Chapter 20

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(Y/n)'s POV

Adrenaline rushed through my veins, fuelling the instinctual reflexes keeping me alive. Sweat traced the shape of my eyes, threatening to fall in. I paid it no mind, not when I had to fight against her guards.

"Come on, (Y/n). It's only a little game."
"A game? You're threatening me with my brother's life."
"It's not that big of a deal."
"Are you scared you'll lose against me? Is that why? Do you think you can frighten me off like a lion scaring off a couple birds?"
"Say another word and-"

A tall man donning a stern expression stalked through the large gates of the house we had been standing in front of. His eyes remained locked on Ruka, who stood shock still as he neared.

"Father, you're finished," she exclaimed.

Father? Where had she taken me? I had run over as soon as I received the call from Yuu asking for help. A luxurious mansion stood like a looming tower behind the gates, emitting an aura akin to that of an arrogant king.

"What were you doing, Ruka?" he asked, glancing at her guards keeping a hold on Yuu and my exhausted form.
"N-nothing," she replied.
"If this ends up damaging my reputation, you're paying for it."
"It won't, father."
"Ah Yamada-san, I hope your daughter's not causing any trouble. There are infamous rumours surrounding her social life," said a man who's voice I knew all too well.
"No, of course not. She was just having a friendly chat."
"(Y/n)-chan is an acquaintance. I hope I don't find any harm done here."
"No, there won't be. Well then. Ruka, we're leaving."

Yuu was thrust back into my arms as Ruka retreated with her father. The three of us stood in silence, watching the sleek car drive away. It wasn't until a few moments later that I finally turned to face Adam.

"So you're that politician guy."
"I have to ask that you keep that a secret if you don't want your family harmed," he exclaimed.
"Why did you help me?"
"Who wouldn't lend a hand to a young boy in trouble?"
"Cut the crap. You don't care about my brother."
"Mmm, I have a request," he said nonchalantly.
"Which is?"
"I want to skate against you."
"Then challenge me to a beef."

A melancholic smirk graced his face.

"It's not that simple, Rose. Your uncle made a last request to me before he died. He asked that I never have a beef against you, at least not until you were sure you could beat me. I honestly don't know if you can beat me so that's why I'm asking you, the person in question, to override his request."
"(Y/n), this isn't a good idea," Yuu hissed quietly.
"Tadashi, go play with the child," ordered Adam.
"My brother stays."
"If you say so. So? What'll it be? Don't forget. You owe me, my protection means a lot. Don't even think about trying to blackmail me with my identity. I have much more power than your family could ever attain."
"...let me think about it."


My fingers found Reki's, feeling his hand clasp mine. His eyes moved to glance worriedly my way but I simply removed the stressed emotions playing on my face.

Although I had a beef against Ruka, I couldn't find myself practicing tonight. Instead, Reki had suggested a walk in the city, hoping it'd calm whatever was eating at me.

The lights glowed luminously, illuminating the myriad of streets decorating the city. Cars and buses rushed past as if time was chasing their tails with not an ounce of concern for the trouble it caused.

"(Y/n), you're not okay, are you?" asked Reki.
"Is it Ruka?" Langa added.
"No, it's not important."
"(Y/n), how long have I been your friend for?"
"What are you on about, Reki? Since forever."
"Exactly. So what I'm trying to say is, you acting evasive is only going to make me more worried."

A large smile broke out on my face before an eruption of giggles escaped my mouth. The two stared at me like I had lost my mind but I couldn't care less. The weight on my shoulders felt light, almost nonexistent. Both Reki and Langa seemed to be made of magic.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat."
"I thought you'd never ask. I'm starving," said Reki.
"Anything you want to eat?" Langa asked.
"Street food?"
"You and your love for street food."
"What? Australia didn't have any of that stuff."
"Alright then, let's go."

A calming silence perfumed our small bubble with the typical sounds and noises of the city echoing throughout the area. Cars honked, lights flashed, buildings shone.

It was rare I could visit and simply waste the night away. My worries were hidden beneath the calm, Adam's request and the beef against Ruka disintegrating into a million pieces until they were needed again.

"I don't think I asked but how long have you been snowboarding for?"
"Since I was two," Langa answered.
"Eh?! That's fifteen years! Crazy mate."
"What about you? With your gymnastics."
"I started when I was like three or four. After I moved here permanently, I stopped though."

A small smile played across my lips. Memories arose, where I had watched Reki try and fail a few tricks on the playground in an attempt to teach me how fun it was to play, instead of viewing it as a chore.

I looked around only to find that Langa had disappeared. Reki shrugged his shoulders when my gaze met his. Did we somehow manage to lose him in this crowd within a matter of seconds?

Fingers touched my shoulder, where I suppressed the instinct to fight back. Langa held up a box of takoyaki, hot and steaming. Reki immediate took a piece, smiling like a child who was given their favourite candy.

"Thanks man, this is so good," Reki exclaimed.
"Oi, he offered them to me first."
"So what? I already claimed it."
"*pouts* Fine, whatever. You no longer have a free pass to my dad's cafe."
"*laughs* Reki, you're so fun to tease."

The rest of the night passed by as we danced around the bustling streets. The stars shone like iridescent diamonds, the moon no longer visible but that didn't matter to us. The illusory light of the stars twinkled to our melody in its stead.

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