Chapter 66

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(Y/n)'s POV

Reki and I laughed the entire way to the skatepark. Yuu's too-long sleeves grew at least a foot past his fingers. The shirt seemed more like a dress shirt than a normal one. His jeans were so baggy that Langa had to find a spare belt for him.

"Man, this'll never get old," Reki commented.

Yuu simply grunted in annoyance. Langa's mum had washed our clothes so we were left with no choice but to borrow some of Langa's. I had on black cargo pants - also tightened with a belt - and a (f/c) 'oversized' sweater, which I had made cropped by tying it at the front.

Langa had taken my hand in his, his gaze continuously taking in my outfit. I had passed it off as his usual Langa behaviour; however, he was staring too much. Miya raised an eyebrow but I just shrugged.

"Cute," he whispered.
"You look cute in my clothes," Langa said.
"Are you saying she usually doesn't look good?" Miya teased.
"That's not what I meant."

A blush coated my cheeks. I simply grinned cheekily, which made Langa turn away in embarrassment. Yuu made a gagging noise in the background. I looked at my younger brother, pointed at him and pretended to slit my throat.

"Do you need some encouragement, little brother? Come on, Miya's hand is free right now."
"*blush* W-why are you pointing that out?" he muttered.
"What's happening?" Reki asked.
"Hehehe, nothing much."
"Well, we're here."

The five of us stared in wonder at the large park spanning the length of a shopping centre. Other skaters were already here, performing tricks of a professional level now that they had the space to do so.

There were several bowls and multiple ramps of different sizes along with a myriad of street-style ledges and obstacles. I had no idea who had the financial means to fund such a project but they clearly knew what they were doing.

We eagerly headed down, only to be stopped by a group of skaters. The guy with shoulder-length dirty blond hair pushed my brother back so that we were all outside.

"Don't touch him," I growled.
"Feisty one, aren't you? We're not looking for trouble. It's all good as long as you pay the entrance fee," he replied.
"Entrance fee? This is a free public space," Miya said.
"Nah, not anymore. We run this place now."
"Who gave you the right to decide that?"
"I did. Now pay up or leave."
"You do realise we could just call the cops, right?" Reki exclaimed.
"*laughs* My friend, my father is the commissioner general."

The guys standing behind him glared at us, with one of them nudging Miya, who had gotten too close, back. Yuu hurriedly dug into his pocket, pulling out a bunch of cash from his wallet and shoved it into the blond's hands.

"That should be more than enough. We're going through," Yuu said.
"*smirks* Yes, it is."

My gaze was sharp as we passed the group. It grew even more irritated and menacing when the blond blew a kiss towards me. He bursted into laughter at my reaction, only making me roll my eyes.

The only girl in the group, having short hair and donning a revealing outfit, whistled seductively at Langa, who simply ignored her. She stalked towards him, wrapping her arms around his waist and tilting her head up to meet his gaze. Anger clouded my vision, though I was quick to suppress the urge to punch her.

"Hey handsome, want to have some fun with me?" she purred.
"Should we do something?" asked one of the guys.
"Nah, just leave her. She'll get over him eventually," replied the blond.

Langa looked to us for help; however, the girl reached up to cup his face. I was ready to unite my fist with her nose when she pressed her leg in between his thighs, a bright red anger overtaking my mind.

"Come on, let him go," Joe exclaimed as he came over with Cherry.

In her moment of shock as she stared at Joe's bare upper body, Reki and I pulled Langa from her grasp. Langa seemed to be in a state of shock for the girl had tried to touch him all over.

"Tch, this is ridiculous," commented Cherry.
"Why are you two here?"
"To see this new skatepark. Didn't realise there was a group of stupid morons charging an entrance fee."
"Where did they even come from?..."

We quietly left Joe to handle the girl, heading towards the biggest ramp there. I offered Langa a smile, seeing as how he was still in a daze, and nodded towards the large structure. Without wasting another moment, Reki pushed the male in after he was in position.

He quickly regained his posture within seconds, performing an indy grab before dropping back. I joined him, executing flips while he did an air. The two of us fell back in sync. A cheeky grin tugged at my lips. My heart was pounding in excitement.

Wind swept at my hair and clothes as I gained momentum whilst skating up and down the ramp. Once I was satisfied, I headed up, higher than I've been before. I executed a grab and flipped a few times before landing.

Langa fell back, copying my moves before gaining incredible air, even higher than what I had done. I dropped in again, only to feel something crash into my side, knocking the breath out of my lungs as my bruise screamed and screeched.

I immediately tucked my arms and legs in as I rolled across the pavement before landing harshly on my injured side. My body felt like it was on fire. My eyes fluttered open to see that one of the blond guy's friends was also on the ground, shaking his head as if it were nothing but a mild fall.


Reki was here within a flash, putting my arm around his shoulders to take some of my weight. Tears pricked my eyes as my bruise moved and stretched but I hurriedly blinked the wetness away.

"(Y/n), are you hurt?" Langa asked as he rushed over.
"I'm fine, just a little shocked."

He suddenly poked my ribs, the action so abrupt that I had no time to hide the pain that ricocheted across my body. Reki hurriedly held onto me as I twisted in pain.

"You are hurt!" Reki exclaimed.

I shot a glare towards Langa. He hadn't needed to remember that I had a bruise there. He hadn't needed to make an obvious comment. My thoughts softened slightly as he took my hand and flashed an apologetic look.

"Care to explain what happened?" Cherry asked the group as he headed over.
"My friend lost his balance, crashed into her-"
"Let me rephrase my question. Explain why the hell your friend is fine and why (Y/n) is not."

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