Chapter 113

171 7 1

(Y/n)'s POV

The crowds were no less chaotic, the atmosphere no less intoxicating. Skaters cheered and made bets, practised and succeeded. I skated past, high-fiving the occasional fan and flipping over obstacles.

Someone swerved around me before another came and swerved on my other side, rightening my balance before I could do so myself. The two were in hoods so that their faces were obscured though one would have to be a fool to mistake them for amateurs.

"(Y/n), over here!" Reki called.

I skated over, pulling to a stop before I had my arms around him for a quick hug.

"Everything alright?" he asked.
"Yeah, just needed some support."
"Don't worry, everything'll be fine."
"I hope so. So who are these guys?"
"Ne, you're Rose, right? You're prettier than I expected. That redhead didn't really describe your looks properly," commented a guy with light green hair and golden, catlike eyes.
"You're right, Ayato. She's pretty, ne," said another guy with the same hair yet his eyes were of a deep chocolate brown.
"T-those are the guys," Reki whisper-yelled.

The two smiled before delicately grabbing my hands and placing a kiss on my knuckles. They were the two who had swerved passed me earlier. They were twins. Someone suddenly ripped their grasps off my hands.

"Don't touch her," Ryota growled.
"Tch, the filth has appeared," exclaimed the one named Ayato, the one with molten gold for eyes.
"You always had the worst timing," added the other.
"It's me you guys have a problem with. So don't involve (Y/n) into this," Ryota argued.
"But if Rose gets hurt, it'll feel worse for you, won't it? I think this is a great deal."

He glowered at the twins.

"Kanato, she has nothing to do with us-"
"Ne Kanato, do you think Ryota has feelings for her?" asked Ayato.
"Sure seems like it. Hahaha never thought I'd see the day that Ryota fell in love," exclaimed Kanato.
"Stop spewing lies. You're confusing her," Ryota growled.
"Aww look how mad he is."
"Why do you two hate Ryota so much?" I asked.

The twins turned to stare at me before cheeky smiles graced their faces. Each one of them hugged my arms and replied simultaneously.

"That's a secret."
"Fair enough. Anyway, are you ready to start this beef?"
"Whenever you are," replied Kanato.

They dragged me over to the starting line, all sunshine and innocence until they stood in position. Their nonchalance and playfulness was replaced with determination and wit.

I took a deep breath. There was no underestimating these two. Despite their carefree attitude, their skill was of a superior level, possibly on par with Cherry and Joe.

"Don't hurt yourself," Ryota said to me.
"No promises."
"(Y/n), I'll be waiting for you at the other side," Reki exclaimed.
"Of course. I'll make it there first."

The lights flashed. I bent my knees. Within seconds, we were off. I flipped before landing on my skateboard, immediately accelerating to try gain distance over the twins. They easily kept up with my speed.

I turned at the corner without slowing down, utilising the rock to help my flip. The twins seemed to communicate telepathically for they were perfectly in sync, their actions a reflection of flawless teamwork.

Catching the glint of a blade, I immediately jumped to avoid the knife Ayato had thrown to his brother, who was on my other side. The two offered a smile within their sharp expressions.

"Ne, was it pure luck that she avoided that?" asked Ayato.
"It's skill. My blood's itching for a good fight. Rose, don't disappoint us, ne?" Kanato exclaimed.
"Do you two perform for a circus or something?"
"Oh, she noticed. How clever," commented Ayato.

I crouched low to avoid their knives and quick attacks. It wasn't long before I spotted an edge that I could jump off. Without thinking, my feet pushed off. My body flipped a few times, loving the rush of wind against my skin and the excitement bumping through my veins.

The twins weren't too far behind when I landed effortlessly. Kanato suddenly snaked an arm around my waist, pulling our bodies closer. I hid my surprise beneath a nonchalant expression, looking up at him as he was a head taller than me.

"Ne, you're really pretty. You're making me jealous," he said.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"You think I'm pretty? You should look at yourself in the mirror. You're almost too beautiful to look at."
"I'm very flattered," he exclaimed with a smile.
"That's no fair. I wanna dance with her too," whined Ayato.

Before I knew it, Ayato had snuck his hands around my waist from behind. What was with these twins? One minute they were trying to pierce me with blades and the next they were hugging me like I was a precious doll.

A large jagged boulder loomed in our path; however, the twins showed no signs of wanting to let go. I spun out of their grasp and kicked my board up, utilising my hands to flip over the giant rock.

Once I landed, Ayato immediately swerved towards me before I bent backwards and placed my hands on the ground to stabilise myself. Kanato suddenly flung three darts at me in rapid succession. I pushed onto my hands and flipped to avoid the blades.

That was when I skated off the edge though such a thing did not faze me. The twins had not followed me off, making me think their strength did not lie in airs. The abandoned factory loomed overhead. The three of us entered within seconds of each other.

"Ne Rose, can I have another dance?" Ayato asked.
"Ask me that after we're done this beef."

I kicked up and jumped onto the railing to avoid their attempt to grab me. Whilst the two were distracted with trying to hinder my movements, I dropped, grabbing a low hook to swing myself forward.

Just as they reached for me, I passed the finish line with them coming in mere seconds behind. However, I lost my balance as Ayato's hands pushed me due to his being unable to right himself fast enough. It was then that a pair of strong arms wrapped around me before my eyes were lost in a sea of ice and snow.

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