Chapter 19

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(Y/n)'s POV

Reki met my gaze with a cheerful smile. Without wasting another second, I threw my arms around him and buried my face against his shoulder. Tears eventually escaped my eyes, wetting his hoodie.

"There's nothing wrong with my head, but they said my arm would take two weeks to heal," he exclaimed.

I trembled against him, only hiding further against his clothes when he asked for me to lift my head. A large weight lifted from my heart, freeing the blocked vessels carrying my emotions.

"(Y/n), I'm alright. I'm not going anywhere," he said softly.
"For god's sake, Reki..."
"Hey, my arm's gonna fall off if you hug me any tighter."
"...I'm so relieved..."

I hesitantly released my hold on him and smiled through the river of tears. He wiped them away, taking the pain with him, offering a soft reprieve from the sorrow stabbing my insides.

"Oi Rose, he wasn't gonna die, you know," commented Shadow.
"Shut it, you don't know anything," Miya replied.
"Well then do you know anything?"
"Guys, don't pry-"
"Nah it's fine, Reki. Family issues, I guess you could say," I cut in.
"Reki's your family is he?" asked Shadow.
"*smiles* Of course."

Reki's arm came to caress my shoulders in a soft hug, whispering a few words of reassurance before retreating to the front as we left the hospital. How did I ever become friends with him? Why did he choose to stay by my side?

My eyes trailed his body, worry etched into my mind. Subconsciously opening and closing my fists, I followed behind the group. The trees swayed slowly to the dying beat of my heart, the critters chittering to the rhythm of my memories.

A hand gingerly gripped my sleeve, catching my eye whilst the others strode ahead with the soft banter. Langa furrowed his brow, opening his mouth as if wanting to say something, a word of reassurance.

"I'm fine if that's what you're asking."
"You're not," he replied.
"Oh? What makes you say that?"
"Your stance. You got on your board after Reki left but I don't think you realised. You're skating as if it's not...exciting anymore."

I looked down only to prove his statement. I had indeed gotten on my board despite the agonisingly slow pace in which I was riding. A half-hearted laugh escaped my mouth, echoing lightly in my heart.

"Come on, Langa. I know a shortcut to the park near my place. Wanna come along?"
" two?"
"Yep, the others have already gotten on Shadow's car. Miya and I took a taxi on the way here because there wasn't enough space, remember?"

A large smile graced my face. I signalled to Yuu and received a simple affirmation. My feet slowly acquired momentum, making Langa follow behind. He moved to my side like the caress of soft winter snow, melting my insecurities into a pond of glistening water.

~A few days later~

The concrete ripped the skin of my knees, scraping apart the soft pads of my fingers. A pool of frustration swelled up in my chest, yet I made no move to get up; no move to continue.

Jun hurriedly pushed his father aside and gripped my shoulders. His eyes were steel knives as they levelled on the man who raised him. His father raised an eyebrow, with his arms folded and his expression stern.

"You didn't have to go that far," Jun exclaimed.
"She said not to hold back. I did as she said," replied his father.
"So what? You're going to kill her just like how you let mum die?"

The soft murmurs slowly died down. The tension rose like the tide of the ocean, drowning everything within reach. Joe immediately stepped in between the two whilst I grabbed Jun's arm to pull myself up, indirectly leading him away from a possible fight.

Jun's hand felt hot in mine, pulsing with the burning memories of his mother. Concern overtook my eyes as I glanced at the male beside me. I gnawed on my lip.

" I asked him for a proper fight."
"And you think I would've been okay with him beating you up like that?" he questioned.
"Beating me up?"
"No, that's not- I just..."
"I can handle myself, but thanks for the help yeah?"
"Maybe you should apologise to your father-"
"Hell no. He deserved it."

A frown marred my face. This family conflict of theirs was none of my concern. Meddling too far would spell trouble yet the worry gnawing at my mind hadn't disappeared. Rather, it had expanded.

"Yo guys," Joe said as he caught up to us.
"Is everything sorted back there?"
"Yeah, thankfully. You going to skate?"
"Get those cuts treated first. I'll be checking up on you. And you, Jun, we need to have a talk."
"Okay mum. Well, I'll get going now. See you guys later."
"(Y/n), I- no, never mind. Good luck on your beef against Ruka," replied Jun.
"*grins* Thanks."

My feet were planted on my board as soon as the last word left my mouth. The thrill of the wind helped calm the sharp stings of broken flesh, allowing me but a brief moment of blissful nothingness.

I performed small tricks every so often, travelling along the backstreets to reach my destination. A young girl suddenly crashed into my path, seemingly having fallen over a large stone.

My instincts immediately took over, leaving no room for panic. I kicked the skateboard up and executed a flip whilst grabbing the deck before landing safely a few metres away from the girl.

"Be careful, yeah?" I called as I rode away.

A hand pulled ever so softly on my arm, raising goosebumps like blowing bubbles from a soapy bath. Startled, I halted and pulled on the hand grabbing my arm, flipping them over. Their back slammed to the ground with me leaning on top, preventing them from moving.

"(Y-(Y/n), it's o-only me..." Langa exclaimed.
"Ah sorry!"

I hopped off and sheepishly offered a hand. He gratefully took it, dusting the grass from his clothes to which I took as a sign that he suffered little to no harm. A dusting of pink coated my cheeks, embarrassed to have acted out in such a way.

"What happened to your face?" he asked, his fingers lightly brushing the cut on my lip.
"...nothing serious. I just fell and tripped."
"With your gymnast skills?"
"Well, everyone can be clumsy."

My heart was pounding. I didn't know how he felt, staring into my slightly frantic eyes...but I knew one thing for sure. If this kept up, I might end up falling for him.

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