Chapter 118

152 9 2

(Y/n)'s POV

Cool, night air hit my skin like sharp knives, making goosebumps appear on my injured skin. Bruises lined my arms and sides, cuts dried and crusty on my legs and back. A fresh cut just below my lips oozed out a trail of blood.

It had taken a while to break out of my bindings and in that time, the boys had taken the pleasure to beat me to their heart's content. Of course, I hadn't left them unscathed. They were most likely crying to their mums now.

I hugged my arms, mindful of my tattered clothing and the pain throbbing through my body. There was a sudden breeze, the chilly wind biting my skin. I sneezed, looking down as I walked, wishing I could simply teleport home.

It wasn't until a few minutes that I came face to face with Langa and Ayaka. I immediately straightened my posture, donning a nonchalant expression as I stared at them head-on. She would get no satisfaction seeing me cower like a frightened chicken.

"What happened to you?" Langa asked, his voice strained.
"I was skateboarding, you know the usual."
"Tell me the truth."
"I don't know what you want me to say. That I was sparring with Jun? That I met a bunch of drunk gangsters?"
"...did Ruka do this?"

I turned away, certain he'd see the truth in my eyes.

"Ayaka, we're done," Langa whispered.

Both she and I stared at the blue-haired male in shock. To her credit, she broke out of her trance first, and immediately began questioning her boyfriend's words. All I could do was watch, numb as I was, with exhaustion and pain powering my blood.

"What do you mean? You can't-" she panicked.
"Yes, I can. Did you ask me out on a date just so your sister could torture (Y/n) in the meantime?" questioned Langa.
"No, I swear I didn't know! I-"
"Ayaka, I can't do this anymore. I don't like you, I never did. I just...want to go back to (Y/n)."
"But she lied to you! She killed her own brother! She's a murderer!"
"No...I was just too blinded to see the truth."
"Please don't come see me again."

He took my hand, interlacing our fingers like it was second nature and began walking away. Warmth spread from my hand to the rest of my body as we continued walking. A million questions swirled in my mind.

I pulled him to a stop, my gaze on our intertwined hands. Something warm dropped on my shoulders not too soon later and I realised he had draped his jacket over my body. I clutched it tight, feeling tears heating my eyes.

"Langa, why did you break up with her?"
"I didn't love her," was his simple reply.
"But you came with me when you know how I treated you. I-"
"Will you tell me the truth?" he asked gently.

He took my hand again, already leading me in the direction of my house. It wasn't long before he abruptly stopped, turning back to look at me. I tilted my head in confusion, wondering what he wanted.

"You do wanna go back home, right? Not to Reki's place?" he asked.
"Yeah, home."

Warmth spread throughout my chest. He remembered. Despite everything, he had remembered. However, it was already too late for me to go barging into Reki's place. I would have to face my mum's wrath.

We walked in a comfortable silence, nothing but the soft wind and occasional rumble of a car driving past. My wounds were throbbing but it was nothing compared to the nervousness itching up my stomach.

We stood outside my house, neither of us making a move. Wind tousled our hair, scratching at our clothes. I took a deep breath; however, before I had a chance to grab the doorknob, it flew open and mum's irritated face stared back at me from the other side.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry. I didn't mean to let her know. I was gonna open the door when you messaged but she caught me," Yuu whispered guiltily from behind.
"What have you been up to again?" mum questioned before her eyes zeroed in on my numerous injuries.

I slipped past her, keeping Langa behind me at all times. In her rage, she didn't seem to notice him.

"Where have you been?! What's all this? Think you can gain sympathy from me if you appear on my doorstep bruised and tattered?! You killed my firstborn son! I'll never forgive you! You should be grateful I'm even letting you stay here!" she screamed.

I backed up, gently steering Langa towards the stairs leading to the second floor. I kept my back to him, wanting her attention on me. Mum trailed us all the while screaming insults and lectures, hating on her only daughter for the crime of existing in her presence.

"You murderer! This household's a wreck because of you! If it wasn't for you, Luke would still be here! We'd actually be happy!"

She slapped me before slamming my bedroom door shut. I heard dad walking out from the master bedroom, trying to calm her down. Trembles overtook my body as I forced the tears back.

"(Y/n)..." Langa started.
"I'm sorry you had to see that."
"I...are you..."
"You should go. Let me get changed and I'll take you out," I whispered, not trusting myself to speak without breaking down.
"Your injuries."
"I can treat them myself. It's fine."

He immediately turned his back towards me when I pulled off his jacket. I quickly rummaged through my closet for a pair of shorts and an oversized hoodie to change into. Once I was done, I handed Langa back his jacket and gently pulled him towards the window.

I slid it open, ignoring the lingering pain from the myriad of injuries painting my skin. Langa stopped me before I could do anything more, dabbing at the blood that had begun oozing out again from a cut on my neck.

"I'm really fine. Let's go, I don't want my mum coming back and saying something that'd hurt you. Please don't hate her, she's"

Before he could reply, I hopped onto the window sill and effortlessly leaped the small distance across to the sturdy tree branch. Langa followed without another word, trailing behind me as I climbed down the ladder attached to the tree. We then heard thunder in the distance.

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