Chapter 96

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(Y/n)'s POV

Reki's skating had improved. My own feet were itching to skate too though said redhead had 'forbidden' me from doing so until my injuries were better. A sigh escaped my lips, knowing I'd be more prone to accidents in this state.

Ryota zoomed past, narrowly avoiding my feet. I glared at the smirking male, who flashed a flirtatious wink and performed an air. He followed with other tricks and skills but there was one in particular that had caught my eye.

His form was flawless as he spun in the air, much like past moves I had done. Had he learnt that simply from watching me? He caught me staring before a large yet sheepish grin stretched his mouth.

"You copied my move."
"I only learn from the best," Ryota exclaimed.
"Heh, is the almighty Ryota admitting I'm better than him?"
"Yeah right, princess. Simply acknowledging a worthy opponent."
"Guys, someone's here to see us," Reki called.

We turned to see Sumiko waving at us from an expensive-looking car. She smiled, gesturing for us to go over. Reki picked up my things before we walked over just as her chauffeur opened the door for us.

"Come on, get in," she said.

The three of us hesitantly climbed in, with me sitting beside Sumiko and the boys across from us. The scent of new leather and citrus was strong, the smooth rubbery texture of the finest quality.

It was spacious inside, with a compartment for holding drinks. Ryota and Reki subtly gawked at the interior as I sighed. Sumiko let out a small giggle, pulling out a few drinks for us.

"I have a favour to ask of you," she exclaimed.
"What is it?"
"I'm running a short campaign. I'm advertising a trending cosmetics brand and I'm in need of some models."
"Models? I'm sure you can just hire some."
"Darling, I need the sharpness and youth of teenagers like you. You all emit a sense of roguish charm."
"All? You want us as well?" Reki asked, dumbfounded.
"Yes, if you're willing to help me."
"And me as well?" questioned Ryota.
"You're a friend of (Y/n)'s? I'll need you too. We certainly can't let those good looks go to waste."
"I'm flattered that you think I'm handsome."
"Sweetheart, I know you think yourself attractive. No need for the modesty."

He offered a boyish grin to which she simply giggled. She then turned to me, a hopeful expression caressing her face. I gave a nod, smiling once her contagious happiness seeped into the air around us.

She motioned for the chauffeur to start driving. I relaxed as a comfortable silence took over the chatter, feeling my eyelids grow heavy. Sumiko reached over to give my hand a gentle squeeze, as if telling me everything'd be fine.

~At the studio~

I stood to the side with Reki and Ryota whilst the staff buzzed around like bees hurrying to please their queen. The place, although frenzied, was aesthetic and chic, much like Sumiko herself. A small smile graced my face.

"Wonder how this'll turn out," Reki exclaimed.
"Did Sumiko give you a brief of the job on the way here?"
"Sorta, she said all I had to do was listen to the director. Also, the theme is centred around fairy tales but with a rebellious twist."
"You sure know a lot of people," commented Ryota.
"*sigh* Even I'm amazed I know someone like her," I replied.

A young girl with silver hair gestured for us to get changed into the outfits they had prepared for us. I slipped into the change room and inspected the clothes laid out over the seat. A (f/c) cropped top and checkered miniskirt along with fishnet stockings. There was also a cape.

After changing, I was immediately ushered to the makeup station, where Reki and Ryota were already seated. Reki seemed uncomfortable with the makeup artists dabbing product onto his face though Ryota appeared as if he couldn't give a damn.

Sumiko walked over with a beaming smile on her face, delight lighting up her bright eyes. Her gaze swept over our outfits and makeup before she nodded in approval.

"You all look stunning. You'll love how the photos turn out," she exclaimed.
"This won't take forever, right?" Reki asked, pouting when the makeup artist turned his head back.
"Hmm, I don't know. It could, depending on how well you pose I guess."
"*laughs* I'm just kidding. You're so fun to tease. Your friend over there seems to be doing quite well."
"I'm just holding it in," Ryota replied.

We were soon lead over to begin our first, and hopefully last, photoshoot. Ryota was called on first, where they handed him a few cosmetic items to hold whilst they took the photos.

His poses and expressions were surprisingly good, better than what one'd expect from a ruthless mercenary. He then flashed a wink my way, as if sensing the fact that I had been thinking about him.

I rolled my eyes before a young male walked towards me with my skateboard in hand. He smiled shyly, asking if it would be possible to get a few shots of me performing a few tricks.

"Reki'd probably be better suited for that. He can do more. My wrist isn't exactly in top shape."
"We were planning to have him go on with your other friend. They want you to do it. It doesn't matter how simple the move is," he exclaimed.

The boy appeared both hopeful and terrified that he had somehow offended me. I eventually smiled and accepted. He happily handed me my skateboard and gestured for me to head to where his coworkers had other cameras set up.

I immediately began as if it was second nature, utilising the makeshift ledges and obstacles they had scattered around the area to perform simple tricks. Though I knew they only required a few shots, the time passed too quickly and my meagre skate session was over.

"Reki, watch out!"

Ryota's yell had all the heads turning. An overhead light had begun to fall and Reki was standing directly underneath it.

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