Chapter 65

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(Y/n)'s POV

Yuu's soft breathing indicated that he was fast asleep on Langa's bed. A sigh in relief escaped my mouth. He was sleeping soundly, the events from home forgotten as he travelled into his dreams. My body twisted and turned, unable to sleep.

Langa was beside me in the next pile of blankets on the ground. I turned on my side, absentmindedly staring at his face as my thoughts swirled and fought. My mind was an intricately tangled ball of yarn, preventing me from finding my sleep.

I watched as Langa turned, his breathing becoming fast and shallow. Sweat gathered on his skin as he shifted around. I hurriedly sat up, moving closer to his body. He was having a nightmare.

My hand rested on his shoulder, attempting to shake him awake. I quietly called his name, nudging him a little harder. He turned around a lot more, his body slick from sweating. I shook him one more time before he suddenly shot up, startling me.

"No!" he yelled.

My heart was pounding. He had scared me, waking up so suddenly but now worry clouded my mind. I hesitantly reached for his arm as he turned to stare at me, still trying to calm his breathing.

Again, he startled me by pulling me into a tight embrace, burying his face against my hair. I could feel his heartbeat from how tightly he was pressed against me. His body trembled as if something so horrible had happened that he couldn't believe he was back in reality.

"Thank god..." he whispered.

I stayed pressed against him and subconsciously drew patterns on his back, waiting for him to calm down. His hand untangled itself from my hair before he eventually pulled away. His breathing was still somewhat shaky, so I took his face within my hands, making him meet my gaze.

"Langa, it was just a nightmare. Everything's fine."
"You're here..." he whispered.
"Yes, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."

He reached up to touch my cheek, certain I wasn't really here until he could touch me. A heavy blush coated my cheeks as his hand cupped my cheek, his thumb stroking the area under my eye as if he were wiping away a tear.

I smiled, trying to reassure his worries before pulling him back so that we were both lying down. He buried his face against my neck, wrapping his arm around my waist as if I would disappear as soon as he let go.

His breathing was shaky, making goosebumps appear every time he blew against my skin. I played with his hair as he sighed, wanting nothing more than to ease his fear. I had never seen him so shaken and fearful. What had he seen in his dreams that had caused such a reaction?...

"You know, when I was little..."

A soft smile played on my face as I told him stories; fun adventures I had been on as a kid, somewhat embarrassing moments of my childhood, precious memories with Reki and my family.

His breathing soon evened, an indication that he had fallen asleep. I attempted to move out of his embrace though his grip was tight. Eventually, I settled to sleeping with him in my arms, allowing exhaustion to overtake me.

~The next day~

Sunlight filtered through the curtains, the light chirping of birds filling the silence. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to fall back asleep but eventually gave up, seeing as how I found it hard to sleep with a lot of light.

"You're awake?" Langa asked.

My mind was still too groggy to comprehend the situation. I buried my face against what I assumed to be a pillow before hearing a sharp intake of breath as realisation dawned on me.

We had moved in our sleep so that now, I was tucked against his side with my face buried against his chest and his arm wrapped around my waist. It felt so comfortable sleeping in his arms that I almost considered staying like this for a while longer.

I hurriedly shot up, a slight blush dusting my cheeks. He pushed himself up, his hand falling over mine. My senses were slowly returning as I blinked and stretched. Langa gave my hand a squeeze as if asking if I was okay.

"I'm sorry. You could've woken me up."
"You looked so relaxed. I didn't want to," he replied.
" long were you awake for?"
"Half an hour."
"You could've gotten up."
"I didn't want to disturb you."
"More like he was too busy staring at your face to do anything else," Yuu exclaimed as he came back into the room, eating a croissant.
"Oh, I didn't realise I was staring..." said Langa.
"Don't worry, I got plenty of pics."
"Yuu!" I called.

My face was a blushing mess. I got up, trying to snatch his phone away and missed as he hurried outside. Langa followed me to the living room, where his mum had set up the breakfast for us on the table with a note saying she had left for work and to enjoy the meal.

The doorbell rang before we got a chance to sit down. Both Yuu and Langa took their seats, looking expectantly at me. With a sigh, I went to open the door only to get knocked down as Reki attacked me with a tight hug.

"I was so worried!" he exclaimed.
"I'm fine. Now get off before I die of suffocation!"

He got off me, though he still scanned every inch of my body. I huffed as he grabbed my hand, staring intently at the bandage on my arm. Miya, who had come with him, had pinched Yuu's face between his hands and was inspecting the cut on his cheek.

"(Y/n), are you really okay?" Reki asked.
"...yeah, my dad sorted everything out. My mum's-"
"No, not your parents. You."
"I'm okay."

I smiled, trying to reassure his worries. He eventually smiled back, pulling me in for another hug that was less powerful and more comfortable. His eyes scanned everyone in the room, from Miya to Yuu to Langa and back to me.

"Guys, let's go to the new skatepark. They've just finished construction," he said.
"W-wait! Let me eat and get changed first!"

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