Chapter 14

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(Y/n)'s POV

My mind was blank...all I could do was skate faster; faster than the wind, faster than the mighty currents swirling the waves of the ocean. Everything vanished into nothing. I didn't want to think.

"(Y/n), I think you just broke one of your records!" Reki exclaimed.
"Her records?" Langa questioned.

I executed a backside railslide at the skate park, needing the thrill of the movement. My heart lacked the excitement; the rapid reaction. I slowed yet felt the conspicuous urge to find a stabiliser.

Reki's worried smile transformed into that of a more pronounced fear. I was heading straight toward him, before my body crashed into his. I leaned my face against his shoulder as he stilled. My breathing calmed listening to his steady heartbeat.

"You broke your record," he said.
"My record?"
"That was fastest you've skated...or at least that I've seen of you in the many years I've known you."
" kept track?"
"Who do think I am? Of course I did."

My heart was warm, so warm it felt like bursting. I hadn't known. I stopped paying attention when Luke passed away...when he was no longer skating by my side. My arms came to wrap around Reki's body.

"(Y/n), come on. Langa and I are here for you."
"*gasp* Your beef with Adam! Dammit Reki, you were trying to make me forget, weren't you? We're training. You too, Langa. That's why I was mad in the first place."

I immediately stood up, grabbing my skateboard as I did so. The two of them simply grinned and followed, knowing they'd ridden me of the anger plaguing my heart.

Miya suddenly came by and thrusted a list of exercises at Reki. Langa and I came around to look before I erupted in a volcano of giggles as Langa cocked a small smile.

"What is this? Are you making him enter the Olympics or something?"
"He's up against Adam. Winning by normal means isn't possible," Miya replied.
"Fifty push-ups, fifty sit-ups, thirty crunches..." Langa began reading.
"Oi, I'm not a superhuman!" Reki yelled.

A large grin tugged at the corners of my lips. Langa touched my arm, his fingers almost feather-light like an extension of the wind. Goosebumps arose across my skin, spreading like wildfire.

"You're also skating against Ruka," he said.
"There's no need to worry about her," Reki replied.
"I wouldn't be so sure," exclaimed Miya.
"Why not?" asked Reki.
"Have you seen her skating? It's almost like dance fighting."
"So what? (Y/n)'s gonna beat her ass."
"She actually came looking for me."

The three of us turned to stare at Miya.

"She asked if I knew your weakness."
"So what did you answer with?" Langa asked.
"I didn't want to tell her and I was flustered because she had all her guards and everything, so I just said you get nervous if people get too close and you're bad at airs."
"Is that true?" Langa questioned me.
" an extent, yes."
"It's not noticeable though," added Reki.
"Yeah, even I had trouble picking up on your weaknesses," said Miya.
"But you can still win," Langa exclaimed.
"Of course she can. Who do you think she is? Her uncle was thought to be on par with Adam...if not..." Miya replied, slowly cutting off.
"His skater name was Hades," Reki said, conveniently continuing.

Memories flooded my mind, drowning my vision. Luke's carefree grin, uncle's mischievous smile. Everyone's happiness...then I suddenly remembered Ruka's brother, Kanato. He was a brilliant skater too...he taught Ruka just like how Luke taught me...

"...Ruka is gonna be a tough opponent."
"Why?" Langa asked.
"Oh right. Her brother quickly climbed the ranks of S and became one of the best skaters around, aside from the founding members," Reki exclaimed.
"Whereas my brother never actively participated."
"That's right. He- ugh you know what? Let's just go practice. Hang on, I'm getting a call from Manager Oka."

Three pairs of eyes watched the red-haired male as he answered the phone. His energetic smile transformed into an irritated frown. He was sighing the next minute, beginning to pack up his things.

"We have to go to our shift," Reki told Langa.
"See you guys later."
"See ya, (Y/n)."

Reki and Langa headed separate ways from Miya and I. I immediately hopped on my skateboard, indirectly making the dark-haired male follow. We were speeding across the busy streets, feeling the wind's cool caress against our skin.

The world blurred around us, the board beneath our feet our only connection to the real world. Miya wasn't a national champion just for show. His skills were flawless, his speed acutely accurate as he kept up with the skating I had subconsciously imbued with my gymnast abilities.

The store entered my vision as my riding slowed. We stopped at the entrance. Miya raised his delicate eyebrow before pushing the door open. The staff greeted me as I travelled to the third floor, earning a look of surprise from the skater beside me.

"My father owns this place."
"Eh?! I've been here a few times and all this time I never knew," Miya replied.
"Heh, well now you know."
"What are we doing here anyway?"
"I think my brother's here. I need to ask him for a favour."
"Your brother?"

Yuu was at the far end of the shop, sipping on his milkshake with his eyes glued to the iPad in front of him. My fingers came to poke his cheek once I took the seat to his right. Miya dumped himself in the seat across from him.

"Yo (Y/n), I have an idea. I heard that Reki's- did you bring the Miya?"
"Hey, nice to meetcha. My name's Yu-"
"Shut it, sis."
"What?" Miya asked.
"His name's Yuri but call him Yuu."
"Tch, anyway, I already know who you are, Miya. I actually designed something for you before."
"You did?"
"Yep. You asked me to fix your gaming console? I also added a few upgraded features."
"'re YuNeko001?"

A cheeky grin graced my face. It seemed that Miya had ordered something from my brother via social media, and only now did he know his true identity.

"I thought you were older," Miya commented.
"I'm just a genius," Yuu replied.
"That's...seriously cool."
"Yuu, I have a request. It's about Reki's beef against Adam."

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