Chapter 59

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(Y/n)'s POV

The atmosphere was the same as always: loud and intoxicating, bubbling with excitement and intensity. I rode along on my skateboard, nonchalantly scanning the crowds.

A man was shoved in front of me, seemingly in a fight with his friends. I kicked my board up and flipped a few times in the air before landing as if no one had suddenly blocked my path. People whistled and cheered. I returned a cheeky grin.

"You're here," Cherry commented as I came to a stop in front of him.
"Of course."
"And you brought extra baggage with you."
"Huh?! Who're you calling extra baggage?" Joe replied.
"Yo," Miya greeted.

Yuu was with him, though he was busy texting someone on his phone. I nudged him, offering a small smile to which he returned with one of his own. A deafening yell almost exploded my eardrums as Shadow greeted us from behind.

I scooted away from the enthusiastic male, going to stand by Cherry's side. He grunted in annoyance when he felt my body leaning against his, though he made no move to push me away.

A loud crash distracted us and everyone that had gathered around. Yuu was on the floor, his bike a few metres away. An idiotic-looking man was towering over him with a mocking smile. He grabbed my brother and lifted him off the ground with one hand.

"You don't belong here, you don't even skate," he exclaimed in complete bastardy mockery.
"Funny how you feel the need to beat up a kid who can't skate," Yuu managed to get out.
"Keep talking and I'll-"

I was there within seconds. The man screamed as his arm was twisted. I let go and caught my brother before he hit the ground. My wrists were aching, yet so was my heart. Yuu smiled gratefully but the pain hidden behind that smile was strikingly conspicuous to me.

"Ne, what were you saying? What were you gonna do to my brother?"
"R-Rose, he's your brother?" asked the man whom Shadow had identified as 'Kai'.
"How are you planning to pay for this? Shall I break both your arms?"
"Tch, you're just a puny little girl. Your brother doesn't belong here."

A harsh smile broke over my face as I stepped closer to him. His impressive height did nothing to faze me. He had threatened to beat up my brother, a twelve-year old kid, because he wasn't a skater. I would show no mercy.

"Are you sure you're the one who doesn't belong? I challenge you to a beef. If you can't even win against me, then you're clearly all bark and no bite."
"Silly little girl. You're going down, Rose."
"We'll see about that. Let's see...loser never sets foot here again."
"What?! H-hey Cherry, that's ridiculous, isn't it?" he said, looking towards the pink-haired male for help.

Cherry simply shrugged in an 'I don't care' manner, only inciting Kai further. Reki glanced worriedly at me, clearly concerned about my bruises. I smiled.

"Yuu, you're gonna go get some medical attention with Reki while I kick this guy's ass."

Langa's POV

Ayaka happily led me around expensive department stores, pointing to different clothing and accessories she thought were cute. I nodded along, my thoughts always drifting back to (Y/n), wondering what she was doing at this time.

"Ne Langa, are you bored?" she asked.
"I'm fine."
"Did you want to do something else?"
"Whatever you want is fine."
"Alright then. Let's go to my place. We can watch a movie."

I was suddenly reminded of the time I had taken (Y/n) home, where she was snuggled under a myriad of pillows and blankets while we viewed a movie she had chosen. I was reminded of how she had fallen asleep on my shoulder, of how fast my heart was beating.

Ayaka tentatively reached for my hand, her soft fingers barely gripping onto mine. I didn't return the gesture nor did I pull away. She took that as a positive sign and tightened her hold. It felt slightly odd to have her holding my hand, completely unlike when I held (Y/n)'s.

I felt safe and warm when (Y/n) was near, though an undercurrent of electric intensity buzzed underneath. She was like life itself. I wondered when I had come to need her as much as I did now.

A tug on my hand released me from my thoughts as I realised Ayaka had done so subconsciously. She was cold. I offered her my jacket, which she refused at first. A frown tugged at my lips. I wasn't particularly fond of her; however, I wasn't fine with seeing her freeze to death either.

"I don't want you to be cold," she exclaimed.
"I'm used to the cold."

She seemed satisfied with my answer and took the jacket from my hand. We walked in silence the rest of the way to her house, though it wasn't awkward nor uncomfortable.

My eyes widened upon seeing the mansion she lived in. There were three storeys, with the house built in an extravagantly modern style. The front yard seemed to be able to fit a small house on both sides of the driveway.

Ayaka pushed the door open and gestured for me to follow her. If I hadn't known any better, I would have thought this was a five-star hotel. She stopped in front of what I assumed to be the dining room, though it did appear three times as big as my entire apartment.

"Ayaka, you're home awfully late," commented an older man who shared the same eyes as her.
"I'm sorry, father," was her short reply.

Her sister, Ruka, smirked as she laid her eyes on me whilst their father didn't so much as spare me a second glance. Ayaka bid them goodnight before continuing to lead me around. I stared at her, wondering why her relationship with her father was so distant.

"This is my room," she said.

I stepped inside. It was as if a fairy tale princess's castle had been brought to life. Her room was a work of art itself with the gold and white colour scheme, luxurious furniture and king-sized bed, not to mention the floor-to-ceiling windows mixing in with this traditional luxury.

I couldn't find myself relaxing, however. This wasn't warm. This wasn't...(Y/n). I gripped my skateboard tightly. Ayaka offered a small smile. I didn't say anything.

"You're welcome to set that down. Sit anywhere you like," she exclaimed.
"What movie do you want to watch?"
"Anything is fine."

She cocked her head to the side before a melodious laugh passed her lips.

"You really don't offer much opinion, do you? Or are you just being polite?" she asked.
"No comment."
"*laughs* I'm liking you more and more."

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