Chapter 83

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(Y/n)'s POV

Reki, Yuu and I headed into the large mansion, escorted by a few of the security guards stationed around the area. Ryota and Ria had left as soon as they had deposited us at the entrance.

We were shown to a living room of sorts, though it appeared more like an enormous yet cosily luxurious waiting room for guests. Reki's mouth hung open upon laying eyes on the expensive furniture and thousand dollar, possibly million dollar, art.

"Damn, she lives like an actual princess," Reki commented.
"Maybe because I am a princess."

We turned at the sound of the voice, watching Ruka walk in with the grace of a professional ballerina. She sported a malevolent smile and moved towards the plush yet elegant sofa, pouring herself a hot cup of tea.

The three of us shared cautious looks before joining her, slumping into the sofa opposite her, much to her irritation. She was the grace and elegance of a beautiful swan whilst I harboured the fire and intensity of a solitary wolf.

"So? I'm assuming you didn't bring us here to sip tea and act like self-centred millionaires."
"I did call you here for a reason. Don't rush me, I'm enjoying my tea. Surely you'll cut me some slack before you kill me like you killed both our brothers?" she replied, dripping honey-laced poison with her words.
"Your memories must be distorted. My sister would never hurt Luke," Yuu exclaimed.
"Oh, is that right?"

We entered a tense silence, boldly glaring at each other through the quietness. A maid entered, pushing a cart of sweets and snacks so petite and artfully made that it seemed a waste to eat them. She politely ignored our silence, placing the food down before taking her leave.

"My sister is having trouble winning over your friend," Ruka started.
"That's none of our concern," Reki shot back.
"Even if I threaten to hurt those he loved?"

The colour drained from my face. She smirked, knowing what she was doing. She had threatened to harm both my family and Langa's mum, and she was using the exact same threat to get yet another thing she desired.

"I'm surprised someone as heartless as you actually cares about your sibling," commented Yuu.
"Unlike a certain someone, I do love my sibling. I can't imagine how much it must have hurt your brother, knowing that his own sister had a hand in his death," Ruka said innocently.
"You know nothing about what happened that night," Reki seethed.
"(Y/n) was stubborn and reckless but above all, she was a childish idiot. Did her brother not beg for her to stop? To turn back? Did she even think about my brother?"
"Reki, don't bother."
"Ne, would you still be on her side if I harm your family too? They'll be hurt and it'll all be (Y/n)'s fault."

The next few moments happened like lightning. I had lunged over the table, not caring that I had knocked over the rare porcelain pieces and sweet snacks. A fork was in my hand, which I pressed against Ruka's throat.

Both Reki and Yuu stood up, worried that I would make a regrettable choice. Ruka laughed, finding it amusing that the mere mention of harming Reki's family had awoken a feral anger within me.

"Aren't you gonna kill me?" she mocked.
"Careful, you wouldn't want to provoke me. You threaten my friends one more time and I'll gladly end your life."

Guards rushed in, pulling me away from Ruka and tackling me to the floor. Another two restrained Reki and Yuu as they fought to rush to my side, yelling at the guards to let me go. Ruka smirked before sculpting her expression into one of fear and confusion.

"S-she tried to hurt me. I-I only asked how she felt about my sister dating her friend. I guess she l-likes him too but got jealous because he seems to like Ayaka," Ruka exclaimed in a shaky voice.
"(Y/n), is that true?"

I managed to turn my head, recognition flashing before my eyes. Dad was here, in Ruka's home, standing beside Ruka's father. His expression was as hard as stone yet a glimmer of hope kindled in his gaze, mixed with an anger at seeing me trapped beneath a guard.

"Don't believe her! She's lying! (Y/n) only did that because your trash of a daughter threatened to hurt my family," Reki spat, aiming his anger at the man who had raised his daughter to become the twisted creature she was.
"My daughter is innocent. Why should we believe a brat like you? You're clearly biased, seeing as how you're friends with (Y/n)," replied her father.
"Please unhand my daughter," dad said.
"N-no! She'll hurt me again!" Ruka cried.
"Dad, (Y/n) only did that to protect Reki. Don't believe them. Their family is twisted and cruel. They only want to get rid of her!" Yuu exclaimed.

Dad clenched his fists, his mouth drawn into a thin line. Reki continued to struggle against the guards holding him in place whilst Yuu locked gazes with our father, both pleading him to believe and daring him to abandon his only daughter.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble these kids have given you. What can I do to make up for it?" dad asked, his voice quiet.
"Why are you apologising-"
"You have failed to raise your daughter. She's grown up to be a mere brat," Ruka's father said.
"My daughter is not a brat. She was only defending her friends and I can't fault her for that. I understand that it may have caused some trouble so I'm willing to make up for it."
"Then call the police! Have them determine what punishment she should face," Ruka announced.

Silence filled the room. Thoughts twirled and fought their way through. Yuu and Reki had looks of shock and anger plastered onto their faces. My gaze cut to dad's, who seemed to barely resist shouting at Ruka and her father.

"You can't do that," Reki begged.

Suddenly, a figure walked into the room and all the colour drained from Ruka's face.

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