Chapter 104

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(Y/n)'s POV

We all turned to look at the pink-haired male, who let out a sigh as if this whole situation was tiring him more than he let on. He downed the tea that was sitting on the table in front of him.

"She remembered me from when I hung out with your uncle before he passed," Cherry began.
"Who is this woman anyway?" Miya asked.
"Head of one of the top three yakuza groups in the area. She once made a request to (Y/n)'s uncle, asking him to support her in some territorial 'war'."
"Damn..." Reki commented.
"He agreed because it would benefit him as well to have her as an ally. I...broke their 'alliance'."
"What happened?" I asked.
"Your uncle was supposed to meet her this particular day, but he couldn't. Her opponent was powerful and he knew she would be in trouble if he didn't show up but he valued our friendship over an alliance with an influential group."

We waited patiently for him to continue.

"I had gotten into a fight but I was outnumbered and would've most likely become gravely injured had he not come. Kojiro went to get your uncle and he came without any hesitation. That woman came out victorious in the end but almost lost her entire gang because of it. She blamed me for it and vowed to get her revenge."
"What does she want?" dad asked.
"She wants me to sell my business to her along with the promise that I'll never start up another one."
"That's ridiculous."

Joe suddenly came through the door, taking in the scene before him. Yuu was only slightly behind, immediately going to Miya's side. The two exchanged smiles before Yuu handed him a game console, which I guessed was a commissioned request.

"Are you alright?" Joe asked Cherry.
"Yes, I'm fine," Cherry replied.
"(Y/n), you okay? You rushed head first into danger, didn't you?"
"Actually, I entered in a civilised manner."
"Yeah yeah, I'm sure you all enjoyed a cup of tea while calmly discussing death threats."

Cherry rolled his eyes though I couldn't help the giggle that erupted from my mouth. It wasn't long before I sobered up and got out my phone to dial a number, earning a questioning look from dad.

Langa's POV

Ayaka smiled sweetly, happily pointing out small accessories and cute clothing that she saw through store windows, occasionally gesturing towards an outfit she thought would suit me. I stuffed my hands in my pockets, trying to stifle the urge to grab my skateboard from my bag and leave her in her own happy world.

"Ne, you seem distracted. Is something on your mind?" she asked.
"No, nothing important."
"Are you bored? Do you want to do something else?"
"No, I'm fine."
"Can you please be honest with me? I'm your girlfriend so you don't have to hide anything from me."
"I'm not hiding anything."
"...I want to leave. I want..."

Things to go back to how they were before. (Y/n)'s cheeky grin flashed through my mind. Her talented skating, her contagious laughter and her admirable fearlessness. I missed everything about her, hating the fact that it had all been an act.

She still behaved 'normally' around Reki, making me question which side of hers was fake and which was real. Ayaka suddenly took my hand, willing me to look at her. I turned my gaze towards her, hiding my emotions beneath a stoic mask least she see that I was still affected by the girl I had loved.

"Do you want to go to the skatepark?" she asked.
"Then let's go."

Her hand slipped into mine. The feeling it incited was not the same as (Y/n)'s...nothing would ever be the same. Although Ayaka was gentle and refined, (Y/n) was fierce and caring. Her touch had felt like second nature.

We arrived at the park not too long after before I spotted a familiar red-haired male. He was with Miya, Yuu and oddly enough, (Y/n)'s dad. Yuu noticed me first and waved though a scowl soon replaced the nonchalant expression on his face once he saw Ayaka.

"Ah Langa, I haven't seen you in a while," greeted (F/n).
"He was just busy," said Reki.
"Have you come here to skate? With these weirdos?"
"Obviously, what else would he be here for? And you're the only weirdo here," replied Yuu.
"And have you come to hang out with the weirdos too?" he asked Ayaka.
"Don't worry about her. She's nobody important," Yuu muttered.
"Oi, don't be rude."

Ayaka offered a placating smile and politely answered (F/n)'s question, all the while ignoring the looks Yuu was sending her. Reki pulled me to the side, asking me to act like nothing had happened between (Y/n) and I.

I nodded, not wanting her father to suspect anything. I tried to convince myself that it was due to the trouble it'd cause if he found out though I knew that it was because I did not wish for him to view me negatively.

"Are you worried about (Y/n)?" asked Miya.
"Yeah, I know you guys reassured me but it's a parent's job to worry about their children," (F/n) replied.
"What happened to (Y/n)?" Ayaka asked.
"That's none of your concern," Miya answered curtly.
"You guys are treating her very badly. Is it because she's a girl? You guys shy? Though I don't remember you all treating (Y/n) like this..." (F/n) commented.
"It's alright, sir. I wronged them in the past so they're a little wary around me," said Ayaka.

Reki and I stared at each other, seeming to have the same idea. We both hopped on our skateboards and raced towards the ramp, wishing to escape this tension. My heart started pounding in a way it never had with Ayaka. Though I had loved when we skated with (Y/n), I missed having a friend to hang with.

I executed an air before landing effortlessly, twisting to the side to avoid Miya as he too performed a turn in the air. A smile slipped onto my face as I accelerated and performed a grab. This was far more exhilarating than anything Ayaka could give me.

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