Chapter 77

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(Y/n)'s POV

Reki arrived in what felt like hours, though only minutes had passed. In the meantime, I had become a pathetic mess of a human being. Trembles shook my body like an erupting volcano, tears flowed from my eyes like an endless river.

My breathing had become increasingly short and static, leaving Miya with a feeling of helplessness as he attempted to help though it was clear he was panicked and flustered. I didn't blame him. Even I would panic at the sight of me.

Memories flooded my brain, drowning my body in guilt. Sadness and regret swirled into a poisonous concoction, anger and despair mixing into its vulgar nature. I saw Luke's bloodied body, swiftly turning into Langa's heartbroken face.

Warm arms wrapped around me, pulling me close. I buried my face against the crook of Reki's neck, letting the sobs overtake me. He immediately began rubbing my back, never letting me go. I hated how weak and pathetic I was. I hated how fragile I had become.

"What happened?" Reki asked Miya.
"Some gang retards came with guns, forced her to hold one. Did the usual with the threatening," he replied.
"What's gotten her this bad? She hasn't gotten like this since..."
"They were bullying Langa, threatened to kill his mum. Also threatened Yuu. They threw a random guy in front of her, all beaten up and nearly dead," Miya lied smoothly.

Reki cursed under his breath. Shivers made goosebumps appear on my skin. Tears stained my cheeks, transferring to Reki's skin and clothes. I was shaking and breathing unnaturally fast.

He whispered into my ear, rubbing circles around my back. I felt him pull me onto his lap as he spoke of happy memories and soothing thoughts. I let his voice drown out the pain, clutching onto the calmness he offered.

"Remember when we went fishing with Yuu? He had somehow managed to catch the most fish with his new invention, though it malfunctioned and let the fish all go," Reki whispered.

I choked on a sob.

"Sshh, it's alright. I'm not letting you go."

My crying had calmed down a little though my body was still shaking and trembling. He continued to rub my back as his other hand tangled in my hair to keep my face hidden in the folds of clothing.

"That one Christmas, your dad insisted on wearing those godforsaken ugly sweaters. I don't even wanna know where he got that horrendous neon pink one for me."

Reki's POV

(Y/n)'s trembling hadn't yet stopped. I only tightened my grasp, whispering reassurances and sweet things. I didn't stop and didn't loosen my grip, not even when she cried herself to sleep. My thoughts were in tatters. Who the hell did this to her?

"Ruka paid those gangsters," Miya exclaimed, having read the look on my face.
"Of course she did, it's always her."
"...will (Y/n) be okay?"
"Yeah, don't worry. I've got her."

I only then realised how distraught Miya appeared. Although he stood casually, if not slightly on edge, his eyes constantly trailed back to (Y/n)'s sleeping form, portraying a deep fear that she might have been hurt permanently. He really cared for her.

"I'm taking her home. You should head back too."
"Alright. Look after her. If you don't, I'm demoting you from slime to inconsequential dust," he replied.

~At Reki's place~

Once I had arrived home with (Y/n) in my arms, mum had rushed over and frantically fussed over her despite my trying to simply get her to my room. Eventually, Koyomi had to help and told me that I owed her one.

I tugged the blanket over (Y/n)'s body when it fell loose, watching her turn in her sleep. The worry overtaking me was overwhelming. The last time she had gotten this shaken was when Luke had passed away.

A shaky breath left my lips. Langa hadn't answered my call nor replied to any of my texts. Normally, he'd have rushed over as soon as possible. I knew that he cared for her, and I suspected that he liked her. Where was he?


I immediately grabbed (Y/n)'s hand as her eyes fluttered open. Tears flooded her vision though she was quick to blink them back. I offered an encouraging smile and pulled her into a hug. She shook against me, her arms wrapping tightly around my waist.

"You idiot, don't worry me like that again."
"I'm sorry," she whispered.
"Don't apologise-"
"Reki, you've got a visitor!" mum called.

Shooting (Y/n) an apologetic look, I hurried outside to see Cherry standing at the front door. Mum was currently chatting away to him, eager that the famous AI calligrapher had come to our house unannounced.

He politely answered all her questions until his gaze landed on me. I opened my mouth, about to ask why he had come but he hurried over and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Ah, I need to talk to you and (Y/n). The thing I agreed to help you two with, I've come to discuss that," he exclaimed.
"Uhh okay, sure."
"Sorry ma'am, I'm afraid we'll have to talk some other time."
"Don't worry, I hope my son isn't troubling you too much."
"Oh, he's no trouble at all," he replied while eyeing me.

We were in my room in no time at all, where (Y/n) had pulled my blanket over her head. Cherry peeled it back to see her staring blankly into space. Her eyes were red and puffy. She was subconsciously biting her lip as her mind swirled to a place we couldn't enter.

"I heard from Miya. I came to check up on you," Cherry exclaimed.
"I'm fine," was her short, stoic reply.
"Clearly you're not. Where's my card?"

She pulled out a credit card and handed it over.

"Dude, that's all you care about?"
"No, come on. Both of you."
"Like you said, (Y/n)'s clearly not okay. Where would she go in a state like this?"
"That is exactly why I'm taking her out."
"Reki, it's fine," (Y/n) said quietly.

She left to go wash her face. As soon as she was out of the room, I turned to stare at Cherry. He knew (Y/n), he had known her for almost as long as I had. I clenched my fists, hating that I had no idea what he was planning.

" helped her last time. I wasn't there. I was too busy, I didn't bother to make sure she was okay. Then time flew by and her uncle passed away. I'm not sure of what happened exactly because Miya was very vague about the details but I'm not making the same mistake again," he finally relented.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing, it's just that the Cherry Blossom is getting all worried about (Y/n), so much that he'd abandon his work to come here to take her out."
"Did you think I was a heartless jerk?"
"*clears throat* N-no, who said that?"
"*sigh* I'm looking after a bunch of idiotic brats. I should be getting paid for this."

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