Chapter 34

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(Y/n)'s POV

The cool wind rushed towards our faces, blowing gently around our bodies as the ferry moved forward, heading to our destination. The vast, illuminating sea spread out to the horizon, creating a large vortex of endless blue.

I noticed Reki staring at a girl standing a few metres away, outfitted in a simple, white dress. A smirk graced my face as I nudged his stomach, nodding my head towards the girl.

"You gonna ask her out?"
"*blush* W-what? No!" he replied, flustered.
"So those are the type of girls you like," commented Shadow.
"Why don't you go talk to her?" Miya suggested.
"Yeah, you'll have more of a chance. Don't just stare at her like a weirdo," I added.
"Huh?! I'm not a weirdo! Langa, you go talk to her," Reki whispered.
"Why me?" Langa questioned.
"Come on, just go do it."
"How do people in Japan ask others out?"

A laugh escaped my mouth before I could stop myself. A hint of a smile pulled at Langa's lips before he surreptitiously came to my side, his hand bumping into mine. He didn't seem to notice the electrical spark he sent flying across my skin.

"Did you need me for something?" the girl asked as she walked towards us.
"Ah I do a bit of skateboarding and-"
"Hello, did you call me?" she asked into the phone.

Every one of us burst into boisterous laughter as Reki blushed furiously in embarrassment. I held onto the railing as he playfully shoved me in irritation but that only caused me to laugh harder.

"Ah man, that was good."
"That was so good. He was all ready to propose to her," exclaimed Shadow.
"Stop laughing! It wasn't that funny..." Reki muttered.
"Aww, is little Reki getting embarrassed?" asked Miya.

A familiar figure suddenly caught my eye before they too noticed my presence. He had girls on either side of him, the two quite conspicuously trying to garner most of his attention.

The girls pouted as he bid them farewell and made his way over to us, a large hand coming to ruffle my hair. I shooed him away in annoyance, soothing my now tousled hair. Langa pulled my hands away, gently taking the task for himself.

"What are you doing here?"
"I'm on a holiday. You guys?" Joe replied.
"Healing," said Reki.
"Tagging along," Miya and I added.
"Babysitting," Shadow sighed.
"I'm surprised your parents let you come along," Joe commented.

A sigh left my lips, my legs losing power as I recalled the argument I had had with my mum. Langa hurriedly held my arms, with me leaning against him unexpectedly. Joe raised an eyebrow but didn't press any further on the matter.


"Hey dad, can I go somewhere with my friends?"
"Go where? On a trip?" he asked.
"Absolutely not. You're supposed to be studying," said mum.
"But mum, I've been keeping up with everything."
"Mum, she's acing every subject. Just let her go," said Yuu.
"(Y/n), I already let you play around on that skateboard of yours. Now you want to go on a trip? Get a grip."
"...mum, I know you blame me for everything. I'll make it up to you-"
"What do you know? Do you even have the right to complain?"

The front door opened as Reki stepped inside, his smile disappearing once noticing the tense atmosphere. Yuu hurried to make his way over but it was already too late. Mum had begun screaming at him, blaming him for 'influencing' me.

"It's all your fault! Please-"
"Mum, cut it out! He has nothing to do with this! Stop shouting at him!"
"Stop being a brat! Why are you always going against me?!"
"Honey, calm down. Let's go to the living room, hmm? Come on," dad exclaimed whilst giving Reki an apologetic look and leading her away.

My hand immediately found Reki's before I was running away to the park. Yuu had followed us but opted to stay near the playground, giving us the space we needed.

"Reki, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I never should've called you over."
"Hey, it's okay-"
"How can you say that?...Hate me, curse at me, leave me. Just say you hate me..."
"(Y/n), I'm your best friend and nothing will change that. Ever."

His cheek was red from where she had slapped him. A sob escaped me, knowing that mum wouldn't remember this incident, knowing that her anger was probably caused by stress...knowing that Reki would continue to get hurt because he was my friend. I pulled him into a hug, unsure of who it was really for.

~Flashback end~

In the end, mum had forgotten it ever happened so dad had tentatively approached the topic and earned her approval. He had not told me how he managed to do that, simply pushing me along to enjoy the trip.

"It's time for you to wake up," said an all-too-familiar robotic voice.

We all turned to stare at Cherry as he stretched and opened his eyes. He didn't seem too surprised by our being here, with Joe being the only exception. A confused expression marred my face.

"You're here too?" Joe asked.
"I'm here for business," replied Cherry then added, "And someone asked me for a favour."
"What favour?"
"That is none of your business."

I glanced at Reki, reminded of the harsh redness on his cheek, the tears that had stained my eyes...and his unwavering strength that had held us both afloat. He turned to offer a casual grin, dissipating the worry gnawing at my mind.

Langa nudged my arm, startling me from my thoughts. A soft smile played on my lips, aiming to dispel the question in his eyes. I touched my hair and realised he had tied it into two uneven yet tidy pigtails with the spare hair-ties I had around my wrist.

"*laughs* Thanks."
"Nice hairdo," commented Miya.

Shadow snapped a picture before I began chasing him around the deck. Eventually, I had managed to flip him over and slid onto his back, preventing him from getting up. In his camera roll, I stared at the photo. In this photo, it really looked like Langa was lovestruck.

"I like your hair," was all he said.

An eruption of giggles escaped me despite the blush creeping onto my face. Reki began laughing too, yelling at me to stop giggling. It wasn't long before the two of us were doubled over in laughter.

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