Chapter 114

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(Y/n)'s POV

Langa broke our gaze and tightened his grip, spinning us around to avoid the twins who were somewhat arguing with each other over the loss. They both walked over, holding out their hands as if to finish this with a handshake.

I offered a smile and took their hands whilst Langa stared at something in his grip. He ripped his shirt, leaving the three of us in utter confusion, before pressing the fabric against my back. I tried to suppress the blush threatening to appear as he tied it around my waist.

"You got cut," he exclaimed.

His hand was covered in blood. My blood.

"Oops, sorry Rose," Ayato apologised.
"Nah, it's not your fault. It was a fight, you couldn't have been worrying about me."
"She's right. All the more pain this'll cause Ryota, ne?" said Kanato.
"(Y/n), that beef was awesome! Though I didn't like how they tried to use knives," Reki exclaimed as he came over.
"Snow, you came. Not even that tyrant of a girlfriend you have could keep you away, huh?" commented Joe.
"Why are you here?" I asked him.
"Miya called me over," was Langa's reply.
"Thanks for this," I said whilst gesturing towards the makeshift bandage. "I hadn't noticed."

The twins stared at the two of us, knowing smirks gracing their faces. I elbowed the two, making them double over in pain. Cherry nodded to acknowledge my presence though his eyes remained trained on the green-haired twins.

"What's wrong?"
"I checked with Carla and they're actually quite well-known in their travelling circus for their daring acrobatics and fierce skateboarding tricks," Cherry replied.
"That's interesting. Wonder how Ryota knew them."

Ayato waved me over before pulling me in for a twirl. I let out a light yell in surprise, immediately grasping his hoodie when he dipped me. I was suddenly snatched from his grasp and pulled into Ryota's arms.

"Hey! I was gonna dance with Rose. Ne Rose, you know some acrobatic tricks, don't you?" Ayato asked.
"How did you know?"
"Your skating."
"(Y/n) used to do gymnastics," Reki boasted.
"Why the hell are you showing off for her?" Joe sighed.
"We'll keep our end of the deal. No skating for a year," said Kanato.
"Wouldn't that affect your circus performance? You guys add skateboarding into your acts, right?" questioned Miya.
"We do but she won fair and square. I'm sure Master will understand, ne Ayato?"
"Right right," replied his twin.

Despite Ryota's obvious dislike for the twins, I found that I didn't mind their personalities. The two offered equally charming smiles before taking their leave after poking their tongue out at Ryota.

The black-haired male disappeared soon after, without a goodbye nor word of how he was feeling. Reki sneaked his hand into mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Cherry gestured towards him and I knew that he needed the truth, all of it...and what we intended to do.

~The next day~

The bell finally rang before everyone was rushing to pack up. Langa had left almost immediately though I couldn't blame him for his actions. Reki and I left school, hopping on our skateboards as soon as we were out of the building.

He flashed a grin and announced a race. I readily agreed and accelerated. There were quite a few cars and pedestrians, making the race there all the more challenging. I kicked my board up, jumping down a flight of stairs before Reki followed with a railslide.

We rushed past pedestrians at a crossing, swerving and jumping to avoid obstacles. I flipped over some bikes and high-fived a couple of kids who had been watching us.

That was when Ruka suddenly stepped out from behind a tree, followed by her friends. I hurriedly pulled to a stop, holding Reki's arm to stop him from colliding with them. She offered an arrogant smirk, looking the both of us up and down.

"Something you needed, your majesty?"
"Nothing much, was just wondering if you'd be willing to hang out with us for a while," she exclaimed.
"Sorry, I'm afraid I'm allergic to people like you."

She flipped her phone over and showed me a photo of Yuu sitting in dad's cafe with two of his friends. I clenched my fists, hating that she had this power over me. A victorious smile graced her face as she started walking.

Reki squeezed my hand. I squeezed right back, slowly trailing behind Ruka. Her friends glanced back at the two of us, giggling and whispering amongst themselves. I rolled my eyes at their petty behaviour.

"So I heard that Langa's been spending less time with Ayaka," Ruka started.
"That's not my business."
"Hmm? Why would you think that? Before I got him together with my sister, all he did was hang out with you and your redhead of a friend. Clearly you're trying to steal him back."
"What was that? Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the trash coming out of your mouth," Reki exclaimed.
"You're so unrefined, sidekick. Stay out of this," Ruka seethed.
"You threatened to hurt me to get (Y/n) to listen to you and your sister's selfishness. If you think I'm just gonna stay quiet and obediently back down, you're dead wrong."

Ruka stopped in her tracks, glaring at Reki as if he had done her a great offence. Her friends immediately surrounded her, pushing him back. I growled at them to stop, shoving the girls that had gotten too close.

"Hey, don't touch me! Your hands are filthy!" screamed one of her friends.

I held back a gasp as Ruka slapped me, a smirk playing on her lips. That was when two people stepped in between us, taking Ruka's arm before she could slap me again.

"Rose, what a coincidence. Who is this? Why is she hurting you?" asked Kanato.
"Ne, do we have permission to teach her a lesson? She intentionally hurt you, didn't she?" added Ayato.
"Who are these two?" Ruka asked.

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