Chapter 47

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Why are you coming along too?"
"I have nothing better to do," replied Jun.

Yuu, Jun and I were currently at a department store, the two supposedly helping me choose a dress for that inevitably terrible prom festival Ruka had 'invited' me to.

I hadn't planned on deciding so soon. However, my parents appeared overjoyed at the prospect of my attending a prom-like celebration, and with no choice but to quietly acquiesce, I had taken Yuu with me.

"What about this?" Jun asked as he held out a tight-fitting crimson dress.
"Or this?" Yuu suggested while picking out a navy blue dress that flared out at the bottom.
"Are you picking a dress for a special event?" asked the worker.
"Yeah, it's for a prom."
"Are you two going together?" she gestured towards Jun.

His cheeks flushed slightly pink. I elbowed him before politely telling her I was attending with another friend. Yuu snickered, hurriedly covering it with a conspicuously fake cough when the lady looked curiously at him.

She proceeded to present various other dresses, all exquisitely elegant and differing in both style and colour. Presented with so many options, I was at a loss of which to choose.

"This one'll match with your eyes so well," she commented.
"Hey (Y/n), what about this one?" Yuu asked innocently.

He pointed to an enormous bright green dress that had a skirt which could fit at least two of me inside. An unconventionally large collar also adorned the bodice. I glared at my brother, who began laughing.

"That's our newest style. Would you like to try it on?" asked the worker.
"N-no, thank you."
"Sorry I'm late," Cherry apologised as he waltzed into the store.
"You mean sorry we're late," added Joe.
"No, I was already planning on coming here. You simply tagged along for the fun of it."
"Yeah yeah, whatever."

Jun shot me a question within his eyes, but I couldn't provide an answer. I hadn't told Cherry about my dress shopping nor had I invited anyone else along. He pulled me forward, flashing a polite smile at the lady.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered.
"Helping you with this. I'm not going to see her ruin you like this," Cherry exclaimed.
"Wow thanks for having so much trust in me."
"Kaoru's just worried. So am I. Ruka's dad is powerful. Come on, we're gonna make you into the prettiest girl there," Joe said.
"Meaning you guys don't think she's already pretty?" Jun joked.
"This rascal."

Joe pulled him in for a headlock as I cracked a smile. The lady watched, all the while sporting a warm-hearted expression. Cherry held a sparkling royal blue dress against my body, peering at the thing as if it could telepathically tell him what would suit me best.

"Try this on. And these as well," he exclaimed while handing me at least five others.
"*sigh* I wouldn't be surprised if you made me try on everything in the store."

~Some time later~

In the end, we had gotten the first dress Cherry had picked out. It had a low v-neck with elegant off-shoulder straps and a bodice that clung to my curves. The skirt of the dress was like liquid metal, seemingly flowing yet also akin to a tight-fitting style with a slit up the side. Gems were sewn on to add to its beauty.

I tugged at Cherry's sleeve as the others walked on ahead. He glanced at me, raising an eyebrow in question. The dress was in the bag I was holding, along with shoes we had chosen and matching jewellery.

"How much was all this?"
"That's not something for you to worry about," he replied.
"Che- Kaoru, it was a lot. Don't think I don't know. How much was it? I'll pay you back."
"Can you even pay me back?"

I bit my tongue, knowing that no matter what I said, it didn't change the fact that I would've needed to ask my parents for money. Seeing as how I was struggling to reply, he offered a soft smile.

"It's the least I can do for you," he said.
"I'll pay you back for this."
"Then make sure Ruka knows to never threaten you again. As your uncle's niece, you should be able to do that much."
"...thank you."
"Your uncle did a lot for us. I'm just repaying the favour."

Joe waved us over before I could get in a reply. Cherry seemed content to leave it at that however, and ushered me along. I realised they intended to go practise skating. A small smile graced my face.

Yuu entered a bickering conversation with Cherry as Joe poked fun at their skit. Jun slowed to keep me company. I took his hand and began swinging our arms. He didn't seem to mind.

"Wanna try skateboarding?"
"No," was his quick reply.
"Why not? Scared you'll embarrass yourself?"
"I'm afraid I'll be too good and steal the spotlight from you."
"What good timing. I needed a break."
"Ah damn."

I laughed, dodging a half-hearted punch from him. He readied himself for a fight, clearly playing around until Joe pushed a skateboard in between us. He pushed it towards Jun, who hurriedly grabbed it least it fell to the ground.

"Come on, give it a try," exclaimed Joe.

Miya came rushing in on his skateboard at that moment, making Jun stumble back as he landed a simple kickflip in front of him. Yuu smiled as his friend joined us, the two immediately heading off to some far corner after waving goodbye at us.

"Want me to hold your hand?"
"No, I've got this," Jun said.

He stood on the skateboard, managing to balance and stand properly within seconds. Joe whistled whilst Cherry questioned whether it was his first time trying it out. I looked over too, curious about his answer.

"Yeah, it's my first time."
"Damn, and I thought you were gonna be a total rag doll."
"Wow (Y/n), very funny."
"Let's go, Rose. We're here to help you," Cherry announced.
"Help me?"
"One'd have to be as dense as a rock to not know about the beef you have against Adam. We're gonna help you win."

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