill us now, are you?" dad teased though it was more of a grunt.

Reki apologised before helping the both of us up. We entered the cafe, where we headed to the top floor whilst dad left, presumably to secure a business deal. Cherry and Joe were bickering like an old, married couple at a booth near the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Joe noticed us first and waved us over. I took the seat beside Cherry and ordered a strawberry matcha latte as the waitress came over. Reki picked the oreo cappuccino though added a slice of chocolate mud cake as well.

"I assumed you asked to meet us for a reason?"
"Yep," Joe replied.
"Do you really need me to spell it out for you?"
"Apparently I do because I have no idea what this is about."
"You've been depressed for weeks. It's time we take some time to hang out."
"I haven't been depressed-"
"Reki told me. Don't deny it."

The red-haired male pointedly ignored my gaze, feigning interest in the decor of the interior. A sigh escaped my lips, knowing from the looks on both Joe and Cherry's faces that they weren't going to yield no matter how much I reasoned.

"You guys wanna go to S tonight?" Joe asked.
"We also need to prepare you for your beef against Adam, which I still think you should back out of," added Cherry.
"I'm not a coward who'd go back on their word. I said I would so I will."
"Why are just as stubborn as your uncle?"

I flashed him a cheeky grin. Reki laughed though he quickly sobered up upon noticing who had entered. Ruka's smirking face was the first thing I saw before she waltzed to our table. The mood immediately dropped.

"You guys sure look like you're having a good time," she commented.
"We were until you ruined it with your trashy presence," Reki replied.
"Hey princess."

Ryota peaked out from behind Ruka, donning a casual smirk. Irritation prodded at my mind, provoking me with each subtle stab. My mood immediately darkened as Langa and Ayaka entered and took the seat closest to the entrance.

I hid everything - my fear, my panic, my pain - behind a veil of nonchalance and pulled on an innocent smile. Ruka glowered at my defiance whilst her sister sent me a cold stare. Langa hadn't even bothered to look our way.

A gasp escaped my mouth as Ryota pulled me up, soon silenced as he crashed his lips against mine. An arm snaked around my waist whilst his other hand tangled in my hair. I had my hands on his chest and after a moment of shock, attempted to push him away.

He only made the kiss stronger, more hungry as if he truly loved me with a fiery passion. Before I could do some permanent damage to his body, he pulled back still with that insufferable smirk plastered on his face.

"You cocky bastard-"
"Careful, sweetheart. I do bite. See you tonight," he exclaimed.

Reki's mouth was hanging wide open as opposed to Joe's careful grin as he let out a low whistle. Cherry took my hand before I could go after him and let the fury take over. Ruka's triumphant smile only further incited my anger.

I sat down, playing the part of a nonchalant 'princess', as a certain jerkass liked to call me. Langa's eyes cut to mine, his gaze hard. A flash of hurt appeared before dissipating as if I had just imagined it.

"Naughty, kissing so passionately in public," commented Ruka.
"At least I have someone who likes me."

Joe coughed to hide his snicker, making me smile despite the anger and shock still reeling in my mind. She sat down in the spare seat beside me, watching her sister interact with Langa. Reki narrowed his eyes, knowing something was up.

"Langa, will you date me?" Ayaka asked softly.
"I...yes, I will," he replied.

Was that why Ruka had Ryota kiss me? Pain and anger fought for dominance as I kept a cool expression on my face. Ayaka lit up like the gentle warmth of a setting sun, at a complete contrast to her twin, who was an embodiment of malevolence and trickery.

Reki said nothing, most likely mistaking Ryota as my new boyfriend. Cherry gave my hand a squeeze and it was at that moment that I almost broke down. He noticed. However, I would maintain a strong facade. I would not appear weak anymore.

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