Chapter 102

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(Y/n)'s POV

The male in front of me reapplied his usual smirk though I had caught the flash of betrayal and anger shining in his eyes. He still had not forgiven her, had not forgotten a single thing. A sympathetic pang struck my heart; that was the only thing I'd allow for this man.

"What will it take for you to accept?"
"Not even you can convince me on this," Adam replied.
"There's nothing I can do?"
"...if I accept, you'll give me your uncle's board and teach me the one trick I could never mimic."
"What? Are you crazy?! (Y/n) doesn't even know this Aoi person and you're asking her to give up one of her treasures? No way in hell," Reki exclaimed.
"Then there's nothing else you can offer."
"I'll challenge you after that Aoi."
"You're not worth my attention."

I grabbed Reki's arm, willing him to stop whatever absurd deal he was going to make. He would do anything to make sure I could keep one of my uncle's few possessions. If he got harmed, if he was hospitalised for a serious injury...

"I'll let you beat me however you want if you win. I won't let anyone stop you. You enjoy that, don't you? Even if I end up in hospital, I won't stop you," Reki offered.
"What the hell?! No! Reki, why-"
"Yes...I suppose that is good. Please do include Snow as well."
"Deal," Reki replied without hesitation.
"I'm looking forward to it. I can just imagine the look on Rose's face."

Adam stood, leaving the bill on the table. He offered one last 'award-winning' smile before striding out the door. I immediately turned to glare at Reki, who simply shrugged and shot me a 'it's already done' look.

"What were you thinking?! What if he permanently makes sure you can never skate again? You can't-"
"(Y/n), you don't have to shoulder everything alone. You have friends."
"And Jun's dad has been teaching me a lot of moves so I won't go down that easily."
"You're an absolute idiot."
"*laughs* I'll make you a promise. I won't quit skating no matter what happens."

He held out a hand to which I shook as if we too had made a deal. Grins spread across our faces, laughter soon taking over. Dad chose that moment to come over with the new menu item, joking how he didn't want to be seen associated with a bunch of crazy kids.

I giggled though before we could taste the enticing dish, someone covered my eyes from behind. Annoyance grew in my mind, wondering why he'd decided to come bother us.

"Ryota, what are you doing here?"
"What? Am I not allowed to see my 'girlfriend'?" he greeted.
"You're only here because Ruka-"
"Because Ruka what?" asked Reki.

Ryota shot me a look, saying he'd have nothing to do with this conversation. A million thoughts crossed my mind, interweaving and then breaking before I settled on a satisfactory excuse to my accidental slip up.

"He lost a bet against her and she asked him to spy on me whenever she called."
"You agreed to that?" Reki questioned him.
"A bet is a bet," replied Ryota.

Before the two could have a showdown of world's most childish staring contest, Miya bursted through the doors, barely stopping to catch his breath as his skateboard skidded to the side. I looked at the young skateboarder, concern covering my features.

"Cherry's in trouble," he heaved.

I was already rushing off, ignoring the others' calls. My ears picked up on their hopping on their skateboards, even Ryota had brought his. It seemed as if time was desperately trying to slow me down as seconds ticked past like dripping honey.

It was the fastest I had made it to Cherry's shop. My gaze landed on the large, suspicious black van parked out front and I instantly knew that some gang had decided to harass my friend. Anger boiled in my veins.

Someone suddenly placed a hand on my arm. I immediately grabbed onto them and flipped them over my back. Ryota hit the ground with a groan, putting his hands up in surrender. I quickly apologised.

"Next time, check who it is before you decide to pull a karate move on them," he half-joked.
"We should come up with a plan instead of rushing in."
"'re right. I was just worried."

We ducked behind a few trees and bushes, racking our brains for ideas that would provide us with at least a slimmer of a chance at rescuing Cherry. I willed my mind to think, to stop its unnecessary worrying.

Although my mouth was moving and plans were forming, my hands shook inconspicuously in my lap. Reki quietly squeezed my shoulder, rubbing soothing circles around my back. Even if not all, my panic receded.

"Why don't you pretend you're from a hotshot gang and demand they get out of your client's store?" Miya suggested.
"We're not sending her in alone," exclaimed Reki.
"Who says she's going alone?" Ryota replied, smirking.

~A few minutes later~

I strode up to the store's entrance, raising an eyebrow when the two guards blocked my way. Ryota knocked out the two burly men without so much as breaking a sweat before gesturing for me to go inside.

"Ladies first," he said.

He chuckled as I walked past and into the store, stopping once noticing a gun in every person's hand all pointing at us. Ryota stepped closer, his stance protective yet supportive, surprising me but for a brief second.

"You've got some nerve, coming in here unarmed," greeted a tall, beautiful woman with long hair dyed both black and white.
"I could say the same to you, for stealing a client of mine."

Cherry glared at me from behind the woman, where his hands were tied, as if asking why I'd come. His concern for my well-being as opposed to his own was not very well-received on my end. I had come in here to rescue the idiotic man and I was going to succeed.

"Well, be on your way now, little girl. He and I have some unfinished business," she replied.
"I'm sorry to say I can't do that, old woman."
"You must not know who I am if the lost lamb look you're giving me is any indication."
"And you must be damn stressed about this situation if you're trying to pick a fight with her," Ryota spat.
"Boys, get them."

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