Chapter 78

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(Y/n)'s POV

Night had fallen. The twinkling of the stars was drowned out by the intoxicating illumination of the city lights. A myriad of people crowded the streets: fashionable teenagers shopping in malls, coworkers going for a late night drink, lovesick couples on romantic dates.

My heart constricted at the sight of a boy smiling lovingly at his girlfriend, their fingers intertwined, stuck in their own world. Langa and I would never be in a relationship like that...because of what I had done.

"What do you guys want for dinner?" Cherry asked.
"Ramen," Reki replied.
"I'm not hungry."
"What was that sound? Your stomach grumbling?" Cherry exclaimed, making an act of leaning down to listen.

I rolled my eyes and pushed the pink-haired male away. He simply smiled before taking the lead. Reki took my hand and pulled me along, perhaps fearing that I would disappear in this large crowd of strangers.

"Hey, look. I found you," Reki said while pointing to a tiny, ugly demon painted on the side of an arcade machine.
"I found you too," I replied while pointing to a shirtless old man with huge warts on a poster advertising medicinal cream.
"Are you saying I look old?!"

A cheeky smile tugged at my lips. Reki's face lit up upon seeing the nightmares slowly begin to fade from my eyes. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, a happy grin gracing his face as we entered a cosy ramen place.

"Didn't expect to see you guys here," said a familiar voice.

Joe waved us over, with Cherry pushing his old friend to the side to make room for himself. Reki and I sat down and began browsing the menu. There were a myriad of different flavours but despite this, I was still in a depressed state.

Reki ordered for the both of us, picking my favourite. He offered a cheeky grin once he caught my gaze. Joe had his cheek leaning against his hand as he stared at me. I raised an eyebrow, questioning his action.

"We're going to go look at some stores after this. There's something I need to get. Kaoru's gonna pay for everything so you guys make sure to pick out something too," he exclaimed.
"I did not agree to this," Cherry hissed.
"Oh wow, that means I can get that gaming console Miya was talking about," Reki added.
"No you will not!"

A giggle escaped my mouth. Reki and Joe also began laughing as Cherry grumbled and questioned why he associated with 'such idiotic ruffians who didn't care one bit about his wellbeing'.

Despite the lingering pain caused by no one but myself, I felt my heart grow lighter as its heavy locks began rusting. It was as if they had gathered angel light in their hands and were offering it to me. A small smile rested upon my lips.

No one's POV

After finishing their meal, the four headed into the bustling city streets. Reki pulled (Y/n) along to various stores and boutiques, hoping to reignite the fire in her heart. Joe and Cherry would often argue, though they deeply wished for (Y/n) to smile again.

They were in a store that sold cute accessories and stationery. (Y/n) browsed the colourful array of items before turning to face Joe when he showed her three large bows to be pinned into one's hair.

"So? What'd you think? Like them?" he asked.
"Uh yeah-"
"Great, consider this a gift."

He had already gone up to the counter to pay. (Y/n) reluctantly accepted the bag when he returned, a small frown marring her face, guilt eating at her heart. It wasn't until Reki pulled them out and stuck them in random positions in her hair that she started to smile. Cherry quickly hid his snicker behind a cough.

"Suits you perfectly," Joe commented.
"Shut up," she muttered.

It was at that moment that a couple waltzed into the store. Normally, they would have them paid no mind; however, it was those alluring blue eyes and pale blue hair that had caught (Y/n)'s attention.

"Langa, what are you doing with Ayaka?" Reki questioned.
"She asked me to hang out with her," was his reply.
"I sent you a bunch of texts. Did you not see them?"
"No, I was busy."
"Where were you? (Y/n)-"
"Ayaka was in trouble."
"So was (Y/n). What's gotten into you?"

Langa looked away from his best friend. It felt as if (Y/n)'s heart had shattered once more. He hadn't bothered to spare her a single glance, determined to pretend she didn't exist...and she couldn't blame him. Everything had been her fault.

"Reki, let's just go," she said.
"(Y/n), did something happen between you two? What-"
"Heh, nothing happened. Langa's just too nice. Come on, I wanna go get some street food," she cut in, donning a nonchalant attitude.

The girl turned a sharp look towards Ayaka before dragging Reki outside, leaving him unable to continue the conversation. Langa only then looked at her, when Joe and Cherry had exited as well, though his glance was brief, his pain everlasting.

She kept a nonchalant expression on her face, masking the hurt behind indifference. Reki decided to give his friend space, giving her hand a gentle squeeze to let her know that he'd be there whenever she wanted to talk about it.

"Oi (Y/n), you should try that," Joe exclaimed whilst pointing to where a large crowd had gathered.

The four of them moved to the front. A small obstacle course had been set up and prizes were being given to people who could get through without falling. It seemed as if no one had won anything yet.

There were fake knives one needed to dodge, a tightrope one needed to walk, and multiple cubes one needed to jump across, amongst other similarly difficult tasks.

"Any other volunteers?" called the host.

Joe pushed (Y/n) forward. She shot him a glare though it was already too late.

"Ah, a young girl! Think you can get through this impossible course and take the grand prize?"

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