Chapter 42

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(Y/n)'s POV

"N-no, I just..." Langa started.
"You just?" dad prompted.
"(Y/n) was destroying her palms."
"Langa! I was not!"

I held steadfast onto his hand, preventing my dad from checking. I swerved around Langa's body, utilising it as a shield. Dad's hands were suddenly on my stomach as he began tickling.

Contagious laughter erupted from my mouth. My legs wobbled, knocking into Langa who also became unsteady. A gasp escaped me as we both began falling. I was engulfed in Langa's arms as he fell backwards.

Our descent was stopped. Joe had his hands on Langa's shoulders, heaving a great sigh. Langa still had me in an embrace, with my head resting against his chest. His heart was pounding.

The staff chuckled at our little disruption to their duties. Dad scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment, a slight dusting of pink on his nose. He made sure we had sustained no injuries before returning to his work.

"Come on, Yuu. Let's go home," Miya exclaimed.
"Look at your face. I also have homework to do. Hurry up."

Yuu was left with no choice as Miya picked up both their bags and made his way to the stairs. I yawned, leaning my weight against Langa, who still had an arm wrapped loosely around my waist.

"Are you tired?" he asked.
"Hmm? I'm fine."
"You stayed up doing your homework then decided to play games till the morning, didn't you?" Reki questioned.
"*smiles* You know me too well."
"*sigh* Don't tell me you're gonna fall asleep now..."

As if his words were made of magic, my eyelids grew heavy with exhaustion. I yawned once more before being lulled into a deep dreamless sleep, all the while wishing this warmth would last for eternity.

Reki's POV

Langa hurriedly lifted her into his arms as she casually fell asleep in the middle of a cafe. Joe gestured towards the exit, picking up (Y/n)'s bag and skateboard. I grabbed both Langa's and my own and followed him to his car.

"Were you guys planning on practicing?" he asked.
"I'll take you there."
"Really? Thanks man."

Joe opened the door for Langa, who bent down to get in, unaware that (Y/n)'s head was going to hit the side of the car. I hurriedly nudged him sideways, causing an even bigger accident where he stumbled into the door.

"Sorry! (Y/n)'s head was gonna hit the car..."
"Oh," was the only reply he gave before climbing in more carefully, seemingly unbothered that I had pushed him.

I pulled (Y/n)'s legs onto my lap, staring out the window as the scenery swept by. I grew silent as dangerous thoughts swirled around my head. Langa was already becoming unreachable...I didn't want to lose the both of them but these doubts kept clouding my mind.

(Y/n) had always been a bright light I couldn't touch, but that hit harder once the realisation that Langa would become the same star became reality. I was always getting left behind...

"Have you two always been super close with (Y/n)?" asked Joe.
"Yeah, we've been friends since we were children. Langa only became close recently though."
"Childhood friends, huh? No wonder."
"She's so comfortable with you that she would fall asleep without hesitation."
"Is it really that odd? We've shared a bed before."
"W-wait, don't misunderstand! I meant just sleeping! Sleeping!"

By now, my face had flushed as red as a tomato. Joe was smirking in the front, which only made the blush creep down to my neck. Langa was staring at our exchange, his head cocked innocently to the side.

(Y/n) shifted in her sleep. Her eyelids fluttered as a soft sigh escaped her lips. Langa stiffened when she snuggled closer to his chest, if that was any more possible considering how small this space was.

Joe parked the car when we arrived. I reached over and tickled (Y/n)'s stomach. She shifted once more, burying her face against Langa's chest. I tickled harder until eventually an eruption of giggles escaped her mouth and she was laughing contagiously.

"Well, that's one way to wake someone up," commented Joe.

He carried her out before she stretched when her feet were planted firmly on the ground. I carried all of our boards out, handing them out before we were on the way.

"Thanks guys," she said quietly.

I simply gave her hand a squeeze. Langa's cheeks blushed a light pink, although it was most likely a trick of the light. He wasn't interested in her, was he? I was left with my thoughts unanswered as (Y/n) grabbed my hand and pulled me along whilst skating.

Joe had gotten a head start, but she didn't seem to care. Her eyes searched mine worriedly, most likely concerned about what had happened at school. I offered a reassuring smile despite these doubts eating at it, trying to scratch it away. My skills were nowhere near...

"(Y/n), watch out!" Langa warned.

She returned her gaze to the front, letting go of my hand and performing a swift yet effortless jump over the boulder that blocked her path. She used her hands to flip over the top, landing smoothly on the other side.

I swerved to the side to avoid it, all the while watching as people cheered her on. Langa copied her move yet executed a high grab as opposed to her pushing off the rock.

"It's Snow!"
"Ne, are they together?"
"I really wanna see them have a beef!"

Ruka suddenly appeared, blocking Langa's path as she neared his body. His eager smile turned into a frown as she gently took his hand, smiling sweetly like a princess from a faraway land.

"Skate with me, will you?" she exclaimed.
"But..." he started.

(Y/n) glanced behind yet didn't go back. She met my gaze and tilted her head towards the crowds. Ruka's guards blended among them, each with weapons at the ready inside jackets or on belts.

I pushed forward, aiming to get around her. Ruka noticed my body before a smirk graced her face. She tilted her board to the side, knocking into mine before I could even think to move. I was crashing into the ground, aching all over.


(Y/n) rushed to my side, cradling my body in her arms.

"You damn slut. Did you think you could mess with my friends and get out of this unharmed?" (Y/n) growled in a dangerously angry tone.

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