broken plates

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POSTED ON: scoopsahoy


Your entire body shivered and trembled from the cold November rain. Your wet hair stuck to your face and your mascara stained lines down your cheeks. Your arms were crossed to try to conserve heat. Your shoes were stained with mud from stepping off the road on accident a few times.

You had probably walked two miles at this point, and you were close to hypothermia, so when you somehow wound back in Steve's neighborhood, you were surprised at how relieved you were.

You two had gotten into a fight earlier about school. He'd been urging you to go to college, even though you had no interest in it. You snapped when he mentioned it again, which led to a screaming match and a few broken plates on both ends.

You practically ran up to his house, taking out your keys with frozen hands. You let yourself in, kicking your shoes off on the porch, followed by your jacket. When you embraced the warm air, a shiver ran up your back.

You quietly looked around for Steve but figured he must've gone to bed. You walked into the kitchen, seeing the shattered dishware all over the floor. You swept it up carefully, dumping the pieces in the trash can.

Next, you went over to the sink and began washing the dishes that were stacked, scrubbing them as well as you could.

"Hey," a voice said behind you, making you jump.

"Jesus, you scared the shit out of me."

He walked over to you, turning the faucet off and rotating you to face him. He took the wet cloth behind you and used it to wipe the dried mascara off of your cheeks.

"And you scared me when you left."

"Yeah, well, maybe you deserved it." His eyes were kind and soft, and you sighed. "I'm sorry. I just got mad."

"It's like thirty degrees outside and you're soaked. You feel like ice." You slightly furrowed your brows at his concern. "Wanna go take a hot shower?"

You nodded. "That'd be nice."

He took your hand and led you upstairs to his bathroom, where he turned the shower on as you stripped out of your wet clothes. You stepped in first, letting out a moan as the hot water hit your cold skin.

"Feel good?" he asked as he stepped in with you.

"You have no idea."

He made you turn to look at him, and he cupped your face. "You could've gotten hypothermia," he said softly.

"I wouldn't have gotten hypothermia," you half-heartedly argued.

He sighed. "I'm really sorry. I don't mean to push."

You nodded. "I know. I'm not mad anymore. It was stupid for us to fight."

"And break plates."

"Yeah," you chuckled. "I get why you want me to go. I should've realized that."

"I just don't want you to be stuck here when you're forty and realize you haven't done anything with your life." You nodded, suppressing the comment you wanted to make about 'not doing anything with your life'. "I didn't think you'd come back."

"I didn't either. I guess I walked in a circle."

"I'm glad you did."

You smiled. "Me too."

He pulled you into a hug. Even though the two of you were nude, there was nothing sexual about this. It was one of the most romantic things that had happened between you two in a few days. You knew he felt bad, and so did you.

So you let him wash your hair, and you washed his. Laying in bed with him afterward was comforting and delicate, making you wonder how you got so lucky.

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